Scott Trsar
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable integration provider… No documentation providedI found a solution, thanks. Will open a ticket if I run into anything else.
Looks like virtual events + meetings is now enabled by default since v7.
Trying to hook intotribe_events_virtual_meetings_enabled
via theme doesn’t work as it’s too late because the integrations are being registered from actionplugins_loaded
So addingdefine('EVENTS_VIRTUAL_MEETINGS_ENABLE', false);
or to an mu plugin is the only solution…
Please look into this so developers can hook into these filters via a theme.
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable integration provider… No documentation providedIs there any documentation or can you provide me with what to hook into to or how to remove specific integrations?
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable integration provider… No documentation providedThanks for the reply and sorry about that. It is coming from the PRO version. Let me know if you need me to submit a ticket via the premium ticketing system? It is helpful to have these here to share with anyone from the community experiencing the same or similar issue.
Either way, never had ticketing or virtual events installed prior and appears to be firing from/src/Tribe/Main.php
// Set up Virtual Events via the compatibility layer.
tribe_register_provider( TEC\Events_Pro\Integrations\Events_Virtual_Provider::class );Thanks for getting back to me.
Apologies for breaking the guidelines and I do see a reply from your team regarding the ticket. I’ll continue to follow up there and mark this as resolved.Thanks @d0153,
Can you ping your team about this for me? It would be much appreciated as I already opened a support ticket back on Jun 30, 2023, 11:10 CDT and only got a response of “we’ll check with the team” so far…
Ticket: [The?Events?Calendar] Re: Legacy recurring?events?(child posts) remain published in DB after migration.
Please and thank you- This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Scott Trsar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Auto draft issue since Community Events v4.10.8eh… i guess the
cron will clean this up daily when older than 7 days.
i guess it works, carry on.Saw a release go out with this fix. Assuming it’s fixed so marking resolved.
This is happening again now with the v5.15.0 update that was released 5/19/22… Opening this topic back up.Confirmed this seems to be resolved after this release.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] ACF Relationship Field & TEC Events Post TypeThis is no longer on topic with the admin field and ACF, but you’re most likely only pulling in the post id’s then in your field settings. If this is the case, you don’t need $featured_event->ID. I’d just be $featured_event.
If you want to troubleshoot a bit easier I would recommend learning about some debugging tactics and using php functions such as print_r or var_dump.
// See the field data before you start looping it. print_r($featured_events); exit;
This doesn’t appear to be any issue with the actual plugin code.
However, the issue of ACF and TEC still exists when a post object or relationship field is set to post type tribe_events only.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] ACF Relationship Field & TEC Events Post TypeI haven’t run into this issue, though I’m not using beaver builder. The only issue I noticed was getting the field value to display in the admin after save.
However, looking at your shortcode example, you don’t seem to be returning anything. Could be why nothing is displaying for you.
Give this a shot:
function ecob_featured_events_relationship(){ $featured_events = get_field('featured_events'); if( $featured_events ): ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <ul> <?php foreach( $featured_events as $featured_event ): $permalink = get_permalink( $featured_event->ID ); $title = get_the_title( $featured_event->ID ); ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $permalink ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php return ob_get_clean(); ?> <?php endif; } add_shortcode( 'featured-events', 'ecob_featured_events_relationship' );
And this looks like an acceptable solution.
Thanks @andrewalba. Hoping they can step up the priority on this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] ACF Relationship Field & TEC Events Post TypeSame issue here. Since there hasn’t been a reply yet, a temp solution that worked for me is also select another post type in your ACF field.
Seems to only happen when only tribe_events is used as post type lookup. Adding another post type to select from (even though you don’t need it) fixed the problem for me anyway. Not a solution, but a workaround for now.
Good luck you ya.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] First time SEO configuration?actually bad information here…
was trying to test with Yoast Test Helper and those notices are user specific and wasn’t thinking. but setting those table rows to 0 will mitigate the long intensive process of indexing… not sure the consequence, but better than crawling a heavy trafficked server… took over 12 minutes to complete running this from the admin locally on one site…will wait for what yoast has to say about this in a couple days.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] First time SEO configuration?since support hasn’t responded yet, this happened to me as well v17.7 on all sites i’ve checked too. just did maintenance on 12 sites and everyone needed a re-indexing… (faster running it via wp-cli)
but it appears this “first time config” gets triggered if there is any value other than 0 in these 2 tables.
_transient_wpseo_unindexed_post_link_count _transient_wpseo_unindexed_term_link_count
why? no clue… but i’m assuming this is to probably fix a previous error w/ indexing possibly hanging. that or they adjusted some DB schema again, but it doesn’t appear to be any changes to the DB since v14…
quality has really gone down hill in the plugin department this year.