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  • Do you know what plugin you are using to generate the sharing buttons? I’m sure it’s as simple as selecting an option to have it display on that particular page.
    I can probably help more if I know which plugin you are using…

    No problem.

    On the edit screen of your News page, there should be a checkbox towards the bottom that says something like “Show sharing buttons on this post.”

    If not, at the top of the edit screen of your News page, click the “Screen Options” tab, then check the “Sharing” checkbox. Scroll down to the bottom again, and make sure the “Show sharing buttons on this post” box is checked.

    It looks like you already have the RSS feed linked in the footer (the icon next to the link to your Facebook page) – let me know if you were looking for something else?

    It looks OK now – is this what you wanted?

    With one exception I think you want your site to be set up in a similar fashion to my site. That exception being that I don’t use a slider on the front page or blog page.

    So, if that is the case, go to the screen to customize Customizer (

    On the left side click on “Front Page” – the settings should look like this:

    • Posts page – set to your News page
    • Front page displays – A static page
    • Front page – set to your Home page (also, by the looks of your site right now, this Home page does not need to have any content – we’ll get to formatting the rest later)
    • Set up the front page layout – No sidebars : full width layout
    • Slider Options – select the slider you wish to use on the front page if it isn’t already selected, and select the options for it (full width, delay between slides, etc.)
    • Featured Pages Options
    • Display home featured pages area – Enable
    • Show images – checked (yes)
    • Button text – Find out more ?
    • Home featured page one – FREE Solar PV*
    • Home featured page two – Free Insulation
    • Home featured page three – Free Boilers
    • Featured text one – Established due to the ever increasing need for people to find ways to save money on their utility bills. With the ever increasing costs of energy, the rapidly depleting supplies of fuel…..
    • Featured text two – If your home was built after 1920 it is likely that your property has a cavity wall and Almost 25% of all properties in the UK do not have a wall cavity so require External insulation…
    • Featured text three – Boilers can account for up to 60% of your energy spend. A more efficient boiler, you can dramatically reduce your utility bill. With current funding, you may be entitled to receive an A-Rated boiler completely …

    Once this is set up, you should be able to start adding news and updates to your News page.

    For the News page, in order for anything to show up there (news or updates for the site), you need to add “posts” that will show up on the News page.

    As for the RSS feed, there’s nothing you really need to do with it – I was only stating that it didn’t look like you had written anything that should show up on the News page yet.

    Since that seems to be the case, go to Posts > Add New in your Dashboard, and write some News updates. They should then appear on the News page.

    I’m using the same theme as you are – if you follow the steps I wrote above, you should get what you’re looking for.

    Also – to keep from possibly chasing our tails – do you have any posts written yet that you would expect to show up on the News page?

    Your site’s RSS feed doesn’t appear to have anything in it, so I’m wondering if that’s the issue…

    One more time…This time I think you’ll get it!

    <div style="overflow:hidden; width: 100%;">
    <div style="float: left;">
    <iframe src="|+Fairfield,+OH+45014&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.598104,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2028+Bohlke+Blvd,+Fairfield,+Ohio+45014&ll=39.353349,-84.52158&spn=0.007093,0.016512&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed" height="242" width="242" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    <div style="float: right;">
    [contact-form-7 id="1122" title="Untitled"]

    The code I posted before was working fine in the jsfiddle, but it didn’t take into consideration any other formatting going on in your page.

    Try this, and let me know how it looks. (Also get rid of the <div> you added in your contact form editor).

    You may have already added the <div> to your contact form so it might be redundant in my last post – not sure though.

    I think if you did something like this it would work (note I only copied the portion that includes the map and contact form):

    <div style="position:relative; width:100%;">
    <div style="position:absolute; left:0px;">
    <iframe src="|+Fairfield,+OH+45014&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.598104,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2028+Bohlke+Blvd,+Fairfield,+Ohio+45014&ll=39.353349,-84.52158&spn=0.007093,0.016512&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed" height="242" width="242" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    <div style="position:absolute; right:0px;">
    [contact-form-7 id="1122" title="Untitled"]

    See it here:

    If your host uses cPanel, you can look to see if there is an icon that says something like: “php.ini EZConfig”

    Enable EZConfig and you should be able to change the upload_max_filesize value.

    Like @esmi said though, you should contact your host to at least make sure you won’t be exceeding any limitations of your hosting account.

    I would start by creating a new page template.
    In your template, where you want the custom content to go, I would add something like the following:

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
      if ( $user_id = 1 ) {
        // display content for user_id #1
      } elseif ( $user_id = 2 ) {
        // display content for user_id #2
      } else {
        // display content for all other logged in users
    } else {
      // display content for users that are not logged in

    You’ll have to know the user_id’s for each user you want specific content for. In the Dashboard, click on Users from the left menu. Hover your mouse over the username that you want custom content for, and in the URL that shows up at the bottom of your window you’ll see somewhere in there – this user’s ID would be 2 for instance.

    It should work:

    Try this:
    On your contact page, wrap the map and the contact form shortcode with a div:

    <div style="position:relative; width:100%;">
    //map & contact form

    Then modify the contact form in the editor again to:

    <div style="position:absolute;right:0px;">
    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p>Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p>Your Message<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    Without testing it I think this will work, but let me know if it doesn’t look right.

    Create two new pages – call one of them Home, and the other one Blog, or News. (There’s no need to add any content to these pages other than a title).

    Then go to Settings > Reading in the Dashboard. Click the option to have your Front Page display a Static Page. From the drop down menu, select the new Home page for the Front Page option, and select the new Blog/News page you created for the Posts Page option.

    Your website should now display the static home page (blank if you didn’t add any content to it yet). It also should show all your posts in the Blog/News page that you created.

    To get these pages to show up in the menu, click Appearance > Menus. Click create a new menu, then check off the pages you want to display in the menu from the left. Click the Add to Menu button, and you should be all set. You can also reorder them by dragging the pages around the Menu Structure section of that screen.

    Add the div style to the contact form editor:

    <div style="padding-left:400px;">
    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p>Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p>Your Message<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

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