Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Phpinfo plugin for anyone who is interestedTo the best of my knowledge no. Althought I am not an expert and this was my first attempt to write something that I needed. If you use it then great, let me know how you like it, if you don’t feel comfortable using it then don’t. I have been using it every since I posted it with out any problems.
And sorry for the long delay, I have not had much time lately to play with wordpress, I am still using the default theme if that tells you anything. And I would still like any input on how I could improve this, as given my lack of time as of late, I am still new to all of this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter PluginThanks amit for such a well written and thought out plugin. Geshi is great and I am glad I can use it in wordpress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Phpinfo plugin for anyone who is interestedOK I found userlevels…
If you change this line:
add_options_page('PHPInfo', 'PHPInfo', 9, basename(__FILE__), 'showPHPInfo');
to this, then I think only the admin can as it says only admin has userleve 10
add_options_page('PHPInfo', 'PHPInfo', 10, basename(__FILE__), 'showPHPInfo');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Phpinfo plugin for anyone who is interestedI should rephrase that. I did not post it because I am dangerous but I posted it because I might be and I was hoping someone could tell me if I was and if so how to clean it up or if someone wanted to spruce it up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Phpinfo plugin for anyone who is interestedNot very. LOL. Like I said, I am very very new to wordpress. And this plugin is a hack job. I know enough PHP to be dangerous to myself and those around me. Which is one of the reasons I posted it here. I am fairly sure that it is only viewable in the admina area though. Sorry, I wish I could give you big comforting words, but I am still trying to figure out what I am doing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Phpinfo plugin for anyone who is interestedOh sorry, for those who don’t know how to install it…which would have been me before tonight. Just save the code to a file called phpinfo.php and put it in your plugins directory. Then go into the admin area and activate it. Then under Options you should see PHPInfo.