Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Lightbox 2] floats UNDER wp3.0 NavBarchange your z-indexs in css
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add posts on a templated page used as home ?awesome, ty ty, this has worked perfectly, did you have any other plugins have problems when putting posts on a page other than the homepage. I installed a plugin that works perfectly (shadowbox) on individual post pages and when they were displaying on the homepage but when i am on my custom template page where i have only comic posts or the blog page where only blog posts the pictures do not get cropped correctly and get all resized funny, i am assuming it is a similar issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shadowbox JS] [Plugin: Shadowbox JS] Resizing Issue on posts pagebump?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add posts on a templated page used as home ?i would love to know wtf this does btw, it just makes me confused (i just got off work and am tired tho…) $hrefpat = ‘/href=[\”\’]([^\”\’]+)[\”\’]/’;
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add posts on a templated page used as home ?vtxyzzy awesome fix, i used your first post, but for your 2nd maybe u can explain to people exactly what you did, it looks like you have 2 separate functions and 1 call back, if u explain this a little bit more in depth like whether all three of these go in the template file etc or if the 2 functions go in functions.php
you could even write a blog post or something, youd prob get a lot of hits, this is a pretty common thing people would want ??
so i needed to be able to change divs depending on which particular page i was looking at (this was so the current page would display a different font color for the link linking to itself so you knew what page you were on, i used straight php->
<?php if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]==”/2.0/”) echo “<div id=’sean_override’>”; ?>then i did this a bunch of times so i could get every link working
`<?php if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]==”/2.0/blog/”) echo “<div id=’sean_override2′>”; ?>
<?php if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]==”/2.0/videos/”) echo “<div id=’sean_override_videos’>”; ?>
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&exclude=’.get_option(‘tbf2_exclude_pages’)); ?>
<?php if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]==”/2.0/blog/”) echo “</div>”; ?>
<?php if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]==”/2.0/videos/”) echo “</div>”; ?>’this allows me to make the current page able to modify current page links similar to the built-in ‘current_page_item’ which won’t work for custom templates. YAY!! Let me know if there is more info needed,
you can check out this implementation at http:/ that just fixed it for your particular case, i am having problems using is_page() on my custom templates which i have to use for my implementation…. can we bump this up, is there a way to grab page priority? this is hurting links for me because i need the selected link to be colored so you know what page you belong to besides the title and if the is_page and is_home fail because of custom templates this will mess up your css implementation
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: gd-star-rating and export / importsame problem, bump
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect and WordPress 3.0works for me ;), i am working on using facebook avatar in buddypress now
there is a checkmark under options, that would have done it as well, without adding code
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP, troubleshooting some Internet Explorer things…yeah i guess i will just have to go through it manually i was hoping people could just reccomend some tools that might be able to match problems faster..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP, troubleshooting some Internet Explorer things…fixed, absolutley no change
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: static home page nav position shiftingmake a div specifically for your static page, and assign css for only that type of div so that it is only affecting that one element. I do this all the time to create tables or groups of text that are different fonts, sizes or backgrounds etc,
in this example all he is doing is changing the color basically in one of them but you can do everything in here, the point is you can make your own specific class…
here is more advanced example this helps….
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New theme needs your feedbacki like, don’t have time to download right now, would be cool if you had an option to turn on/off that static footer, some people might love it/hate it and want the options and don’t want to go through your code..
another questions, is your server slow or was that just me?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Threaded comments not working on Emptiness Themei am being super lazy, but try this and if it fits your fancy it might be the way to go… you can def check theme theme by taking the .zip file and testing it here-> will grep through it and test all the functions, the moderator may have a link somewhere i can’t remember don’t know…