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  • Thread Starter JJulien


    Your find is important not just for PM function but for my whole site, so I am grateful for you finding that issue.

    I have tried different tutorials including the one you suggested, and none have worked for me. In my opinion the best thing to do is to rebuild the site, which I am doing now.

    Thank you again!

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thank you! I have just added the prefix and will try again. I will update you with any news.

    You also mentioned that ‘SQL file is a bit corrupted’. Do you have other suggestions for this?

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by JJulien.
    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thank you again for all of your help.


    Yes you are correct I looked there is no prefix. Usually, I set this to wp_.

    I should let you know that I have a third wordpress installation that I haven’t mentioned yet. This is a very old installation, on a different URL, different database, on the same server. I just tried restoring a very old wprime backup which doesn’t have a child theme to this location and it worked fine. I have those logs as well if you would like to look at them.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by JJulien.
    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thank you for all of your help.


    Thread Starter JJulien


    Hello, thank you for your reply.
    I have an update. I did the following steps:
    -On source site, i activated the backup theme (2020) and deleted all other themes Kadence parent and child.
    -On source site, i deleted all transient entries in the cache, cleared the cache, disabled the cache, ran repair and optimize on the database.
    -On source site, i ran PM again to create migration file, and I copied this to the target site.
    -On target site, I deleted all media, pages, plugins except PM, and all themes except 2020.
    -On target site, i enabled debug log as per your instructions.
    -On target site, i deleted all transient entries in the cache, cleared the cache, disabled the cache, ran repair and optimize on the database.
    -On target site, i logged out and back in.
    -On target site, i ran the migration with the latest package.
    -On target site, pop up said it was successful. But there were no media, no pages, no other themes (even though they were not active, shouldn’t they have transfered?) (there was the one blank theme again, even though there was no child theme), only the plugins that were active on source site at time of backup (shouldn’t all plugins be transferred whether active or not?).
    -On target site, there was no debug.log to be found in the entire file system; maybe this is because there was no error reported.

    I have sent all other requested details via your support contact form, please look for that message subject ‘Re: JJ’. Particularly, my child theme style.css and functions.php files, please look at these and let me know if they are satisfactory.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Hello, thank you for your reply.

    The issue could be related to the product image now not resizing, or perhaps there is an additional 0.5em padding added to the whole container, i’m not sure what changed.

    As these are very specific comments, I’m curious, could you clarify if you already had a chance to test if the issue remains after reverting these changes, or otherwise?

    These are not changes I have made. I noticed the image not resizing was a new behavior, and the padding was new in developer view. I thought these could be from an update to WC.

    I am using the Shortcode block to enter the product page where-ever I want in pages. For example, the shortcode entered could be [product_page id=”150″]. This displays the basic product information, which includes the image and the Add to Cart button.

    This verifies that the shortcode functions as expected, “pulling” the requested information. The mechanism for displaying them is not related with WooCommerce core, I’m afraid.

    Thank you for your input, I have also asked the theme developers.


    Thread Starter JJulien



    Thank you for your help and for trying to recreate the issue.
    I will try other troubleshooting before I send over a log.

    I found your help page because it related to missing images and finished all suggestions and my issue did not change, so its not one of these.

    I will try this next and see if it helps .

    What I have noticed is that there is a new theme, a blank theme, that is in the recreated target site. It looks blank like a child theme. I am using a child theme as the active theme in the source site, but it is not the active theme in the target site after migration. I’m wondering if my child theme is missing something in the stylesheet style.css that PM requires. The child theme stylesheet only has the Theme Name and Template. Does PM need more?

    I’m also receiving error messages the site was not able to migrate on 50% of attempts; on the other 50% is says complete but then has the missing pages and selected theme and media, etc. On the attempts failed with error messages, there is always just one error, and it always relates to different plugins saying that they need to be deactivated and deleted on the target site because of license issues. But they were not on the target site previously, it was a blank WP install, and there are no license issues these are free plugins.

    If any of the above leads you to think of any clues for me, Please let me know. Otherwise I will be back later to give updates. Hopefully the partial migration techniques will work.


    Thread Starter JJulien


    Hello, and thank you. Let’s mark this ticket as closed.

    I can see that the multiple references to these css are merely global references. The multiple files generated by LSC are cache copies of files already in existence, yet this link checker did not show them on the surface until LSC was enabled.

    Sincerely, JJ

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Hi. Thank you for your reply.

    When I disable LSC, there are still 4 data links, but they are single links, not linked by the several other LSC css files.

    Here is a screenshot of LSC enabled, it shows the “and 5 more” which are mostly LSC css files.

    Here is a screenshot of LSC disabled, it shows single links.

    Here are the 4 original links, LSC disabled, before they become multiple LSC css links:
    1) /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.4.3
    2) /wp-content/themes/kadence/assets/css/global.min.css?ver=1.1.51
    3) /wp-content/themes/kadence/assets/css/woocommerce.min.css?ver=1.1.51
    4) /wp-content/themes/kadence/assets/css/woocommerce.min.css?ver=1.1.51

    Please let me know what else you need to see.

    Sincerely, JJ

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thread Starter JJulien


    Ok Thank You!
    I went into LSC and found Responsive Placeholder, and it was disabled, yet I know that I tried it in the past. And below it in the next field there is the string “<svg xmlns=””width=&amp;…”.

    What I did next:
    I enabled Responsive Placeholder again. Cleared every cache. Ran Dr. Link Check again. The same info was there. I looked in phpMyAdmin, and searched for svg again, and this time there were more entries, 9. Then I disabled Responsive Placeholder, and cleared caches, and ran Dr. Link Check, and there were 6 entries (one more than original). I turned off LSC, deleted “” entry in phpMyAdmin, and turned LSC back on, and ran Dr. Link Check. Now I am back to the original 5, with “data:image/svg+xml;base64…”.

    Am I correct, that these long strings “…” were generated by LSC when I once turned on Responsive Placeholder? For example, LSC has generated a base64 for everything such as the svg icon packs in my theme?

    My concern for coming here is still the same, there are several ‘extra’ css generated when LSC is on, and I would like to remove these if they are not being used, ie if Responsive Placeholder is not ‘on’. I will attach an image in the next message, if possible.

    Sincerely, JJ

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by JJulien.
    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thread Starter JJulien


    Hi. Thank you.
    In my wordpress’ media, all images are png. This is what I meant when I wrote that “I” am not using any svg images. Searching within phpMyAdmin, there aren’t any svg images, and there is only one reference to svg that is relevant, and its option_name is “”, and its option_value is “<svg xmlns=””width=&#8221;{width}” height=”{height}” viewBox=”0 0 {width} {height}”><rectwidth=”100%” height=”100%” style=”fill:{color};fill-opacity: 0.1;”/>”. This is a generic w3 compliance and styling note. Without knowing any better this looks like there is a svg placeholder that’s part of the litespeed plugin. Would you know what this means?

    Also, in wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css it looks like the svg is referencing a circle-mask and border-radius, so these are likely shading effects generated by the theme. There is also a .wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon, so it could be a theme icon as well. But, I am not using shading effects, and the above are referenced as supported, there are no links to real svg files, so there should be nothing to cache here. I’m wondering if litespeed is caching the support string thinking it’s an actual svg file. The only icon I am using is from Font Awesome which isn’t necessarily but can be svg. So, as far as I can see, the only relevant data link is to a single font awesome icon. Yet this still doesn’t explain a reason for all of the other data links I have.

    Your thoughts?

    Sincerely, JJ

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thank you qtwrk for your screenshot. I’m sure you have a meaning here for me but don’t know what that is. If you have time please expand on what you were trying to show me with words. Here is a screenshot showing all 4 data links and their source links.

    Sincerely, JJ

    Thread Starter JJulien


    Thank you Shameem.

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