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Thanks for the extremely helpful, extremely detailed response Adam. WAY above and beyond the call of duty.
The problem went away when I turned LiteSpeed Cache > General > General Settings > Guest Optimization = OFF.
(after first having turned off all the LiteSpeed Cache > CSS Settings).Thanks for your response, Nebu.
LiteSpeed Cache was disabled approx Fri 7/26 12:39pm EDT at the request of my management to ensure this form renders properly. It would have been disabled when you tested and sent your message (Sat 7/27 3:31am EDT). I can leave it on temporarily so you can experience the behavior with LiteSpeed turned on.
Here is a Google Drive Link to Zip file containing Form export + Litespeed Cache settings export causing the phenomenon were the form only renders after reloading the page.
Please LMK once you have downloaded the Zip file to I can turn off public access to that file. Please also LMK when you’ve tested originally-reported link with LiteSpeed enabled so I can turn it back off while I research appropriate LS settings.
SeanThis appears to be a LiteSpeed Cache (v6.3) issue.
Completely disabling LiteSpeed Cache causes the form to render properly, first time, every time, regardless of whether I’m logged in or not.
Enabling LiteSpeed Cache, but my attempts to cause LiteSpeed to NOT cache the page containing the form causes it to render about half the time. Usually first time I load the page, it doesn’t render, then reloading the page causes it to Render.
- In the LiteSpeed Options metabox on the page, I’ve toggled “Disable Cache” on.
- In LiteSpeed’s 50,000 advanced settings page, I think I’ve excluded “/contribute” in as many fields as I could find that would exclude all caching associated the that page’s URL.
- Any other LiteSpeed gurus know of specific settings I should tweak to improve Forminator compatibility?
Screenshots that may be helpful in diagnosing what is going on:
Chrome DevTools – Form does not render 1
I’ve just updated and confirmed that v1.4.0 of PMDM appears to have resolved the issue.Figured it out: Stale entry in SQLite Object Cache.
Uninstalled plugin, deleted xs_* db tables & settings using Jordy Meow’s Database Cleaner. Re-Installed: No Dice! (and old config values were retained somehow.
Uninstalled again. deleted xs_* db tables again. Flushed and cleared SQLite object cache. Reinstalled plugin. Went through the wizard again. Now it works, easy peasy!
Good luck if anyone else encounters similar…