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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display ErrorHello,
A friend has identified the issue…he says:The plugin is directly echoing text from the DLS_Sign_Up_Sheet::display_sheet() function which is used as a shortcode, instead of returning the shortcode text.
Not sure what the fix for this is, but any help you can give would be appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display ErrorESMI – Had no idea this wasn’t acceptable, and I didn’t even know what a pastebin was. Now that you’ve made that clear, feel free to delete my above posts as I’ve figured it out on my own and linked to them below.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display Errorheader_masthead.php <div id="masthead-image-wrapper"> <?php if ( ppImg::id( 'masthead_frame' )->exists && !ppUtil::renderingMobileSite() ) { $frameImgTag = new ppImgTag( ppImg::id( 'masthead_frame' )->url, array( 'id' => 'masthead-frame' ) ); $blogWidth = ppOpt::id( 'blog_width', 'int' ); $framemaxWidth = ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'logomasthead_nav || mastheadlogo_nav' ) ? $blogWidth - ppImg::id( 'logo' )->width : $blogWidth; $frameMaxHeight = ppHelper::logoInMasthead() ? ppImg::id( 'logo' )->height : 1000000; $frameImgTag = ppGdModify::constrainImgSize( $frameImgTag, $framemaxWidth, $frameMaxHeight ); echo $frameImgTag->markup(); } ?> <div id="masthead_image" class="<?php echo $classes ?>"> <?php if ( $href && !NrUtil::isIn( 'pp-slideshow', $classes ) ) { echo NrHtml::a( $href, $img->markup() ); } else { echo $img->markup(); } ?> </div><!-- #masthead_image --> </div><!-- #masthead-image-wrapper -->
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display Errorheader_logo.php <div id="logo-wrap"> <div id="logo"> <a href="<?php echo $logo->linkurl ?>" title="<?php echo pp::site()->name ?>" rel="home" id="logo-img-a"> <img id="logo-img" src="<?php echo $logo->url ?>" <?php echo $logo->htmlAttr ?> alt="<?php echo pp::site()->name ?> logo" /> </a> <<?php echo $h1or2 ?>> <a href="<?php echo $logo->linkurl ?>" title="<?php echo pp::site()->name ?>" rel="home"><?php echo pp::site()->name ?></a> </<?php echo $h1or2 ?>> <p> <?php echo pp::site()->tagline ?> </p> </div><!-- #logo --> <?php if ( ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'pptclassic' ) ) { echo ppBlogHeader::nav(); } ?> </div><!-- #logo-wrap -->
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display Errorheader_alt_h.php <<?php echo $hTag ?> id="alt-h1"> <a href="<?php echo pp::site()->url ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( pp::site()->name ) ?>" rel="home"> <?php echo pp::site()->name ?> » <?php echo pp::site()->tagline ?> </a> </<?php echo $hTag ?>>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display Errorpostheader.php <?php class ppPostHeader { private $post; private $dateBeforeTitle; private $dateSameLineWithTitle; private $dateInMeta; public static function render( ppPost $post ) { $postHeader = new ppPostHeader( $post ); echo $postHeader->completeMarkup(); } public function completeMarkup() { return '<div class="article-header ' . ppOpt::id( 'postdate_display' ) . '" data-role="header">' . $this->dateBeforeTitle . $this->titleDiv() . $this->entryMeta() . '</div>'; } protected function __construct( ppPost $post ) { $this->post = $post; $this->setupDateProperties(); } protected function titleDiv() { $linkedTitle = NrHtml::a( $this->post->permalink(), $this->post->title(), 'title=Permalink to ' . esc_attr( $this->post->title() ) . '&rel=bookmark' ); $title = ( is_singular() || is_404() ) ? $this->post->title() : $linkedTitle; if ( !ppQuery::instance()->isGalleryQuasiPage() ) { if ( $this->editLinkBeforeTitle() ) { $title = ppUtil::ob( 'edit_post_link', 'Edit' ) . $title; } else { $title .= ppUtil::ob( 'edit_post_link', 'Edit' ); } } return '<div class="article-title-wrap">' . $this->dateSameLineWithTitle . NrHtml::h( $this->headerTagNum(), $title, 'class=article-title' ) . '</div>'; } protected function entryMeta() { if ( is_page() || is_404() || ppUtil::isEmptySearch() ) { return; } $metaElements = ''; if ( !is_search() ) { $metaElements .= $this->categoryList(); $metaElements .= $this->tagList(); $metaElements .= $this->commentCount(); } if ( $this->dateInMeta || $metaElements ) { return '<div class="article-meta article-meta-top">' . $this->dateInMeta . $metaElements . '</div>'; } } protected function dateMarkup() { return '<span class="article-date article-meta-item"> <span>' . $this->publishedDay() . ' ' . $this->publishedTime() . '</span> </span>'; } protected function publishedDay() { if ( ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'boxy' ) ) { $day = $this->post->publishedDate( 'd' ); $month = $this->post->publishedDate( 'M' ); $year = $this->post->publishedDate( 'Y' ); return "<div class='boxy-date-wrap'> <span class='boxy-month'>$month</span> <span class='boxy-day'>$day</span> <span class='boxy-year'>$year</span> </div>"; } else if ( ppOpt::test( 'dateformat', 'custom' ) ) { return $this->post->publishedDate( ppOpt::id( 'dateformat_custom' ) ); } else { return $this->post->publishedDate( ppOpt::id( 'dateformat' ) ); } } protected function publishedTime() { if ( ppOpt::test( 'show_post_published_time', 'yes' ) && !ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'boxy' ) ) { return get_the_time(); } } protected function headerTagNum() { if ( is_singular() ) { return '1'; } elseif ( !is_archive() ) { return '2'; } else { return '3'; } } protected function categoryList() { if ( ppOpt::test( 'categories_in_post_header', 'yes' ) ) { return ppHtml::categoryList(); } } protected function tagList() { if ( ppOpt::test( 'tags_in_post_header', 'yes' ) ) { return ppHtml::tagList(); } } protected function commentCount() { if ( ppOpt::test( 'comment_count_in_post_header', 'yes' ) && ppOpt::test( 'comments_enable', 'true' ) ) { return '<span class="article-header-comment-count article-meta-item">' . ucfirst( ppCommentsRenderer::countString( $this->post->commentsCount() ) ) . '</span>'; } } protected function setupDateProperties() { if ( is_page() || is_404() || ppUtil::isEmptySearch() ) { return; } if ( ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'boxy' ) ) { $this->dateBeforeTitle = $this->dateMarkup(); } else if ( ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'normal' ) ) { switch ( ppOpt::id( 'postdate_placement' ) ) { case 'above': $this->dateBeforeTitle = $this->dateMarkup(); break; case 'below': $this->dateInMeta = $this->dateMarkup(); break; case 'withtitle' : $this->dateSameLineWithTitle = $this->dateMarkup(); break; default: new ppIssue( 'Unknown "postdate_placement"' ); } } } protected function editLinkBeforeTitle() { if ( !ppOpt::test( 'post_header_align', 'right' ) ) { return false; } else if ( ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'boxy' ) ) { return true; } else if ( !ppOpt::test( 'postdate_placement', 'withtitle' ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function advancedDateCss( $selector = '.article-date span' ) { if ( ppOpt::test( 'postdate_advanced_switch', 'off' ) || ppOpt::test( 'postdate_display', 'boxy' ) ) { return; } $postdate_border_width = ppOpt::id( 'postdate_border_width' ); $postdate_border_top = ppOpt::test( 'postdate_border_top', 'on' ) ? $postdate_border_width : '0'; $postdate_border_btm = ppOpt::test( 'postdate_border_bottom', 'on' ) ? $postdate_border_width : '0'; $postdate_border_left = ppOpt::test( 'postdate_border_left', 'on' ) ? $postdate_border_width : '0'; $postdate_border_right = ppOpt::test( 'postdate_border_right', 'on' ) ? $postdate_border_width : '0'; return <<<CSS $selector { margin-right:0; border-top-width:{$postdate_border_top}px; border-bottom-width:{$postdate_border_btm}px; border-left-width:{$postdate_border_left}px; border-right-width:{$postdate_border_right}px; border-style:[~postdate_border_style]; border-color:[~postdate_border_color]; background-color:[~postdate_bg_color]; padding:[~postdate_tb_padding]px [~postdate_lr_padding]px; } CSS; } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sign-up Sheets] Display ErrorThanks for the fast reply! There is no file only named header.php but there are 4 that include header in the name. I’ll post each below:
blogheader.php <?php class ppBlogHeader { const FOR_MOBILE = true; protected static $layout; protected static $hTag; protected static $mastheadImgNum; protected static $mastheadHasOverrideImg; protected static $elements = array(); protected static $usingSubnav; protected static $subnavPlacement; public static function markup() { do_action( 'pp_pre_header' ); $markup = ''; self::$hTag = is_singular() ? 'h2' : 'h1'; if ( ppHelper::logoInMasthead() ) { $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( 1 ); $markup .= NrHtml::div( self::logo() . self::masthead(), 'id=masthead&class=sc' ); $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( 2 ); $markup .= self::nav(); $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( 3 ); } else { $orderedElements = self::orderedElements(); if ( !NrUtil::isIn( 'logo', self::$layout ) ) { $markup .= ppUtil::renderView( 'header_alt_h', array( 'hTag' => self::$hTag ), ppUtil::RETURN_VIEW ); } $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( $subNavIndex = 1 ); foreach ( $orderedElements as $element ) { if ( 'masthead' == $element && !ppHelper::skipMasthead() ) { $markup .= NrHtml::div( self::masthead(), 'id=masthead&class=sc' ); } else { $markup .= self::$element(); } $subNavIndex++; $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( $subNavIndex ); } $markup .= self::maybeAddSubNav( $subNavIndex + 1 ); } return apply_filters( 'pp_blog_header_markup', NrHtml::tag( 'header', $markup , 'class=sc' ) ); } public static function mastheadDims( $mobileWidth = null, $considerRequestingBrowser = true ) { $blogWidth = ppOpt::id( 'blog_width', 'int' ); if ( is_int( $mobileWidth ) ) { $widthConstraint = $mobileWidth; $mb_ = ppOpt::test( 'mobile_masthead_use_desktop_settings', 'false' ) ? 'mobile_' : ''; } else { $widthConstraint = $blogWidth; $mb_ = ''; } $img = self::mastheadImgTag( $mb_ ); $frameImg = ppImg::id( 'masthead_frame' ); $frameOffsetLeft = ppOpt::id( 'masthead_frame_padding_left', 'int' ); $frameOffsetRight = ppOpt::id( 'masthead_frame_padding_right', 'int' ); $frameOffsetTop = ppOpt::id( 'masthead_frame_padding_top', 'int' ); $frameOffsetBottom = ppOpt::id( 'masthead_frame_padding_bottom', 'int' ); if ( is_int( $mobileWidth ) ) { $width = $widthConstraint; $height = intval( NrUtil::constrainRectSide( $width, $img->width(), $img->height() ) ); } else if ( !ppHelper::logoInMasthead() ) { if ( !$frameImg->exists ) { $width = $widthConstraint; $height = intval( NrUtil::constrainRectSide( $width, $img->width(), $img->height() ) ); } else { $width = $blogWidth - $frameOffsetLeft - $frameOffsetRight; if ( $frameImg->width > $widthConstraint ) { $frameHeight = intval( NrUtil::constrainRectSide( $widthConstraint, $frameImg->width, $frameImg->height ) ); } else { $frameHeight = $frameImg->height; } $height = $frameHeight - $frameOffsetTop - $frameOffsetBottom; } } else if ( ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'logomasthead_nav || mastheadlogo_nav' ) ) { $logo = ppImg::id( 'logo' ); $width = $widthConstraint - $logo->width; $height = $logo->height; if ( $frameImg->exists ) { $width = $width - $frameOffsetLeft - $frameOffsetRight; $height = $height - $frameOffsetTop - $frameOffsetBottom; } } else if ( ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'mastlogohead_nav' ) ) { $width = $widthConstraint; $height = ppImg::id( 'logo' )->height; if ( $frameImg->exists ) { $width = $width - $frameOffsetLeft - $frameOffsetRight; $height = $height - $frameOffsetTop - $frameOffsetBottom; } } else { new ppIssue( 'Unexpected condition in ppBlogHeader::mastheadDims()' ); } return (object) compact( 'width', 'height' ); } public static function menuDim( $key, $dim ) { $key = NrUtil::isIn( 'secondary_', $key ) ? 'secondary_nav_menu_' : 'primary_nav_menu_'; $padding = intval( ppOpt::orVal( $key . 'link_tb_padding', round( ppOpt::id( $key . 'link_font_size' ) * 0.715, 0 ) ) ); $fontsize = ppOpt::id( $key . 'link_font_size', 'int' ); if ( $dim == 'height' ) { return intval( $fontsize + ( $padding * 2 ) ); } else if ( $dim == 'fontsize' ) { return $fontsize; } else if ( $dim == 'padding' ) { return $padding; } else { new ppIssue( 'Invalid $dim param passed to ppBlogHeader::menuDim()' ); } } protected static function maybeAddSubNav( $index ) { if ( ppOpt::test( 'secondary_nav_menu_onoff', 'off' ) ) { return ''; } if ( null === self::$usingSubnav ) { self::$usingSubnav = ppMenuUtil::menuHasItems( 'secondary_nav_menu' ); } if ( null == self::$subnavPlacement ) { self::$subnavPlacement = ppOpt::id( 'secondary_nav_menu_placement' ); } if ( self::$usingSubnav && self::$subnavPlacement == strval( $index ) ) { $menuItems = $menuItems = ppMenuUtil::menuItems( 'secondary_nav_menu' ); $menuItems = self::reorderForSplit( $menuItems, 'secondary' ); $markup = ''; $firstItemID = reset( array_keys( $menuItems ) ); $lastItemID = end( array_keys( $menuItems ) ); foreach ( $menuItems as $itemID => $children ) { $item = ppMenuUtil::menuItem( $itemID, $children ); if ( $itemID == $firstItemID ) { $item->addClass( 'first-menu-item' ); } if ( $itemID == $lastItemID ) { $item->addClass( 'last-menu-item' ); } $markup .= $item->markup(); } $markup = NrHtml::div( NrHtml::ul( $markup, 'class=secondary-nav-menu suckerfish sc' ), 'id=secondary-nav&class=sc' ); $markup .= NrHtml::div( '', 'id=secondary-nav-ajax-receptacle&class=nav-ajax-receptacle sc content-bg' ); return $markup; } else { return ''; } } private static function logo() { return ppUtil::renderView( 'header_logo', array( 'logo' => ppImg::id( 'logo' ), 'h1or2' => self::$hTag ), ppUtil::RETURN_VIEW ); } private static function reorderForSplit( $menuItems, $which ) { if ( !ppOpt::test( $which . '_nav_menu_align', 'split' ) || !ppOpt::test( $which . '_nav_menu_split_after_id' ) ) { return $menuItems; } if ( $which == 'primary' && ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'pptclassic' ) ) { return $menuItems; } $splitIndex = null; foreach ( array_keys( $menuItems ) as $index => $ID ) { if ( $ID == ppOpt::id( $which . '_nav_menu_split_after_id' ) ) { $splitIndex = $index; } } if ( $splitIndex !== null ) { $leftSide = array_slice( $menuItems, 0, $splitIndex + 1 ); $rightSide = array_reverse( array_slice( $menuItems, $splitIndex + 1, count( $menuItems ) - ( $splitIndex + 1 ) ) ); $menuItems = array_merge( $leftSide, $rightSide ); } return $menuItems; } public static function nav() { $markup = ''; if ( ppOpt::test( 'primary_nav_menu_onoff', 'off' ) ) { return $markup; } $menuItems = ppMenuUtil::menuItems( 'primary_nav_menu' ); if ( !$menuItems ) { return $markup; } $menuItems = self::reorderForSplit( $menuItems, 'primary' ); $lastItemID = end( array_keys( $menuItems ) ); $firstItemID = reset( array_keys( $menuItems ) ); foreach ( (array) $menuItems as $itemID => $children ) { $item = ppMenuUtil::menuItem( $itemID, $children ); if ( $itemID == $firstItemID ) { $item->addClass( 'first-menu-item' ); } if ( $itemID == $lastItemID ) { $item->addClass( 'last-menu-item' ); } $markup .= $item->markup(); } $markup = NrHtml::tag( 'nav', NrHtml::ul( $markup, 'class=primary-nav-menu suckerfish sc' ), 'id=primary-nav&class=sc' ); $markup .= NrHtml::div( '', 'id=primary-nav-ajax-receptacle&class=nav-ajax-receptacle sc content-bg' ); return $markup; } private static function masthead() { if ( ppHelper::skipMasthead() ) { return ''; } $max = self::mastheadDims(); $imgTag = self::mastheadImgTag(); if ( !ppOpt::test( 'headerlayout', 'logomasthead_nav || mastheadlogo_nav' ) ) { $imgTag = ppGdModify::constrainImgSize( $imgTag, $max->width, $max->height ); } $classes = 'masthead-image'; if ( self::mastheadSlideshowOnThisPage() ) { $classes .= ' pp-slideshow pp-slideshow-not-loaded autostart'; } if ( self::customFlashOnThisPage() ) { $classes .= ' custom-flash'; } if ( self::$mastheadImgNum && ppOpt::test( 'masthead_image' . self::$mastheadImgNum . '_linkurl' ) ) { $href = ppUtil::userUrl( 'masthead_image' . self::$mastheadImgNum . '_linkurl' ); } else { $href = null; } return ppUtil::renderView( 'header_masthead', array( 'img' => $imgTag, 'classes' => $classes, 'href' => $href ), ppUtil::RETURN_VIEW ); } protected function customFlashOnThisPage() { if ( !ppOpt::test( 'masthead_display', 'custom' ) ) { return false; } if ( ppOpt::test( 'masthead_modify', 'false' ) ) { return true; } if ( ppOpt::test( 'masthead_on_' . ppUtil::pageType( ppUtil::NO_ARCHIVE_TYPE ), 'modified' ) ) { return false; } return true; } public function mastheadSlideshowOnThisPage( $prefix_ = '' ) { if ( !ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}masthead_display", 'slideshow' ) ) { return false; } else if ( self::$mastheadHasOverrideImg ) { return false; } else if ( ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}masthead_modify", 'false' ) ) { return self::hasAtLeastTwoMastheadImgs( $prefix_ ); } else if ( ppHelper::logoInMasthead() && ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}masthead_on_" . ppUtil::pageType( ppUtil::NO_ARCHIVE_TYPE ), 'modified' ) ) { return false; } else if ( ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}modified_masthead_display", 'image' ) && ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}masthead_on_" . ppUtil::pageType( ppUtil::NO_ARCHIVE_TYPE ), 'modified' ) ) { return false; } else { return self::hasAtLeastTwoMastheadImgs( $prefix_ ); } } protected function hasAtLeastTwoMastheadImgs( $prefix_ ) { $foundImgs = 0; for ( $i = 1; $i <= pp::num()->maxMastheadImages; $i++ ) { if ( ppImg::id( $prefix_ . 'masthead_image' . $i )->exists ) { $foundImgs++; } if ( $foundImgs > 1 ) { return true; } } return false; } protected function mastheadImgTag( $mb_ = '' ) { if ( $overrideImgUrl = self::mastheadOverrideImg( $mb_ ) ) { $imgTag = new ppImgTag( $overrideImgUrl ); $imgData = NrUtil::imgData( ppUtil::pathFromUrl( $overrideImgUrl ) ); if ( $imgData ) { $imgTag->width( $imgData->width ); $imgTag->height( $imgData->height ); } } else { self::$mastheadImgNum = self::mastheadImgNum( $mb_ ); $img = ppImg::id( $mb_ . 'masthead_image' . self::$mastheadImgNum ); $imgTag = new ppImgTag( $img->url ); $imgTag->width( $img->width ); $imgTag->height( $img->height ); } $imgTag->id( 'masthead-img' ); $imgTag->alt( 'Masthead header' ); return $imgTag; } public static function mastheadImgNum( $mb_ ) { $mastheadDisplay = ppOpt::id( $mb_ . 'masthead_display' ); if ( $mastheadDisplay == 'static' ) { $imgNum = '1'; } else if ( $mastheadDisplay == 'random' ) { $imgNum = self::randomMastheadImgNum(); } else if ( $mastheadDisplay == 'slideshow' && ppOpt::test( 'masthead_slideshow_image_order', 'random' ) ) { $imgNum = self::randomMastheadImgNum(); } else if ( ppOpt::test( $mb_ . 'masthead_modify', 'false' ) ) { $imgNum = '1'; } else if ( ppOpt::test( $mb_ . 'modified_masthead_image' ) && ppOpt::test( $mb_ . 'masthead_on_' . ppUtil::pageType( ppUtil::NO_ARCHIVE_TYPE ), 'modified' ) ) { $imgNum = ppOpt::id( $mb_ . 'modified_masthead_image' ); } else { $imgNum = '1'; } if ( ppImg::id( $mb_ . "masthead_image{$imgNum}" )->exists ) { return $imgNum; } else { return '1'; } } private static function randomMastheadImgNum() { $nums = array(); for ( $i = 1; $i <= pp::num()->maxMastheadImages; $i++ ) { if ( ppImg::id( "masthead_image{$i}" )->exists ) { $nums[] = strval( $i ); } } if ( empty( $nums ) ) { new ppIssue( 'No masthead imgs found in ppBlogHeader::randomMastheadImgNum()' ); return '1'; } shuffle( $nums ); return array_shift( $nums ); } private static function mastheadOverrideImg() { if ( pp::site()->hasStaticFrontPage && ppQuery::instance()->isBlogPostsPage() ) { $articleID = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } else if ( is_singular() && ppPost::fromGlobal() ) { $articleID = ppPost::fromGlobal()->id(); } else { return false; } if ( !$customMeta = get_post_meta( $articleID, 'custom_masthead_image', AS_STRING ) ) { return false; } if ( is_numeric( $customMeta ) && ppImg::id( "masthead_image$customMeta" )->exists ) { self::$mastheadHasOverrideImg = true; return ppImg::id( "masthead_image$customMeta" )->url; } else if ( NrUtil::isWebSafeImg( $customMeta ) ) { $customImgName = basename( $customMeta ); $customImgPath = pp::fileInfo()->imagesFolderPath . '/' . $customImgName; if ( file_exists( $customImgPath ) ) { self::$mastheadHasOverrideImg = true; return ppUtil::urlFromPath( $customImgPath ); } } return false; } private static function orderedElements() { self::$layout = ppOpt::id( 'headerlayout' ); if ( self::$layout == 'pptclassic' ) { return array( 'logo', 'masthead' ); } else { return explode( '_', str_replace( array( 'left', 'right', 'center' ), '', self::$layout ) ); } } /* TODO: move this out of this class eventually */ public static function mastheadOptions( $context ) { if ( $context == 'desktop' ) { $prefix_ = ''; $Masthead = 'Masthead'; } else { $prefix_ = 'mobile_'; $Masthead = 'Mobile masthead'; } // DISPLAY options ppStartMultiple( "$Masthead display" ); if ( $context == 'desktop' && ppHelper::logoInMasthead() && !ppOpt::test( "{$prefix_}masthead_display", 'off' ) ) { $offOption = array(); } else { $offOption = array( 'off' => 'do not display masthead' ); } ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_display", ppUtil::radioParams( array_merge( $offOption, array( 'static' => 'single static image', 'random' => 'random static image', 'slideshow' => 'slideshow of images', 'custom' => 'custom uploaded flash .swf file', ) ) ) ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_modify", ppUtil::radioParams( array( 'false' => 'same masthead on all page types', 'true' => 'remove or change on some page types', ) ), 'optionally override the masthead display for select page types' ); if ( pp::site()->hasStaticFrontPage ) { $home = 'posts page'; $static = array( "{$prefix_}masthead_on_front_page" => 'static front page' ); } else { $home = 'home page'; $static = array(); } ppO( "{$prefix_}modify_masthead_on", ppUtil::checkboxParams( 'modified', array_merge( $static, array( $prefix_ . 'masthead_on_home' => $home, $prefix_ . 'masthead_on_single' => 'individual post pages', $prefix_ . 'masthead_on_page' => 'static WordPress "Pages"', $prefix_ . 'masthead_on_archive' => 'archive, category, author, and search', ) ) ), 'on selected (checked) page types, masthead will be removed or changed' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}modified_masthead_display", ppUtil::radioParams( array( 'none' => 'remove masthead', 'image' => 'show a single static masthead image', ) ), 'how to modify masthead on selected pages' ); $imgOptions = array(); for ( $i = 1; $i <= pp::num()->maxMastheadImages; $i++ ) { if ( !ppImg::id( "{$prefix_}masthead_image" . $i )->exists ) continue; $imgOptions[$i] = 'Masthead image #' . $i; } ppO( "{$prefix_}modified_masthead_image", ppUtil::selectParams( $imgOptions ), 'choose one of your uploaded masthead images to display on selected page-types' ); ppStopMultiple(); // SLIDESHOW options ppStartMultiple( "$Masthead slideshow options" ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_hold_time", 'slider|1|30| seconds|0.5', 'hold time (in seconds) each slideshow image is shown' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_transition_time", 'slider|0|6| seconds|0.2', 'time of transition effect between slideshow images' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_image_order", 'radio|random|play images in random order|sequential|play images in sequential order' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_loop_images", 'radio|true|loop images|false|stop on last image' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_transition_type", ppUtil::radioParams( array( 'crossfade' => 'cross-fade', 'fade' => 'fade to bg color then to image', 'slide' => 'hold then slide horizontally', 'topslide' => 'hold then slide vertically', 'steadyslide' => 'steady horizontal slide', ) ), 'image transition effect' ); ppO( "{$prefix_}masthead_slideshow_bg_color", 'color|optional', 'background color of masthead slideshow' ); ppStopMultiple(); } /* TODO: move this out of this class eventually */ public static function mastheadOptionJs() { echo <<<HTML <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if ( /area=header/.test( window.location.href ) ) { var prefix = ''; } else { var prefix = 'mobile_'; } function ppProcessMastheadDisplayChoice( choice ) { $('#subgroup-masthead').removeClass('static random slideshow custom off').addClass(choice); // image titles and comments $('span.masthead-conditional').hide(); $(''+choice).show(); // add image and custom swf upload show/hide if ( choice == 'static' ) { $('#add-masthead-upload').addClass('hidden').hide(); $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box').not(':first').not('#upload-box-masthead_image1').hide(); $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box:first').show(); $('#upload-box-'+prefix+'masthead_custom_flash').addClass('hidden').hide(); } else if ( choice == 'random' ) { $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box').not('.empty').show(); $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box.empty:first').show(); $('#upload-box-'+prefix+'masthead_custom_flash').addClass('hidden').hide(); } else if ( choice == 'slideshow' ) { $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box').not('.empty').show(); $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box.empty:first').show(); $('#upload-box-'+prefix+'masthead_custom_flash').addClass('hidden').hide(); } else if ( choice == 'custom' ) { $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box').not(':first').hide(); $('#upload-box-'+prefix+'masthead_custom_flash').removeClass('hidden').show(); } else if ( choice == 'off' ) { $('#subgroup-masthead .upload-box').hide(); } } ppProcessMastheadDisplayChoice( $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-individual-option input[type=radio]:checked').val() ); $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-individual-option input[type=radio]').click(function(){ ppProcessMastheadDisplayChoice( $(this).val() ); }); // classes for masthead modification, used for show/hide ux of complex masthead modified options var masthead_modify = $('#'+prefix+'masthead_modify-individual-option input[type=radio]:checked').val(); $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-option-section').addClass('masthead-modify-'+masthead_modify); $('#'+prefix+'masthead_modify-individual-option input[type=radio]').click(function(){ $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-option-section') .removeClass('masthead-modify-true masthead-modify-false') .addClass( 'masthead-modify-'+$(this).val() ); }); var modify_display = $('#'+prefix+'modified_masthead_display-individual-option input[type=radio]:checked').val(); $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-option-section table').addClass('modify-display-'+modify_display); $('#'+prefix+'modified_masthead_display-individual-option input[type=radio]').click(function(){ $('#'+prefix+'masthead_display-option-section table') .removeClass('modify-display-none modify-display-image') .addClass( 'modify-display-'+$(this).val() ); }); }); </script> HTML; } public static function flushCache() { self::$usingSubnav = null; self::$subnavPlacement = null; } }
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