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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] using two sets of child pagesWhy not have one single responsive site that works with every device?
Also you have such a unique setup, there isn’t an easy way to help without trying to duplicate the issue (or check through your actual site).
For removing the link around the page title, you would use a filter similar to and use a conditional for the forum page (or any other page you wanted to remove it from).
The breadcrumb bug could be resolved with some crafty targeted CSS to just hide it. is using bbpress, but doesn’t have the issue, so hmm, don’t even know what to think about actually resolving the issue.
As far as 2.0 goes, it is similar to older versions, mainly it just moves towards more updated HTML5 markup, but still has backwards compatibility so it won’t break older sites that are reliant on the XHTML (for a child theme with heavy modifications might be an example). There really aren’t major changes that do things differently from older versions.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] When will the stable Thematic 2.0 be released?The 2.0 version is done and available on Github.
It is still awaiting theme review (last I heard), but it works fine and has been tested.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] Posts not showing on PublishNot sure what version of Thematic you are using. The stable one from works fine.
There is a new 2.0 version in beta available from Github, This one has quite a few changes, but should still be backward compatible with old themes, the key thing with the newest 2.0 version is if you use it with an old child theme and don’t want to really dig into it to see what needs updated, there is a checkbox in the ” Appearance > Theme Options ” – ” Restore Legacy XHTML1.0 Doctype “, checking that will revert everything.
Not even sure if this will help at all, but just a heads up, I have been testing and working with the old/new themes a bunch since I have a bunch of projects at various states, I haven’t ran across this issue.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] How can I remove the Copyright informations?This theme option is located in the dashboard of the WP Admin.
Go to the WP Admin > Appearance > Theme Options
You will see the “Text in Footer” default theme option provided by the parent Thematic Theme.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My very first blog. What needs to be done?Agree with reducing white space in header a bit.
I would argue that the slider should be scrapped completely and not used. The way the articles are set up, it seems rather redundant, not to mention sliders are so overused. I mean it seems kind of odd looking at Saint Martin and having that same post right below it.
The tags should also be scrapped, when there is one post in a tag, it isn’t a useful navigation. They also make the sidebar too long on short posts adding a ton of white space.
The text in the sidebar is too light, I get that it is probably not trying to draw attention, but still it is too light.
Most important, scrap the /wordpress/ out of the URL. Ideally you would want this to be accessible from the root domain unless a different site is going there then /blog/ or /travels/ or something more useful than /wordpress/ as a directory. You can change this, but it takes a little finesse (instructions in codex), don’t just rename it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Grisaille] Change font family in CSSIt is currently showing the correct pottery barn font for me. Doing a find in the CSS shows no Miso font.
This is probably a caching issue.
When developing (actually all the time), I have both Chrome and Firefox set to disable caching since when I develop it can be annoying and it is good for noticing slow loading sites.
A lot of people also have issues with plugins meant to increase WP’s speed, which also cache on their end and need to be cleared to show changes. Doesn’t look like you are using one.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] remove permlinks on mouseover and show full postOh, for future reference you might find it easier/faster to get responses to questions on the website instead of here
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] remove permlinks on mouseover and show full postMost of the code you will want to modify is located in the thematic/library/extensions folder. Both of the things you are wanting to do are located in the actual content-extensions.php file in that folder.
An example of how to remove the permalink from the Title with a child theme through filtering one of the existing functions would be
As far as modifying the excerpt, that depends… on exactly what you want to do. The function you want to filter is thematic_content_init() and an example can be located at that link, you might want to check the actual function though to see the full list, as things like tags, author, archive, would also need to be changed. If you wanted everything changed, just remove the conditional.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Featured Images on HomepageIf you have questions, you may want to try the, people don’t check the WordPress forums to often.
By default Thematic will show full posts which don’t use the featured image functionality.
This discussion might help a bit however there are multiple ways to set featured images up, so we would need more details. I highly suggest moving the discussion over to the actual site where you will get a lot more attention. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Moving Navigation in A Thematic Child ThemeIf you have questions, it is always best to ask at the, this forum doesn’t get much attention.
If you want to move the #access menu below the header it would be as simple as.
// remove access menu from current position function childtheme_remove_access() { remove_action('thematic_header', 'thematic_access', 9); } add_action('thematic_child_init', 'remove_access'); // add access menu back on to new hook, "below the header" add_action('thematic_belowheader', 'thematic_access');
Where to find the markup for the header is in the Thematic theme itself, in the library/extensions/header-extensions.php file.
Thematic is a little complex, but once you get it, complicated things can be very easy to accomplish.
The code above is from which has a bunch of snippets that are useful examples of how some other simple things can be done.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Thematic] Remove RSS links from Archives page? – removes the RSS
You would probably get much quicker responses to questions on the, much more activity. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change url link in website logoIf you have a good text editor, do a find for “gpp_base_header_hook” and that will lead you to where you want to go. Seems weird though to have that hard-coded in a theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook] [Plugin: Facebook] Comment Counts with ThematicFor anyone else with this problem for the Thematic framework, this Gist will resolve it.
Just drop the code from the link in your child themes functions.php
The issue is Thematic modifies the comment count that Facebook needs, removing the Thematic comment count and replacing it with the WP default fixes the issue.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Responsive theme not "responding" when domain forwardedThe domain specific version loads in an iframe. The iframe is the issue.