Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGen Gallery] reverse order of Manage GalleryThank you for the response. I was hoping to enter this into the product as a standard feature.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: UMapper] Have an error and wanted to know what to do about it.The error still exists. I just got it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Far Left Dashboard Sidebar listing Options Does Not Appear!upgrading to 2.7.1 fixed this issue for me, so I’m not clear as to what my issue was… fixed, though, so I’m happy. Now I can update my other sites.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Far Left Dashboard Sidebar listing Options Does Not Appear!I have this same problem. Quite annoying. I’ve not upgraded my other sites due to this issue.
I suspect this has something to do with jQuery 1.2.6 and I’ve been unable to roll back to 1.2.3 successfully.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I roll back to jQuery 1.2.3 in WP 2.7?I have not customized the admin section. I did find that NextGen gallery was sourcing jQuery 1.2.6 and it was colliding with the admin section inclusion of jQuery, though I’m unsure why.
By deactivating NGG I now have access to the Help and Screen Options drop downs, but still no sidebar menu. It’s really frustrating.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Way to import memberlist into WP?I haven’t used this yet, but I’m planning to because I need to bulk import users into my WP database. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Solution for 2.3 database errors / wp_post2cat does not existI just want to add my experience to this upgrade mess.
I originally loaded up WP v2.0.2 which was available from my hosting company, but prior to beginning any theme development, I loaded up v2.3 and ran upgrade.php. Everything was great.
I took a theme (green field or something like that) and modified it to fit my needs.
I launched my site last Thursday night. Of course, I then see the notification for a new release candidate that supposedly fixes some bugs and introduces taxonomy changes.
I loaded it up and transferred the code to my web server. Crash.
I had an events calendar plugin that was failing. I went into the plug in code and commented out the failing function and I was then able to access my admin panel. Ok, deactivate the plugin and try again.
At that point I ran the upgrade.php script and it ran quickly. I could now access my site, but there were errors in my category and page listing splashes.
I dug into the code and found that the categories were transformed into taxonomies and the underlying schema had been modified as well. For whatever reason, I also found that my pages had been converted to posts!
Ok, this update sucked.
I found my old 2.3 zip file and unpacked the code. Next, overwrite the code on my web server with 2.3.0 code. Last, go into phpmyadmin and:
1) retrieve the IDs of the posts that were actually pages and update the column (post_status, I think) to be ‘static’. Now my pages were back.
2) rather than reverse the DB conversion to rebuild my categories table, I simply went back into the admin panel, created new categories, and then updated my posts (I only had 3, but if I had a year’s worth, I would’ve been pissed).
I’ve put a decent amount of work into modifying the theme I’m using, so I’m not about to dump it. My next plan of action is to copy my site’s directory into a test bed directory, load up the 2.3.1 code, and then spend some time fixing all the bugs. At first glance, it appears that I’ll need to modify my theme’s code to work with taxonomies instead of categories, so it might not be so bad.
It’s a good lesson I’ve learned, though… never trust an update.