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  • say_hello


    hi there and good evening dear handmadehome,

    first of all: thanks for steppin up the plate with your question: glad to see you here.

    Well it would depend on the page that you’re wanting to have the so called full template on. If it is across the entire site, then most likely not recommended because of how left/right aligned elements are placed in the content area. That said, i guess that we can apply the following CSS if you are heading for a full width to a cover template:

    Just look and see:

    .post-template-template-cover #site-content .entry-content > *:not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
    	max-width: 100%;

    by the way, dear handmadehome: You also are able to target a specific post by finding the post ID and adding it onto the end of the .post-template-template-cover class

    .post-template-template-cover.postid-1785 #site-content .entry-content > *:not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
    	max-width: 100%;

    And well – i also think that we can go like so:

    .page-template-template-cover .entry-content > :not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
    max-width: 90%;
    width: calc(100% – 4rem);
    .page-template-template-cover [class*=”__inner-container”] > :not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
    max-width: 90%;
    width: 100%;

    Dear HandMadehome – please keep us updated.

    Look forward to hear from you

    regards Say

    hello dear jawn78 hello dear Bindergirl

    many many thanks for raising this question. i am willing to run also this extra-field thing.

    i like the options that we have here. Note: there are various plugins out there that support these ideas of adding extra fields.

    what i need to do first – is to find out which plugin fits most here.

    AGain – many many thanks for the ideas you share here

    hello dear all – good day Tanger

    i had the same issues – once upon a time i had the whish to make the theme 2020 to a full width theme.

    Full width on Layouts. not working on 2020 theme Sp here my steps that i took. I tried finding it in CSS, but can’t. so i went on_:

    I noticed that the theme includes the following CSS code at line# 3551 of its main “style.css” file -. see here the code snippet.

    .entry-content > *:not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
        max-width: 58rem;
        width: calc(100% - 4rem);

    note: This block adds a “max-width” and “width” values to the immediate container element inside the div with class “entry-content” if specific classes don’t exist with that element.

    but be careful: To make a certain row cover full-width, you can assign “is-style-wide” class in its settings, :

    by the way – you certainliy can check this option too:; see this code snippet

    .full-bg{max-width:100% !important;}
    .container{max-width:100% !important;}

    please let me know how it works –

    good luck

    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear Community,

    i did it: it works very well: see [ redundant link removed ]

    note, this is a very fresh installed WP with the theme twenty-twenty.

    see the embedded block:
    what i want to achieve: lower the height and the width

    i allready have played with the values of the code:

    a. width: 100%; height: 100%; – i changed those values to 50 % – without any effect: this changed nothing.
    b. iframe width=”500″ height=”400 – i changed those values to other values – without any effect:

    how to achive a smaller embedded block !? look forward to hear from you+


    see the embedded code:

    <style>.embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 80%; height: 0; max-width: 100%;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container iframe{position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} small{position: absolute; z-index: 40; bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -15px;}</style><div class="embed-container"><iframe width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" title="COVID-19" src=""></iframe></div>

    see where i have gathered the code to embed: COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University:

    btw: the theme that i run is a standard-theme twenty-twenty – with a coblock that is running …

    look forward to hear from you


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by say_hello. Reason: more infos
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Jan Dembowski.


    hello dear all

    many many thanks for the thread: i still struggle with the described methods to post images here in this great forum.

    see my test:


    note: should i do a quote to get the photo that is hosted on imgur visible!? love to hear form you


    ps – keep up the great forum here – it is one of the best places on the whole net!

    Thread Starter say_hello


    good evening dear Mika.

    many many thanks for the reply. i am very glad to hear from you. Youre just great!
    well – besides the idea how to display and besides the idear to use your plugin i think i need to do some experiments.

    note: i am only interested in the POI i only need to have the records of the hospital poi !! This does make the methodolgy a bit smarter – what do you say!?

    note:; at healthsites we have the following dataset:

    839122 healthsites listed – vgl.:

    Anzahl Objekte:
    [Alle] Alle 181012							0.00% 101736 										0.06%
    [Way] Way 76?022							0.01%
    [Relation] Relation 3?254					0.04%

    i guess that i need to experiment a bit.

    some important questions are the following:

    How the hospital data (records, fields, types) is structured and presented (download) is important. For the most part we need to do some additional filtering and/or parsing to obtain the required data.

    I.e., we first download the data from the source, then select, sort, parse the data into a new table that fits our requirements.(Versus trying to do that via the download options (if any). However, if there are source site download options then they may simplify what we need to do with the data we download.
    approach: we can try some controlled data downloads for a smaller geographic area. (There may be a filter that we can used for the initial download.
    For example the site download option may provide a menu where we can select location “X” where location is a country, state, city….
    Especially a Location X where we already know what hospitals are there and where they are located.
    we then can work on extracting the hospital locations from that data until we can get a match between our results and the previously identified “known” hospitals and Locations X.
    we go step by step: Then we can use that algorithm to test a larger geographic area. Most likely we will need to make modifications to our rules, filters, etc. to extract the hospital data.
    Doubt that one rule will extract them all unless there is some common data value that identifies a “hospital”. Could be an icon or some key word used on the maps.

    The key is to be methodic and always have the ability to verify the results.
    If we pull hospital data from two or more sources then we can compare results.
    My expectation would be that Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 will have overlapping data (Venn diagram) but each dataset will still have hospitals not found in the other.
    The end requirement being able to merge the datasets to get the complete set of hospitals for the targeed geographical area.

    As for tools: Python is quite powerful. May give us more overall control with regards to our requirements and what needs to be done to capture the hospital data.

    and of course: we an use Osmfilter too: cf

    what do you say?!

    look forward to hear from you

    Thread Starter say_hello


    dear Leaflet-experts

    just would be happy to hear from you


    since i am interested especially in the dataset of i can download it at this page:_

    – and import all that OSM-data to PostGIS for the purpose of visualization and further analytics.
    There are a bunch of tools on the market— osm2pgsql; imposm; ogr2org; just to mention some of those.
    i will do any further steps according this manual:

    hello dear inempleo

    many thanks for this topic which is very interesting. i work on this topic and i have to admid at the moment i am struggling with this –

    im facing right now the problem that i want to edit fronend.css where to do this.

    should i do this in the general appearance editor:

    how did you do the edting and which solution did you find!?

    loo forard to hear from you

    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear Steve

    many thanks for the answer – and the correction – and a big big sorry for the error and misunderstanding.

    as you may have seen in the other thread i was totaly wrong#

    – i wanted to post the answer that was – by accident – written here – to the other thread. But as i had two threads in two browser-windows open i did this terrible mistake. So a big big SORRY –
    note i am the one that appreciates all your work and that is very happy with all you and all the staff members of the mods do.

    i guess that this have been said and replied from me in the previous posts.

    A big big Sorry for raising such issues.

    Thanks again for the answer – and for all you and your colleagues do


    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear Jan @jdembowski, Steve @sterndata, and dear Joy @joyously

    note: i thought that i posted this one hour ago. but the text vanished somehow. so i try it again… i hope that i do not post this double…!!

    first of all
    : many thanks for the reply : probably i did not understand fully
    how to do this – to include a image

    i have an image that is uploaded there:

    the question now is: how to imclude it into a posting

    like so: – with the png-extension or …

    how is it done correctly?
    love to hear from you


    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear Jan @jdembowski, Steve @sterndata, and dear Joy @joyously

    first of all: many thanks for the reply : probably i did not understand fully
    how to do this – to include a image

    i have an image that is uploaded there:

    the question now is: how to imclude it into a posting

    like so: – with the png-extension or …

    how is it done correctly?
    love to hear from you


    <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear all,

    unfortunalty i was not able to publish the image correctly

    so i will try again to write the reply with the correct image in questoin.
    above all- i love this – it looks so great and i want to achive this block in my page too.

    on a sidenote: here again the try of publishing the images:

    background: i obviously have some issues with the publishing of images: see here

    but i try to figure it out – and hopefully will be able to do the correct image publishing

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by say_hello.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by say_hello.

    hello and good day dear imborx

    first of all: many thanks for using wp-jobmanager – a warm wellcome to you in the community of wp-job-manager!

    Many thanks stepping up with your question: i just installed the wp-job-manager to a new site – so i also wonder why i do not see the according category field.

    i have had a quick view onto the demo-page which is set up by the developers and the support team of the developers of wp-job-manager: see here

    well – in fact i do not see the categories over there. Do you.

    but i am pretty sure that this is only a little thing that has to do with the configuration: i will try to figure it out later the day – and if i will find a solution i will come back ans share it with you (and the community)

    perhaps other user will step up the plate and come back with a solution.

    meanwhile – have a great day.

    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear all

    i have fixed this – it was not very hard – the new theme twentytwenty is great and i really love it.

    the in the threadstart mentioned customizing was not hard cf

    regard the issues of this thread as solved – all works great cf.

    keep up the great project – it rocks

    [Signature links removed by moderator per forum guidelines.]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by James Huff. Reason: signature links removed
    Thread Starter say_hello


    hello dear all – good day

    done _ all works like a charme! Note: this was only a test-setting. But i like

    a. the theme 2020
    b. the plugin wp-job-manager

    great job – keep it up. – and regard this thead as solved

    greeings say ??

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 791 total)