Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Make title constant, not fading between slides.if there is a simple answer, that will be cool, maybe with z-index.
However I found that when text is on the pictures, and the same text at the same place on all pictures, there is hardly any fading.
many thanx
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Adding Text inloine with Paged NavigationThank you for your help, very much appreciated!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Adding Text inloine with Paged NavigationHi, the arrow is only an image, not a link or button.
I think i managed it right ( except for the arrow part, which is not important )
I was just worried whether my coding is good practice for other browsers etc. Im using Firefox.
Thanx for your help and great plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Adding Text inloine with Paged NavigationI almost there, just not sure whether it is the best practise and whether my way can cause cross-browser issues: added:
<div><div id="meteor-buttons2"class="meteor-buttons2"><span>PROJECT SHOWCASE</span></div>
just above
<div id="meteor-buttons<?php echo $slideshow; ?>"class="meteor-buttons"></div></div>
in meteor-slideshow.phpThe I added this to the css:
.meteor-buttons2 { bottom: 5px; float: left; left: 10px; margin: 0;
Many Thanx
Apologies — I try to edit the wrong em-events.php file
it worked!
I opened my em-events.php, but not sure what code i need to replace?
I am using version 3.0.9
Thank you JLeuze
I realised that by leaving the height and width out, that the slideshow did not work in Internet explorer, though it did in all other browsers.
I’ll follow the post mentioned above.
Hi Josh
Not sure if this is the best answer, but it seems to work for me:
I simple left the width field empty in the slideshow settings page.
My header slideshow is still the original 940px and my smaller slideshow is now in a 340px container.
Now to get the text to sho next to it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Slideshow Widget: Remove Sidebar TitleAny body that can help me here please?
SchalkForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Remove title above slideshow widgetHi, I found the above answer at a numbert of posts, however I can’t find the coding in my nextgen-gallery/widgets/widgets.php. I suppose it is because i have a newer version, being version 1.5.3
I know i can just leave the title area empty, but then I’m left with too much space between the slideshow and the widget above it.
This is my widget.php code, what should i delete, please?
[Mod Note: Code segment removed. If you want to post large blocks of code, please use a pastebin (Alternate URL).]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Slideshow Widget: Remove Sidebar TitleHi, I found the above answer at a numbert of posts, however I can’t find the coding in my nextgen-gallery/widgets/widgets.php. I suppose it is because i have a newer version, being version 1.5.3
I know i can just leave the title area empty, but then I’m left with too much space between the slideshow and the widget above it.
This is my widget.php code, what should i delete, please?
?php /* * NextGEN Gallery Widget */ // Adding Media RSS Widget as well require_once(dirname (__FILE__) . '/media-rss-widget.php'); /** * nggSlideshowWidget - The slideshow widget control for NextGEN Gallery ( require WP2.5 or higher) * * @package NextGEN Gallery * @author Alex Rabe * @copyright 2008 * @version 1.00 * @since 1.00 * @access public */ if (!class_exists('nggSlideshowWidget')) { class nggSlideshowWidget { function nggSlideshowWidget() { add_action('widgets_init', array(&$this, 'register_widget')) ; } function register_widget() { $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_slideshow', 'description' => __( 'Show a NextGEN Gallery Slideshow', 'nggallery') ); wp_register_sidebar_widget('slideshow', __('NextGEN Slideshow', 'nggallery'), array(&$this, 'widget_output'), $widget_ops ); wp_register_widget_control('slideshow', __('NextGEN Slideshow', 'nggallery'), array(&$this, 'widget_control') ); } function render_slideshow($galleryID, $irWidth = '', $irHeight = '') { require_once (dirname (__FILE__).'/../lib/swfobject.php'); global $wpdb; $ngg_options = get_option('ngg_options'); // remove media file from RSS feed if ( is_feed() ) { $out = '[' . $ngg_options['galTextSlide'] . ']'; return $out; } if (empty($irWidth) ) $irWidth = (int) $ngg_options['irWidth']; if (empty($irHeight)) $irHeight = (int) $ngg_options['irHeight']; // init the flash output $swfobject = new swfobject( $ngg_options['irURL'], 'sbsl' . $galleryID, $irWidth, $irHeight, '7.0.0', 'false'); $swfobject->classname = 'ngg-widget-slideshow'; $swfobject->message = __('<a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see the slideshow.', 'nggallery'); $swfobject->add_params('wmode', 'opaque'); $swfobject->add_params('bgcolor', $ngg_options['irScreencolor'], '000000', 'string', '#'); $swfobject->add_attributes('styleclass', 'slideshow-widget'); // adding the flash parameter $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'file', NGGALLERY_URLPATH.'xml/imagerotator.php?gid='.$galleryID ); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'shownavigation', 'false', 'true', 'bool'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'shuffle', $ngg_options['irShuffle'], 'true', 'bool'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'showicons', $ngg_options['irShowicons'], 'true', 'bool'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'overstretch', $ngg_options['irOverstretch'], 'false', 'string'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'rotatetime', $ngg_options['irRotatetime'], 5, 'int'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'transition', $ngg_options['irTransition'], 'random', 'string'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'backcolor', $ngg_options['irBackcolor'], 'FFFFFF', 'string', '0x'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'frontcolor', $ngg_options['irFrontcolor'], '000000', 'string', '0x'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'lightcolor', $ngg_options['irLightcolor'], '000000', 'string', '0x'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'screencolor', $ngg_options['irScreencolor'], '000000', 'string', '0x'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'width', $irWidth, '260'); $swfobject->add_flashvars( 'height', $irHeight, '320'); // create the output $out = $swfobject->output(); // add now the script code $out .= "\n".'<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">'; $out .= "\n".'<!--'; $out .= "\n".'//<![CDATA['; $out .= $swfobject->javascript(); $out .= "\n".'//]]>'; $out .= "\n".'-->'; $out .= "\n".'</script>'; echo $out; } // Slidehow widget control function widget_output($args) { global $wpdb; // If the Imagerotator didn't exist, skip the output if ( NGGALLERY_IREXIST == false ) return; extract($args); // Each widget can store its own options. We keep strings here. $options = get_option('widget_nggslideshow'); // These lines generate our output. echo $before_widget . $before_title . $options['title'] . $after_title; $this->render_slideshow($options['galleryid'] , $options['width'] , $options['height']); echo $after_widget; } // Admin section function widget_control() { global $wpdb; $options = get_option('widget_nggslideshow'); if ( !is_array($options) ) $options = array('title'=>'Slideshow', 'galleryid'=>'0','height'=>'120','width'=>'160',); if ( $_POST['ngg-submit'] ) { $options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['ngg-title'])); $options['galleryid'] = (int) $_POST['ngg-galleryid']; $options['height'] = (int) $_POST['ngg-height']; $options['width'] = (int) $_POST['ngg-width']; update_option('widget_nggslideshow', $options); } $title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES); $height = $options['height']; $width = $options['width']; // The Box content $tables = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->nggallery ORDER BY 'name' ASC "); ?> <p><label for="ngg-title"><?php _e('Title:', 'nggallery'); ?><input id="ngg-title" name="ngg-title" class="widefat" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label></p> <p> <label for="ngg-galleryid"><?php _e('Select Gallery:', 'nggallery'); ?> <select size="1" name="ngg-galleryid" id="ngg-galleryid" class="widefat"> <option value="0" <?php if (0 == $options['galleryid']) echo "selected='selected' "; ?> ><?php _e('All images', 'nggallery'); ?></option> <?php if($tables) { foreach($tables as $table) { echo '<option value="'.$table->gid.'" '; if ($table->gid == $options['galleryid']) echo "selected='selected' "; echo '>'.$table->name.'</option>'."\n\t"; } } ?> </select> </label> </p> <p><label for="ngg-height"><?php _e('Height:', 'nggallery'); ?> <input id="ngg-height" name="ngg-height" type="text" style="padding: 3px; width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $height; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="ngg-width"><?php _e('Width:', 'nggallery'); ?> <input id="ngg-width" name="ngg-width" type="text" style="padding: 3px; width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $width; ?>" /></label></p> <input type="hidden" id="ngg-submit" name="ngg-submit" value="1" /> <?php } }// End class } // start it $nggSlideshowWidget = new nggSlideshowWidget; /** * nggWidget - The widget control for NextGEN Gallery ( require WP2.5 or higher) * * @package NextGEN Gallery * @author Alex Rabe * @copyright 2008 * @version 1.10 * @access public */ if (!class_exists('nggWidget')) { class nggWidget { function nggWidget() { // Run our code later in case this loads prior to any required plugins. add_action('widgets_init', array(&$this, 'ngg_widget_register')); } function ngg_widget_register() { if ( !$options = get_option('ngg_widget') ) $options = array(); $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'ngg_images', 'description' => __( 'Add recent or random images from the galleries','nggallery' )); $control_ops = array('width' => 250, 'height' => 200, 'id_base' => 'ngg-images'); $name = __('NextGEN Widget','nggallery'); $id = false; foreach ( array_keys($options) as $o ) { // Old widgets can have null values for some reason if ( !isset($options[$o]['title']) ) continue; $id = "ngg-images-$o"; // Never never never translate an id wp_register_sidebar_widget($id, $name, array(&$this, 'ngg_widget_output'), $widget_ops, array( 'number' => $o ) ); wp_register_widget_control($id, $name, array(&$this, 'ngg_widget_control'), $control_ops, array( 'number' => $o )); } // If there are none, we register the widget's existance with a generic template if ( !$id ) { wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'ngg-images-1', $name, array(&$this, 'ngg_widget_output'), $widget_ops, array( 'number' => -1 ) ); wp_register_widget_control( 'ngg-images-1', $name, array(&$this, 'ngg_widget_control'), $control_ops, array( 'number' => -1 ) ); } } function ngg_widget_control($widget_args = 1) { global $wp_registered_widgets; static $updated = false; // Get the widget ID if (is_numeric($widget_args)) $widget_args = array('number' => $widget_args); $widget_args = wp_parse_args($widget_args, array('number' => -1)); extract($widget_args, EXTR_SKIP); $options = get_option('ngg_widget'); if ( !is_array($options) ) $options = array(); if (!$updated && !empty($_POST['sidebar'])) { $sidebar = (string) $_POST['sidebar']; $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); if ( isset($sidebars_widgets[$sidebar]) ) $this_sidebar = &$sidebars_widgets[$sidebar]; else $this_sidebar = array(); foreach ( $this_sidebar as $_widget_id ) { // Remove all widgets of this type from the sidebar. We'll add the new data in a second. This makes sure we don't get any duplicate data // since widget ids aren't necessarily persistent across multiple updates if ( 'ngg_images' == $wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['classname'] && isset($wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['params'][0]['number']) ) { $widget_number = $wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['params'][0]['number']; if (!in_array( "ngg-images-$widget_number", $_POST['widget-id'])) // the widget has been removed. unset($options[$widget_number]); } } foreach ( (array) $_POST['widget_ngg_images'] as $widget_number => $widget_ngg_images ) { if ( !isset($widget_ngg_images['width']) && isset($options[$widget_number]) ) // user clicked cancel continue; $widget_ngg_images = stripslashes_deep( $widget_ngg_images ); $options[$widget_number]['title'] = $widget_ngg_images['title']; $options[$widget_number]['items'] = (int) $widget_ngg_images['items']; $options[$widget_number]['type'] = $widget_ngg_images['type']; $options[$widget_number]['show'] = $widget_ngg_images['show']; $options[$widget_number]['width'] = (int) $widget_ngg_images['width']; $options[$widget_number]['height'] = (int) $widget_ngg_images['height']; $options[$widget_number]['exclude'] = $widget_ngg_images['exclude']; $options[$widget_number]['list'] = $widget_ngg_images['list']; $options[$widget_number]['webslice']= (bool) $widget_ngg_images['webslice']; } update_option('ngg_widget', $options); $updated = true; } if ( -1 == $number ) { // Init parameters check $title = 'Gallery'; $items = 4; $type = 'random'; $show= 'thumbnail'; $width = 75; $height = 50; $exclude = 'all'; $list = ''; $number = '%i%'; $webslice = true; } else { extract( (array) $options[$number] ); } // The form has inputs with names like widget-many[$number][something] so that all data for that instance of // the widget are stored in one $_POST variable: $_POST['widget-many'][$number] ?> <p> <label for="ngg_images-title-<?php echo $number; ?>"><?php _e('Title :','nggallery'); ?> <input id="ngg_images-title-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][title] ?>" type="text" class="widefat" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /> </label> </p> <p> <label for="ngg_images-items-<?php echo $number; ?>"><?php _e('Show :','nggallery'); ?> <select id="ngg_images-items-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][items]"> <?php for ( $i = 1; $i <= 10; ++$i ) echo "<option value='$i' ".($items==$i ? "selected='selected'" : '').">$i</option>"; ?> </select> <select id="ngg_images-show-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][show]" > <option <?php selected("thumbnail" , $show); ?> value="thumbnail"><?php _e('Thumbnails','nggallery'); ?></option> <option <?php selected("original" , $show); ?> value="original"><?php _e('Original images','nggallery'); ?></option> </select> </label> </p> <p> <label for="widget_ngg_images<?php echo $number; ?>"> <input name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][type]" type="radio" value="random" <?php checked("random" , $type); ?> /> <?php _e('random','nggallery'); ?> <input name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][type]" type="radio" value="recent" <?php checked("recent" , $type); ?> /> <?php _e('recent added ','nggallery'); ?> </label> </p> <p> <label for="ngg_webslice<?php echo $number; ?>"> <input id="ngg_webslice<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][webslice]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked(true , $webslice); ?> /> <?php _e('Enable IE8 Web Slices','nggallery'); ?> </label> </p> <p> <label for="ngg_images-width-<?php echo $number; ?>"><?php _e('Width x Height :','nggallery'); ?> <input style="width: 50px; padding:3px;" id="ngg_images-width-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][width]" type="text" value="<?php echo $width; ?>" /> x <input style="width: 50px; padding:3px;" id="ngg_images-height-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][height]" type="text" value="<?php echo $height; ?>" /> (px) </label> </p> <p> <label for="ngg_images-exclude-<?php echo $number; ?>"><?php _e('Select :','nggallery'); ?> <select id="ngg_images-exclude-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][exclude]" class="widefat"> <option <?php selected("all" , $exclude); ?> value="all" ><?php _e('All galleries','nggallery'); ?></option> <option <?php selected("denied" , $exclude); ?> value="denied" ><?php _e('Only which are not listed','nggallery'); ?></option> <option <?php selected("allow" , $exclude); ?> value="allow" ><?php _e('Only which are listed','nggallery'); ?></option> </select> </label> </p> <p> <label for="ngg_images-list-<?php echo $number; ?>"><?php _e('Gallery ID :','nggallery'); ?> <input id="ngg_images-list-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][list]" type="text" class="widefat" value="<?php echo $list; ?>" /> <small><?php _e('Gallery IDs, separated by commas.','nggallery'); ?></small> </label> </p> <input type="hidden" id="ngg_images-submit-<?php echo $number; ?>" name="widget_ngg_images[<?php echo $number; ?>][submit]" value="1" /> <?php } function ngg_widget_output($args, $widget_args = 1 , $options = false) { global $wpdb; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ( is_numeric($widget_args) ) $widget_args = array( 'number' => $widget_args ); $widget_args = wp_parse_args( $widget_args, array( 'number' => -1 ) ); extract($widget_args, EXTR_SKIP); // We could get this also as parameter if (!$options) $options = get_option('ngg_widget'); $title = $options[$number]['title']; $items = $options[$number]['items']; $exclude = $options[$number]['exclude']; $list = $options[$number]['list']; $webslice = $options[$number]['webslice']; $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->nggpictures WHERE exclude != 1 "); if ($count < $options[$number]['items']) $options[$number]['items'] = $count; $exclude_list = ''; // THX to Kay Germer for the idea & addon code if ( (!empty($list)) && ($exclude != 'all') ) { $list = explode(',',$list); // Prepare for SQL $list = "'" . implode("', '", $list ) . "'"; if ($exclude == 'denied') $exclude_list = "AND NOT (t.gid IN ($list))"; if ($exclude == 'allow') $exclude_list = "AND t.gid IN ($list)"; } if ( $options[$number]['type'] == 'random' ) $imageList = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->nggallery AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->nggpictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid WHERE tt.exclude != 1 $exclude_list ORDER by rand() limit {$items}"); else $imageList = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->nggallery AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->nggpictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid WHERE tt.exclude != 1 $exclude_list ORDER by pid DESC limit 0,$items"); if ( $webslice ) { //TODO: If you change the title, it will not show up in widget admin panel $before_title = "\n" . '<div class="hslice" id="ngg-webslice" >' . "\n"; $before_title .= '<h2 class="widgettitle entry-title">'; $after_title = '</h2>'; $after_widget = '</div>'."\n" . $after_widget; } echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title; echo "\n" . '<div class="ngg-widget entry-content">'. "\n"; if (is_array($imageList)){ foreach($imageList as $image) { // get the URL constructor $image = new nggImage($image); // get the effect code $thumbcode = $image->get_thumbcode("sidebar_".$number); // enable i18n support for alttext and description $alttext = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( nggGallery::i18n($image->alttext) )); $description = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( nggGallery::i18n($image->description) )); //TODO:For mixed portrait/landscape it's better to use only the height setting, if widht is 0 or vice versa $out = '<a>imageURL . '" title="' . $description . '" ' . $thumbcode .'>'; // Typo fix for the next updates (happend until 1.0.2) $options[$number]['show'] = ( $options[$number]['show'] == 'orginal' ) ? 'original' : $options[$number]['show']; if ( $options[$number]['show'] == 'original' ) $out .= '<img src="'.NGGALLERY_URLPATH.'nggshow.php?pid='.$image->pid.'&width='.$options[$number]['width'].'&height='.$options[$number]['height']. '" title="'.$alttext.'" alt="'.$alttext.'" />'; else $out .= '<img src="'.$image->thumbURL.'" width="'.$options[$number]['width'].'" height="'.$options[$number]['height'].'" title="'.$alttext.'" alt="'.$alttext.'" />'; echo $out . '</a>'."\n"; } } echo '</div>'."\n"; echo $after_widget; } }// end widget class } // let's show it $nggWidget = new nggWidget; /** * nggSlideshowWidget($galleryID, $width, $height) * Function for templates without widget support * * @param integer $galleryID * @param string $width * @param string $height * @return echo the widget content */ function nggSlideshowWidget($galleryID, $width = '', $height = '') { nggSlideshowWidget::render_slideshow($galleryID, $width, $height); } /** * nggDisplayRandomImages($number,$width,$height,$exclude,$list,$show) * Function for templates without widget support * * @return echo the widget content */ function nggDisplayRandomImages($number, $width = '75', $height = '50', $exclude = 'all', $list = '', $show = 'thumbnail') { $options[1] = array('title'=>'', 'items'=>$number, 'show'=>$show , 'type'=>'random', 'width'=>$width, 'height'=>$height, 'exclude'=>$exclude, 'list'=>$list ); nggWidget::ngg_widget_output($args = array(), 1, $options); } /** * nggDisplayRecentImages($number,$width,$height,$exclude,$list,$show) * Function for templates without widget support * * @return echo the widget content */ function nggDisplayRecentImages($number, $width = '75', $height = '50', $exclude = 'all', $list = '', $show = 'thumbnail') { $options[1] = array('title'=>'', 'items'=>$number, 'show'=>$show , 'type'=>'recent', 'width'=>$width, 'height'=>$height, 'exclude'=>$exclude, 'list'=>$list ); nggWidget::ngg_widget_output($args = array(), 1, $options); } ?>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Clickable Header Image. Logo As External Link.Hi, I also desperately lookinh for the answer to Family Reflections and josharris. The code below worked for me, but where do we add the target=”_blank” in order for the link to open in a new window?
<div style=”banner” onclick=”window.location.href=’'” style=”cursor: pointer;”></div>
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [function.implode] at post_templates.php on line 23Solved:
On /tools/post_templates.php line 23 look for:
$template_data = implode( ”, file( WP_CONTENT_DIR.$template ));
Replace to:
$template_data = implode( ”, file( $template ));
thanks anyway!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [function.implode] at post_templates.php on line 23I have the sam issue. How did you fix it.
Many thanks