Scott DeLuzio
Forum Replies Created
I still haven’t been able to post to Twitter, and have been updating as new versions have been released. Currently I’m using TOP Version 6.7.2, and it’s not working. I revoked access to the app from within my Twitter account, unlinked my Twitter account from within the plugin settings, and then added the account and re-authorized the app in my Twitter account. Is there any chance that there is a server side conflict?
I’m getting a similar message to what I got before, except this time I get:Tweet Old Post is set to tweet on a 2 hours interval, and the next tweet will take place in: Your tweet was just sent to twitter server, wait 5s for a confirmation below. Refresh the page to see when the next one will be posted.
Once you click start tweet a tweet will be sent in 15 sec, also here you can see the error message if is any.And when I refresh the page, I get:
Tweet Old Post is set to tweet on a 2 hours interval, and the next tweet will take place in: 0 days, 00 hours, 00 min and 20 sec
Once you click start tweet a tweet will be sent in 15 sec, also here you can see the error message if is any.The 0 days, 00 hours, 00 min and 20 sec doesn’t count down, although after a short period it goes back to the first message but no new tweets show up in my Twitter account.
I have two sites that were Tweeting with no problem until the recent update. I re-authenticated both, and got no error messages. One site is set to Tweet every 2 hours, the other set every 4 hours.
I tried the 5 steps @doberry suggested and the site set to post every 4 hours now seems to be working.I also tried the 5 steps for the other site and can’t seem to get it to post. On top of the settings page, there is a green block with “Tweet Old Post is set to tweet on a 2 hours interval, and the next tweet will take place in: 0 days, 00 hours, 00 min and 00 sec”
…and a grey block with:
“Once you click start tweet a tweet will be sent in 15 sec, also here you can see the error message if is any.”
I have clicked Start Tweet several times and nothing changes. Even after clicking Stop Tweet, the same messages stays at the top.
Any idea why this would have stopped working?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SSL Warning on Site Not Using SSL CertificateI checked the plugins and none seem to be requiring SSL links – and no shopping cart installed. I do have Wordfence installed, but that hasn’t given me any issues like this on any of my other sites.
I did just talk to the web host, who has a generic SSL certificate on the server, which is likely what is causing the warning. The generic SSL certificate points to * – since the domains don’t match up the warning gets posted. They also said it isn’t possible to remove this generic certificate.
I think at this point I have two options. I could scan through the site and replace all the https links with http (nothing guaranteeing there won’t be more added later by accident), or install an SSL certificate that points to the correct domain.
I know this is an older question, but for anyone who is having this issue, check out the WordFence FAQ article on this topic. It might help you out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Logo Editor] Logo squishedBy default, the logo gets sized to 80x80px, regardless of the size of the image you are using. 80×80 is the size of the default WordPress logo that you are replacing.
You can either resize the image to 80x80px, or add the following to the custom CSS box on the login logo options screen:.login h1 a{ background-size:286px 80px; width:286px; }
The background size/widths are specific for the image it appears you are trying to use. If you decide to change the image later, or if someone else is having the same problem, replace the 286 with the width of the image, and 80 with the height.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Debug Info] pot file and translation file nameThe translation line has been corrected in the latest version of the plugin. Let me know if it is working correctly for you now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Debug Info] Memory limit: Local vs Master valuesThanks for reporting this. I didn’t realize that this was happening.
While investigating the issue, I realized that the PHP memory usage data was what was being used in the current script, and wasn’t useful for diagnosing some memory limit issues that were perhaps happening in a plugin or something on the front end of a site. This data could be a little more misleading to keep in than it’s worth at this point.
I will be releasing a new update shortly that will remove this data from the plugin. The php_info() data will still be there so you’re able to still identify the local/master values for memory_limit.
Thanks again for pointing this out.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Standout Color Boxes and Buttons] Error message on using shortcodeYou should probably replace them all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Standout Color Boxes and Buttons] Error message on using shortcode@mr_man1968 You can download the files from the previous version here:
Replace the plugin files on your site with the files from the old version and you should be all set.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Standout Color Boxes and Buttons] Error message on using shortcodeIn the shortcode for the buttons are you using the hex color or the name of the color?
[color-button color="#ff0000"] Button text. [/color-button]
Color Name:
[color-button color="red"] Button text. [/color-button]
I got it to work using the color name. Also if you had any custom styles in the plugin’s css/custom.css, you might need to double check that they are still there if you reverted back to the old version of the plugin.
I spoke too soon. I had it working using the [color-box] shortcode. [color-button] is not working correctly for me either.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Standout Color Boxes and Buttons] Error message on using shortcodeI think I found a fix for this issue:
The function starting on line 628 in scbb.php should change from:
function scbb_filter_hex_color($colorvalue) { if (preg_match('[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3}$', $colorvalue)) { $colorvalue = '#' . $colorvalue; } return $colorvalue; }
function scbb_filter_hex_color($colorvalue) { if (preg_match('~(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])^[A-Za-z0-9]{6}$~' | '~(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])^[A-Za-z0-9]{3}$~', $colorvalue)) { $colorvalue = '#' . $colorvalue; } return $colorvalue; }
I only tested this to the extent that I found it makes the warning message go away. I didn’t do any other testing to see that the function otherwise does what it is supposed to do (validate hex color values).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Standout Color Boxes and Buttons] Error message on using shortcodeI had the same Warning after updating to the latest version. You can go back to the previous version until a fix is released.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Review Disclaimer] Does what it says.Hi Jeff,
You can use whatever styles you would like in the disclaimer text box. For example, if you wanted to make the disclaimer with italicized text, you could do something like this:<em>This is my disclaimer text</em>
Which would display as:
This is my disclaimer text
Other styles should work the same way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Debug Info] Backup copy not working properlyI don’t believe this question was posted to the right plugin’s support page.
Backup Buddy’s support forum is located here:
If the Debug Info plugin is causing troubles with your site, try deactivating it and try to run a backup again.
It works perfectly now. Thanks for the update. I already rated this plugin with 5 stars – I’d give it another 5 star rating if I could!
Thanks again for the update, and great work with the plugin.