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  • I believe you can edit the Custom Templates to decide where on the page everything appears(or doesn’t) including the post content and the Google map.


    Default vs. Custom Templates

    The Events Calendar plugin now comes with default templates for the list view, grid view and single post view. If you would like to alter them, create a new folder called “events” in your template directory and copy over the following files from within the plugin folder (simple-events/views/):

    * gridview.php
    * list.php
    * single.php
    * events-list-load-widget-display.php

    Edit the new files to your hearts content. Please do not edit the one’s in the plugin folder as that will cause conflicts when you update the plugin to the latest release.

    Hope this helps. Cheers

    Hi Shane,

    I just installed 1.6 Beta on a fresh install of WP 3.0-beta1. I’m using the Default theme with no other plugins activated.

    Here are some snags I’ve run into so far:

    – With “Use Pretty URLs” ON I either get 404 errors when trying to access the calendar and events list or WP seems to “sometimes” decide to just resolve /events/upcoming or events/month to simply /events. In that case all I can view is the Default View. Clicking for either Calendar or Events List just results in refreshing whatever the Default View is.

    – The “Events List Widget” is displaying no events no matter what I do. I’ve added several events and there is still nothing appearing in the widget.

    – The “Default Country for Events” doesn’t seem to want to work. No matter what I set it to in the plugin settings the drop down on the Add Post page remains blank to start.

    I also tried installing 1.6 on another site running WP 2.9.2 with a custom theme and a bunch of other plugins. It’s “Defualt Country for Events” worked fine but the other two issues remained.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    Sounds like the team has resolved this for the next version (1.6) which hopefully will be available in a stable format very soon.

    You can follow updates from them on twitter @justlikeair.

    Hey ya’ll,

    Just wondering if there’s a way to have the RSS feed for The Events Calendar display the posts by the date you specify for the event?
    My feed just shows the events by the date I posted them not the date they occur on.

    I don’t know if this is what you need but you can access and print just the mp3 url from the enclosure custom field like this:

    $enclosureData = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'enclosure', true);
    $duration = false;
    if ($enclosureData) {
    list($EnclosureURL, $EnclosureSize, $EnclosureType, $Serialized) = split("\n", $enclosureData);
    $EnclosureURL = trim($EnclosureURL);
    echo $EnclosureURL;
    } ?>


    I’ve run into the same quandary. The Events Calendar single.php replaces my theme single.php file in the WordPress theme editor. I can go in through another route to edit my theme single.php file but that is a pain.
    Does anyone have advice?

    I uninstalled the plugin and deleted the cache rows from the database. Then I reinstalled the plugin and now the plugin and the cache are once again functioning alright.

    But I still have your issue, talgalili, of the options page crashing due to the number of tags on the site.

    Hopefully, mitchoyoshitaka, will see this soon and help us out.

    sirzooro, I’ve been using DB Cache Reloaded for several weeks without a problem. It’s been great.
    Then all of a sudden this morning I found my blog had gone to a blank white page. The admin section was unaffected so I tried disabling DB Cache Reloaded and the site returned. I had not added/updated any plugins or edited the theme.
    So, I’m puzzled as to why this is happening. I tried clearing the cache but that didn’t help. Now, whenever I enable DB my blog goes blank and whenever I disable it the site loads correctly.

    Any thoughts on what I can do about this?

    I have the same issue.

    The cache also times out every time I try to build it. I have “on the fly” checked but since the cache failed to compile the “on the fly” option doesn’t seem to offer any results either.

    Ya, that fits. I use feedwordpress. I don’t know about jderosa3 but I have yet to find a fix. I’m too busy battling with feedwordpress creating tons of duplicate posts all over my site.

    Have you had any luck with this, popokolok?
    I’m having the same issue!

    This is happening to me as well and I don’t think the Duplicate Post Filter plugin is working.
    Have either of you gotten to the bottom of this?

    I keep getting the “Constructing the related posts timed out” message when I try to update the cache as well. I do have the compute on the fly option enabled which is fine. However, I want to disallow some categories and it doesn’t seem to take that into consideration on the fly.


    This would really help me too.
    Some articles I get through feedwordpress don’t have any post content and so if Auto Tags could search the post title that would save my life.


    I’m getting a similar error in my search results rss feed.

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'post') AND post_type != 'revision'  ORDER BY yarpp.score DESC  limit 3' at line 1]
    		 SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  wp_posts.*, yarpp.score FROM wp_posts  LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS trel ON (wp_posts.ID = trel.object_id) LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS ttax ON (  ( ttax.taxonomy = 'category' OR ttax.taxonomy = 'post_tag' )  AND trel.term_taxonomy_id = ttax.term_taxonomy_id) LEFT JOIN wp_terms AS tter ON (ttax.term_id = tter.term_id)  LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS m ON (wp_posts.ID = m.post_id)  LEFT JOIN wp_users AS u ON (wp_posts.post_author = u.ID)  join wp_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp using (ID) WHERE 1=1 AND ( yarpp.score > 5 and yarpp.reference_ID = 2930 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post OR (( LIKE '%malkin%'))  OR ((m.meta_value LIKE '%malkin%'))  OR ((wp_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '%malkin%')) )ND yarpp.score > 5 and yarpp.reference_ID = 2930 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post') AND post_type != 'revision'  ORDER BY yarpp.score DESC  limit 3

    So far I’ve only encountered the error when searching for the word “malkin” strangely enough. I’m running WP 2.8.2 and YARPP 3.0.7.

    Any thoughts?

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