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  • N.B. Scrufty = Norbit ( at home, i can never remember my WP password and dont take my work machine home that often… aplogies for the confsion)

    This is what i am doing, i.e. in the head i inject the include to the external javascript file.

    In order to “insert the call” i need to insert inline within the page – i need to insert a script block, hence my problem!

    In any case i am asking for help with a specific problem which is to do with WP treatment of CDATA nodes within the content area, not about the reason for the process. There is anoteher way i could do what i need (i think) by triggering a crawl over the document model in the footer – but this is much more involded and should not be nescacary.

    If anyone can advise on my specific problem as detailed in my previous posts (i.e. the CDATA – “]]>” getting changed to “]]>”) how to stop it or process the content area after the offending script in wp_includes has been run then your help ould be greatly apreciated. I am trying to avoid editing the include as i want to stick to the plugin approach.

    Thanks in advance

    ok – i think i see your problem (its me again norbit had to register again on another account as i am not at work and cant find my password…).

    Anyway this looks like a pathing issue with your flash movie – try –


    If this fails then check your flash movie – as it is loading, however it looks like your flash movie may be trying to load in aditional assets such as photos or data – as this movie is located in /photos/ and your blog is in /blog/ if your flash movie is using relative paths to load in data then it may fail to load its resources – check in your FLA that the paths are rooted – i.e. “/photos/[resourcename]” this will ensure that no matter where the movie is loaded from.

    The reason why i feel its a bug in the flash movie is that when we tested including your movie from our site we got a white box – right clicking on it did not show “movie not loaded” so its loading alright…

    To prove the function of the plugin you might want to try –


    ok – lookin further at your pages i’ve spotted a possable issue with a script include – i’ll have an update up tomorrow – as the work page is in a subfolder the path will be wrong with the script include.

    The tags method your using would also work if you fix the paths within your flash file.

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