Scriptrunner (Doug Sparling)
Forum Replies Created
Here’s a screenshot of the SELECT errors:
ScreenshotPHP: 5.3.8, MySQL: 5.1.55
You can see SQL syntax error on INSERT (I was trying to add city2) and on the right (cutoff), is a SQL syntax error on a SELECT.
The INSERT error was due to missing province_id and there was no quotes around the value (or no value in this case). The select is similar, it’s trying to do a SELECT something where province_id= (nothing). I worked around that as well. However, the empty city/province dropdown is caused by sending empty string to “fsrep_print_admin_selectbox” function for param that should be an array of values to build out the dropdown. This case it’s simply a hard coded empty string (”), not an empty variable. The countries dropdown uses “fsrep_get_countries” to populate it, but I don’t see a corresponding function for state/province, and as I said, ” is being sent instead for cities/provinces, which is why that dropdown is empty.
Screenshot (Ignore Site Title of WordPress 3.3.1, it’s actually running 3.4.1 – I used to run multiple instances of WordPresses for testing, I just updated this to latest).
Yes, he’s using the latest and so am I. Turn on WP_DEBUG and you’ll see the errors and warnings (I’m running WP 3.4.1).
One of my clients is having issues with this plugin, cities dropdown on listing page specifically. If you add “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);” to your wp-config.php file, you’ll see there are piles of warnings and a few sql syntax errors (having to do with cities). While I’m only attempting to address the SQL syntax errors, some of the deprecation warnings are for items that were deprecated in WP version 2.0! (2.0 came out in 2005). FYI – the reason the cities dropdown is empty is because the function “fsrep_print_admin_selectbox” is passing empty string for $options instead of an array of city names. I’m digging through it now, but it would be much appreciated if the author could address it.
Fix has been committed. Thanks much!
Max, good catch. Samuel, thanks for the fix. I’ll try and get the plugin updated shortly. Much appreciated!
Is your kml file public (on the internet, not localhost)? Google can only parse the kml file if they can reach it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Magic Gallery] [Plugin: Magic Gallery] Cannot get gallery to displayI had the same issue. What I discovered is that the plugin doesn’t seem to be setting the album type on the plugin install.
I went to Gallery->General Options and set Gallery Type to Pikachoose and clicked save. Then I reset Gallery Type back to Lightbox and clicked save (this is probably optional, but I wanted Lightbox).
In gallery.php, in gallery_display() function
was null.
Might be good to also add a default or error message if it’s not set. And you could change the second IF statement from
if ($options[‘album_type’] == 2) {
else if ($options[‘album_type’] == 2) {
since it’s either going to be one or the other.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Connections] Non-Alphabetic OrderI figured that out, but my client wanted to do it via the admin. They’re used to an “order position” field on the form. I don’t think they’d be able to figure out how to use the shortcode ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Connections] Non-Alphabetic OrderIf anyone is interested, I had a client who had to have custom ordering and I just added it to my local copy of connections today (I’m not the author). I wasn’t sure when shazahm1 was going to put out his next release and I needed the feature today. This is by far the best plugin for staff management.