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  • Thread Starter Seany84


    1. I fixed this by adding the missing column to the table.
    2. I fixed each of those lines by checking for null objects,

    Thread Starter Seany84


    I have fixed all of the issues..

    Database -> added the missing column passcode obviously.

    ALTER TABLEDatabaseNameHere.wp_attendees`
    ADD COLUMN passcode VARCHAR(10) NULL AFTER passcode;`

    I modified the frontend php file to check for null objects and parameters.


    $rsvp_form_action = htmlspecialchars(rsvp_getCurrentPageURL());
    if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DONT_USE_HASH) != "Y") {
      $rsvp_form_action .= "#rsvpArea";
    $rsvp_saved_form_vars = array();
    // load some defaults
    $rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainRsvp'] = "";
    $rsvp_saved_form_vars['rsvp_note'] = "";
    function rsvp_handle_output ($intialText, $rsvpText) {
      $rsvpText = "<a name=\"rsvpArea\" id=\"rsvpArea\"></a>".$rsvpText;
      remove_filter("the_content", "wpautop");
    	return str_replace(RSVP_FRONTEND_TEXT_CHECK, $rsvpText, $intialText);
    function rsvp_frontend_handler($text) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$passcodeOptionEnabled = (rsvp_require_passcode()) ? true : false;
    	//QUIT if the replacement string doesn't exist
    	if (!strstr($text,RSVP_FRONTEND_TEXT_CHECK)) return $text;
    	// See if we should allow people to RSVP, etc...
    	$openDate = get_option(OPTION_OPENDATE);
    	$closeDate = get_option(OPTION_DEADLINE);
    	if((strtotime($openDate) !== false) && (strtotime($openDate) > time())) {
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, RSVP_START_PARA.sprintf(__("I am sorry but the ability to RSVP for our wedding won't open till <strong>%s</strong>", 'rsvp-plugin'), date("m/d/Y", strtotime($openDate))).RSVP_END_PARA);
    	if((strtotime($closeDate) !== false) && (strtotime($closeDate) < time())) {
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, RSVP_START_PARA.__("The deadline to RSVP for this wedding has passed, please contact the bride and groom to verify that there is still a seat for you.", 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA);
    	if(isset($_POST['rsvpStep'])) {
    		$output = "";
    		switch(strtolower($_POST['rsvpStep'])) {
            return rsvp_handlenewattendee($output, $text);
            return rsvp_handleNewRsvp($output, $text);
    			case("handlersvp") :
    				$output = rsvp_handlersvp($output, $text);
    					return $output;
    			case("editattendee") :
    				$output = rsvp_editAttendee($output, $text);
    					return $output;
    			case("foundattendee") :
    				$output = rsvp_foundAttendee($output, $text);
    					return $output;
    			case("find") :
    				$output = rsvp_find($output, $text);
    					return $output;
    				return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_greeting());
    	} else {
        if((isset($_REQUEST['firstName']) && isset($_REQUEST['lastName'])) || (rsvp_require_only_passcode_to_register() && isset($_REQUEST['passcode']))) {
          $output = "";
          return rsvp_find($output, $text);
        } else {
          return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_greeting());
    function rsvp_handlenewattendee($output, $text) {
      $output = RSVP_START_CONTAINER;
      $output .= rsvp_frontend_main_form(0, "addAttendee");
      $output .= RSVP_END_CONTAINER;
      return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output);
    function rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($attendeeID, $formName) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." WHERE attendeeID = %d ", $attendeeID));
    	$qRs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT, questionType FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
    					INNER JOIN ".QUESTION_TYPE_TABLE." qt ON = q.questionTypeID
    					ORDER BY q.sortOrder");
    	if(count($qRs) > 0) {
    		foreach($qRs as $q) {
    			if(isset($_POST[$formName.$q->id]) && !empty($_POST[$formName.$q->id])) {
    				if($q->questionType == QT_MULTI) {
    					$selectedAnswers = "";
    					$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, answer FROM ".QUESTION_ANSWERS_TABLE." WHERE questionID = %d", $q->id));
    					if(count($aRs) > 0) {
    						foreach($aRs as $a) {
    							if(in_array($a->id, $_POST[$formName.$q->id])) {
    								$selectedAnswers .= ((strlen($selectedAnswers) == "0") ? "" : "||").stripslashes($a->answer);
    					if(!empty($selectedAnswers)) {
    						$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEE_ANSWERS, array("attendeeID" => $attendeeID,
    																									 "answer" => stripslashes($selectedAnswers),
    																									 "questionID" => $q->id),
    																						 array('%d', '%s', '%d'));
    				} else if (($q->questionType == QT_DROP) || ($q->questionType == QT_RADIO)) {
    					$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, answer FROM ".QUESTION_ANSWERS_TABLE." WHERE questionID = %d", $q->id));
    					if(count($aRs) > 0) {
    						foreach($aRs as $a) {
    							if($a->id == $_POST[$formName.$q->id]) {
    								$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEE_ANSWERS, array("attendeeID" => $attendeeID,
    																											 "answer" => stripslashes($a->answer),
    																											 "questionID" => $q->id),
    																								 array('%d', '%s', '%d'));
    				} else {
    					$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEE_ANSWERS, array("attendeeID" => $attendeeID,
    																								 "answer" => $_POST[$formName.$q->id],
    																								 "questionID" => $q->id),
    																					 array('%d', '%s', '%d'));
    function rsvp_frontend_prompt_to_edit($attendee) {
      global $rsvp_form_action;
      $prompt = RSVP_START_CONTAINER;
      $editGreeting = __("Hi %s it looks like you have already RSVP'd. Would you like to edit your reservation?", 'rsvp-plugin');
    	$prompt .= sprintf(RSVP_START_PARA.$editGreeting.RSVP_END_PARA,
                         htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($attendee->firstName." ".$attendee->lastName)));
    	$prompt .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$rsvp_form_action\">\r\n
    								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attendeeID\" value=\"".$attendee->id."\" />
    								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rsvpStep\" id=\"rsvpStep\" value=\"editattendee\" />
    								<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".__("Yes", 'rsvp-plugin')."\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('rsvpStep').value='editattendee';\" />
    								<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".__("No", 'rsvp-plugin')."\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('rsvpStep').value='newsearch';\"  />
      $prompt .= RSVP_END_CONTAINER;
    	return $prompt;
    function rsvp_frontend_main_form($attendeeID, $rsvpStep = "handleRsvp") {
    	global $wpdb, $rsvp_form_action, $rsvp_saved_form_vars;
    	$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, email, rsvpStatus, note, kidsMeal, additionalAttendee, veggieMeal, personalGreeting
    																						 FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    																						 WHERE id = %d", $attendeeID));
    	 	WHERE (id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    			OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d))
    			 AND additionalAttendee = 'Y'";
    	$newRsvps = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
      $yesText = __("Yes", 'rsvp-plugin');
      $noText  = __("No", 'rsvp-plugin');
    	$yesVerbiage = ((trim(get_option(OPTION_YES_VERBIAGE)) != "") ? get_option(OPTION_YES_VERBIAGE) :
    		__("Yes, of course I will be there! Who doesn't like family, friends, weddings, and a good time?", 'rsvp-plugin'));
    	$noVerbiage = ((trim(get_option(OPTION_NO_VERBIAGE)) != "") ? get_option(OPTION_NO_VERBIAGE) :
    			__("Um, unfortunately, there is a Star Trek marathon on that day that I just cannot miss.", 'rsvp-plugin'));
    	$kidsVerbiage = ((trim(get_option(OPTION_KIDS_MEAL_VERBIAGE)) != "") ? get_option(OPTION_KIDS_MEAL_VERBIAGE) :
    					__("We have the option of getting cheese pizza for the kids (and only kids).  Do you want pizza instead of \"adult food?\"", 'rsvp-plugin'));
    	$veggieVerbiage = ((trim(get_option(OPTION_VEGGIE_MEAL_VERBIAGE)) != "") ? get_option(OPTION_VEGGIE_MEAL_VERBIAGE) :
    					__("We also have the option of getting individual vegetarian meals instead of the fish or meat.  Would you like a vegetarian dinner?", 'rsvp-plugin'));
    	$noteVerbiage = ((trim(get_option(OPTION_NOTE_VERBIAGE)) != "") ? get_option(OPTION_NOTE_VERBIAGE) :
    		__("If you have any <strong style=\"color:red;\">food allergies</strong>, please indicate what they are in the &quot;notes&quot; section below.  Or, if you just want to send us a note, please feel free.  If you have any questions, please send us an email.", 'rsvp-plugin'));
    	$form = "<form id=\"rsvpForm\" name=\"rsvpForm\" method=\"post\" action=\"$rsvp_form_action\" autocomplete=\"off\">";
    	$form .= "	<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attendeeID\" value=\"".$attendeeID."\" />";
    	$form .= "	<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rsvpStep\" value=\"$rsvpStep\" />";
      // New Attendee fields when open registration is allowed
      if($attendeeID <= 0) {
        $form .= RSVP_START_PARA;
        $form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
          "<label for=\"attendeeFirstName\">".__("First Name: ", 'rsvp-plugin')."</label>".
          "<input type=\"text\" name=\"attendeeFirstName\" id=\"attendeeFirstName\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars(isset($rsvp_saved_form_vars['attendeeFirstName']) ? $rsvp_saved_form_vars['attendeeFirstName'] : '')."\" />".
        $form .= RSVP_END_PARA;
        $form .= RSVP_START_PARA;
        $form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
          "<label for=\"attendeeLastName\">".__("Last Name: ", 'rsvp-plugin')."</label>".
          "<input type=\"text\" name=\"attendeeLastName\" id=\"attendeeLastName\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars(isset($rsvp_saved_form_vars['attendeeLastName']) ? $rsvp_saved_form_vars['attendeeLastName'] : '')."\" />".
        $form .= RSVP_END_PARA;
    	$form .= RSVP_START_PARA;
    								if(trim(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_QUESTION)) != "") {
    									$form .= trim(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_QUESTION));
    								} else {
    									$form .= __("So, how about it?", 'rsvp-plugin');
    	$form .= RSVP_END_PARA.
        rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
        "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainRsvp\" value=\"Y\" id=\"mainRsvpY\" ".(((is_null($attendee)) || (!isset($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainRsvp'])) || ($attendee->rsvpStatus == "No") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainRsvp'] == "N")) ? "" : "checked=\"checked\"")." /> <label for=\"mainRsvpY\">".$yesVerbiage."</label>".
        rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
          "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainRsvp\" value=\"N\" id=\"mainRsvpN\" ".(((is_null($attendee)) || (!isset($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainRsvp'])) || ($attendee->rsvpStatus == "No") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainRsvp'] == "N")) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "")." /> ".
          "<label for=\"mainRsvpN\">".$noVerbiage."</label>".
    	if(!empty($attendee->personalGreeting)) {
    		$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("rsvpCustomGreeting", "").nl2br(stripslashes($attendee->personalGreeting)).RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
    	if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_KIDS_MEAL) != "Y") {
    		$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "rsvpBorderTop").
          "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainKidsMeal\" value=\"Y\" id=\"mainKidsMealY\" ".
          ((($attendee->kidsMeal == "Y") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainKidsMeal'] == "Y")) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "")." /> <label for=\"mainKidsMealY\">$yesText</label> ".
    				"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainKidsMeal\" value=\"N\" id=\"mainKidsMealN\" ".((($attendee->kidsMeal == "Y") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainKidsMeal'] == "Y")) ? "" : "checked=\"checked\"")." /> <label for=\"mainKidsMealN\">$noText</label>".
    	if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_VEGGIE) != "Y") {
    		$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "rsvpBorderTop").
          "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainVeggieMeal\" value=\"Y\" id=\"mainVeggieMealY\" ".
            ((($attendee->veggieMeal == "Y") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainVeggieMeal'] == "Y")) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "")."/> <label for=\"mainVeggieMealY\">$yesText</label> ".
          "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mainVeggieMeal\" value=\"N\" id=\"mainVeggieMealN\" ".
            ((($attendee->veggieMeal == "Y") || ($rsvp_saved_form_vars['mainVeggieMeal'] == "Y")) ? "" : "checked=\"checked\"")." /> <label for=\"mainVeggieMealN\">$noText</label>".
      if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_HIDE_EMAIL_FIELD) != "Y") {
        $form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "rsvpBorderTop").
          RSVP_START_PARA."<label for=\"mainEmail\">".__("Email Address", 'rsvp-plugin')."</label>".RSVP_END_PARA.
            "<input type=\"text\" name=\"mainEmail\" id=\"mainEmail\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars(isset($attendee) ? $attendee->email : "")."\" />".
    	$form .= rsvp_buildAdditionalQuestions($attendeeID, "main");
    	if(get_option(RSVP_OPTION_HIDE_NOTE) != "Y") {
      	$form .= RSVP_START_PARA.$noteVerbiage.RSVP_END_PARA.
          rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
            "<textarea name=\"rsvp_note\" id=\"rsvp_note\" rows=\"7\" cols=\"50\">".((!empty($attendee->note)) ? $attendee->note : $rsvp_saved_form_vars['rsvp_note'])."</textarea>".RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
      /*$sql = "SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    	 	WHERE (id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    			OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d) OR
          id IN (SELECT waa1.attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." waa1
               INNER JOIN ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." waa2 ON waa2.attendeeID = waa1.attendeeID  OR
                                                         waa1.associatedAttendeeID = waa2.attendeeID
               WHERE waa2.associatedAttendeeID = %d AND waa1.attendeeID <> %d))
    			 AND rsvpStatus <> 'NoResponse'";
    	$rsvpd = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
    	if(count($rsvpd) > 0) {
        $form .= "<div class=\"rsvpAdditionalAttendee\">\r\n";
    		$form .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("The following people associated with you have already registered:", 'rsvp-plugin')." ";
    		foreach($rsvpd as $r) {
    			$form .= "<br />".htmlspecialchars($r->firstName." ".$r->lastName);
    		$form .= RSVP_END_PARA;
        $form .= "</div>";
    	$sql = "SELECT id, firstName, lastName, email, personalGreeting FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    	 	WHERE (id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    			OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d) OR
          id IN (SELECT waa1.attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." waa1
               INNER JOIN ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." waa2 ON waa2.attendeeID = waa1.attendeeID  OR
                                                         waa1.associatedAttendeeID = waa2.attendeeID
               WHERE waa2.associatedAttendeeID = %d AND waa1.attendeeID <> %d))";
    	$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
    	if(count($associations) > 0) {
    		$form .= "<h3>".__("The following people are associated with you.  At this time you can RSVP for them as well.", 'rsvp-plugin')."</h3>";
    		foreach($associations as $a) {
          if($a->id != $attendeeID) {
      			$form .= "<div class=\"rsvpAdditionalAttendee\">\r\n";
            $form .= "<div class=\"rsvpAdditionalAttendeeQuestions\">\r\n";
      			$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").RSVP_START_PARA.sprintf(__(" Will %s be attending?", 'rsvp-plugin'), esc_html(stripslashes($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName))).RSVP_END_PARA.
                    "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."\" value=\"Y\" id=\"attending".$a->id."Y\" /> ".
                    "<label for=\"attending".$a->id."Y\">$yesText</label>
      							<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."\" value=\"N\" id=\"attending".$a->id."N\" /> ".
                    "<label for=\"attending".$a->id."N\">$noText</label>".
      			if(!empty($a->personalGreeting)) {
      				$form .= RSVP_START_PARA.nl2br($a->personalGreeting).RSVP_END_PARA;
      			if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_KIDS_MEAL) != "Y") {
      				$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
                RSVP_START_PARA.sprintf(__("Does %s need a kids meal?", 'rsvp-plugin'), htmlspecialchars($a->firstName)).
                  RSVP_END_PARA."&nbsp; ".
                "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMeal\" value=\"Y\" id=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMealY\" /> ".
      					"<label for=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMealY\">$yesText</label>
      					<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMeal\" value=\"N\" id=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMealN\" checked=\"checked\" /> ".
      					"<label for=\"attending".$a->id."KidsMealN\">$noText</label>".RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
      			if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_VEGGIE) != "Y") {
      				$form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").
                      RSVP_START_PARA.sprintf(__("Does %s need a vegetarian meal?", 'rsvp-plugin'), htmlspecialchars($a->firstName)).
                        RSVP_END_PARA."&nbsp; ".
          						"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMeal\" value=\"Y\" id=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMealY\" /> ".
          						"<label for=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMealY\">$yesText</label>
          						<input type=\"radio\" name=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMeal\" value=\"N\" id=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMealN\" checked=\"checked\" /> ".
          						"<label for=\"attending".$a->id."VeggieMealN\">$noText</label>".RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
            if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_HIDE_EMAIL_FIELD) != "Y") {
              $form .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "rsvpBorderTop").
                RSVP_START_PARA."<label for=\"attending".$a->id."Email\">".__("Email Address", 'rsvp-plugin')."</label>".RSVP_END_PARA.
                  "<input type=\"text\" name=\"attending".$a->id."Email\" id=\"attending".$a->id."Email\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($a->email)."\" />".
      			$form .= rsvp_buildAdditionalQuestions($a->id, $a->id);
            $form .= "</div>\r\n"; //-- rsvpAdditionalAttendeeQuestions
      			$form .= "</div>\r\n";
    		  } // if($a->id != ...)
        } // foreach($associations...)
    	if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_ADD_ADDITIONAL) != "Y") {
        $text = __("Did we slip up and forget to invite someone? If so, please add him or her here:", 'rsvp-plugin');
        if(trim(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_ADD_ADDITIONAL_VERBIAGE)) != "") {
          $text = get_option(OPTION_RSVP_ADD_ADDITIONAL_VERBIAGE);
    		$form .= "<h3>$text</h3>\r\n";
    		$form .= "<div id=\"additionalRsvpContainer\">\r\n
    								<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"additionalRsvp\" id=\"additionalRsvp\" value=\"".count($newRsvps)."\" />
    								<div style=\"text-align:right\"><img ".
    									"src=\"".get_option("siteurl")."/wp-content/plugins/rsvp/plus.png\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" border=\"0\" id=\"addRsvp\" /></div>".
    	$form .= RSVP_START_PARA."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".__("RSVP", 'rsvp-plugin')."\" />".RSVP_END_PARA;
    	$form .= "</form>\r\n";
    	return $form;
    function rsvp_revtrievePreviousAnswer($attendeeID, $questionID) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$answers = "";
    	if(($attendeeID > 0) && ($questionID > 0)) {
    		$rs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT answer FROM ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." WHERE questionID = %d AND attendeeID = %d", $questionID, $attendeeID));
    		if(count($rs) > 0) {
    			$answers = stripslashes($rs[0]->answer);
    	return $answers;
    function rsvp_buildAdditionalQuestions($attendeeID, $prefix) {
    	global $wpdb, $rsvp_saved_form_vars;
    	$output = "<div class=\"rsvpCustomQuestions\">";
    	$sql = "SELECT, q.question, questionType FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
    					INNER JOIN ".QUESTION_TYPE_TABLE." qt ON = q.questionTypeID
    					WHERE q.permissionLevel = 'public'
    					  OR (q.permissionLevel = 'private' AND IN (SELECT questionID FROM ".QUESTION_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = $attendeeID))
    					ORDER BY q.sortOrder ";
      $questions = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    	if(count($questions) > 0) {
    		foreach($questions as $q) {
    			$oldAnswer = rsvp_revtrievePreviousAnswer($attendeeID, $q->id);
    			$output .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "").RSVP_START_PARA.stripslashes($q->question).RSVP_END_PARA;
    				if($q->questionType == QT_MULTI) {
    					$oldAnswers = explode("||", $oldAnswer);
    					$answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, answer FROM ".QUESTION_ANSWERS_TABLE." WHERE questionID = %d", $q->id));
    					if(count($answers) > 0) {
    						$i = 0;
    						foreach($answers as $a) {
    							$output .= rsvp_BeginningFormField("", "rsvpCheckboxCustomQ")."<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id."[]\" id=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id.$a->id."\" value=\"".$a->id."\" "
    							  .((in_array(stripslashes($a->answer), $oldAnswers)) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "")." />".
                    "<label for=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id.$a->id."\">".stripslashes($a->answer)."</label>\r\n".RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
                $output .= "<div class=\"rsvpClear\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n";
    				} else if ($q->questionType == QT_DROP) {
    					//$oldAnswers = explode("||", $oldAnswer);
    					$output .= "<select name=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id."\" size=\"1\">\r\n".
    						"<option value=\"\">--</option>\r\n";
    					$answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, answer FROM ".QUESTION_ANSWERS_TABLE." WHERE questionID = %d", $q->id));
    					if(count($answers) > 0) {
    						foreach($answers as $a) {
    							$output .= "<option value=\"".$a->id."\" ".((stripslashes($a->answer) == $oldAnswer) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "").">".stripslashes($a->answer)."</option>\r\n";
    					$output .= "</select>\r\n";
    				} else if ($q->questionType == QT_LONG) {
    					$output .= "<textarea name=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id."\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"35\">".htmlspecialchars($oldAnswer)."</textarea>";
    				} else if ($q->questionType == QT_RADIO) {
    					//$oldAnswers = explode("||", $oldAnswer);
    					$answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, answer FROM ".QUESTION_ANSWERS_TABLE." WHERE questionID = %d", $q->id));
    					if(count($answers) > 0) {
    						$i = 0;
    						$output .= RSVP_START_PARA;
    						foreach($answers as $a) {
    							$output .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id."\" id=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id.$a->id."\" value=\"".$a->id."\" "
    							  .((stripslashes($a->answer) == $oldAnswer) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "")." /> ".
                  "<label for=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id.$a->id."\">".stripslashes($a->answer)."</label>\r\n";
    						$output .= RSVP_END_PARA;
    				} else {
    					// normal text input
    					$output .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$prefix."question".$q->id."\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($oldAnswer)."\" size=\"25\" />";
    			$output .= RSVP_END_FORM_FIELD;
    	return $output."</div>";
    function rsvp_find(&$output, &$text) {
    	global $wpdb, $rsvp_form_action;
      $passcodeOptionEnabled = (rsvp_require_passcode()) ? true : false;
      $passcodeOnlyOption = (rsvp_require_only_passcode_to_register()) ? true : false;
    	$passcode = "";
    	if(isset($_REQUEST['passcode'])) {
    		$passcode = $_REQUEST['passcode'];
    	$firstName = $_REQUEST['firstName'];
    	$lastName = $_REQUEST['lastName'];
    	if(!$passcodeOnlyOption && ((strlen($_REQUEST['firstName']) <= 1) || (strlen($_REQUEST['lastName']) <= 1))) {
    		$output = "<p class=\"rsvpParagraph\" style=\"color:red\">".__("A first and last name must be specified", 'rsvp-plugin')."</p>\r\n";
    		$output .= rsvp_frontend_greeting();
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output);
    	// Try to find the user.
    	if($passcodeOptionEnabled) {
        if($passcodeOnlyOption) {
      		$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus
      																							 FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
      																							 WHERE passcode = %s", $passcode));
        } else {
      		$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus
      																							 FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
      																							 WHERE firstName = %s AND lastName = %s AND passcode = %s", $firstName, $lastName, $passcode));
    	} else {
    		$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus
    																							 FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    																							 WHERE firstName = %s AND lastName = %s", $firstName, $lastName));
    	if($attendee != null) {
    		// hey we found something, we should move on and print out any associated users and let them rsvp
    		$output = RSVP_START_CONTAINER;
    		if(strtolower($attendee->rsvpStatus) == "noresponse") {
    			$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("Hi", 'rsvp-plugin')." ".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($attendee->firstName." ".$attendee->lastName))."!".RSVP_END_PARA;
    			if(trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)) != "") {
    				$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)).RSVP_END_PARA;
    			} else {
    				$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("There are a few more questions we need to ask you if you could please fill them out below to finish up the RSVP process.", 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA;
    			$output .= rsvp_frontend_main_form($attendee->id);
    		} else {
    			$output .= rsvp_frontend_prompt_to_edit($attendee);
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output."</div>\r\n");
    	// We did not find anyone let's try and do a rough search
    	$attendees = null;
    	if(!$passcodeOptionEnabled && (get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DISABLE_USER_SEARCH) != "Y")) {
    		for($i = 3; $i >= 1; $i--) {
    			$truncFirstName = rsvp_chomp_name($firstName, $i);
          $trueLastName = substr($lastName, strrpos($lastName, ' ') + 1);
          $middleNames = substr($lastName, 0, strrpos($lastName, ' '));
          $sql = "SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    					WHERE (lastName = %s AND firstName LIKE  '".esc_sql($truncFirstName)."%%') OR
              (lastName = %s AND firstName = %s)";
     			$attendees = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $lastName, $trueLastName, $firstName." ".$middleNames));
    			if(count($attendees) > 0) {
    				$output = RSVP_START_PARA."<strong>".__("We could not find an exact match but could any of the below entries be you?", 'rsvp-plugin')."</strong>".RSVP_END_PARA;
    				foreach($attendees as $a) {
    					$output .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$rsvp_form_action\">\r\n
    									<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rsvpStep\" value=\"foundattendee\" />\r\n
    									<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attendeeID\" value=\"".$a->id."\" />\r\n
    									<p class=\"rsvpParagraph\" style=\"text-align:left;\">\r\n
    							".htmlspecialchars($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName)."
    							<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".__("RSVP", "rsvp-plugin")."\" />\r\n
    				return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output);
    			} else {
    				$i = strlen($truncFirstName);
      if(rsvp_require_only_passcode_to_register()) {
        $notFoundText = sprintf(RSVP_START_PARA.__('<strong>We were unable to find anyone with the password you specified.</strong>', 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA);
      } else if (rsvp_require_passcode()) {
        $notFoundText = sprintf(RSVP_START_PARA.__('<strong>We were unable to find anyone with a name of %1$s %2$s or the provided password was incorrect.</strong>', 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA, htmlspecialchars($firstName), htmlspecialchars($lastName));
      } else {
        $notFoundText = sprintf(RSVP_START_PARA.__('<strong>We were unable to find anyone with a name of %1$s %2$s</strong>', 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA, htmlspecialchars($firstName), htmlspecialchars($lastName));
    	$notFoundText .= rsvp_frontend_greeting();
    	return rsvp_handle_output($text, $notFoundText);
    function rsvp_handleNewRsvp(&$output, &$text) {
      global $wpdb, $rsvp_saved_form_vars;
      $thankYouPrimary = "";
      $thankYouAssociated = array();
      foreach($_POST as $key=>$val) {
        $rsvp_saved_form_vars[$key] = $val;
      if(empty($_POST['attendeeFirstName']) || empty($_POST['attendeeLastName'])) {
        return rsvp_handlenewattendee($output, $text);
      $rsvpPassword = "";
      $rsvpStatus = "No";
    	if(strToUpper($_POST['mainRsvp']) == "Y") {
    		$rsvpStatus = "Yes";
      $kidsMeal = ((isset($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N");
      $veggieMeal = ((isset($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N");
      $thankYouPrimary = $_POST['attendeeFirstName'];
    	$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
                                           "firstName" => $_POST['attendeeFirstName'],
                                           "lastName"  => $_POST['attendeeLastName'],
                                           "email"     => $_POST['mainEmail'],
                                           "rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
                                           "note" => $_POST['rsvp_note'],
                                           "kidsMeal" => $kidsMeal,
                                           "veggieMeal" => $veggieMeal),
    																 array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"));
      $attendeeID = $wpdb->insert_id;
    	if(rsvp_require_passcode()) {
        $rsvpPassword = trim(rsvp_generate_passcode());
    									array("passcode" => $rsvpPassword),
    	rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($attendeeID, "mainquestion");
    	$sql = "SELECT id, firstName FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    	 	WHERE (id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    			OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)) ";
    	$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
    	foreach($associations as $a) {
    		if(isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id]) && (($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "Y") || ($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "N"))) {
    			if($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "Y") {
    				$rsvpStatus = "Yes";
    			} else {
    				$rsvpStatus = "No";
          $thankYouAssociated[] = stripslashes($a->firstName);
          if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_HIDE_EMAIL_FIELD) != "Y") {
      			$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      							"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
                    "email" => $_POST['attending'.$a->id."Email"],
      							"kidsMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N"),
      							"veggieMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N")),
      							array("id" => $a->id),
      							array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
          } else {
      			$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      							"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
      							"kidsMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N"),
      							"veggieMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N")),
      							array("id" => $a->id),
      							array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
    			rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($a->id, $a->id."question");
    	if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_ADD_ADDITIONAL) != "Y") {
    		if(is_numeric($_POST['additionalRsvp']) && ($_POST['additionalRsvp'] > 0)) {
    			for($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['additionalRsvp']; $i++) {
            $numGuests = 3;
            if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_NUM_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS) != "") {
              $numGuests = get_optioN(OPTION_RSVP_NUM_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS);
              if(!is_numeric($numGuests) || ($numGuests < 0)) {
                $numGuests = 3;
    				if(($i <= $numGuests) &&
    				   !empty($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName']) &&
    				   !empty($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'LastName'])) {
              $thankYouAssociated[] = $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName'];
    					$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("firstName" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName']),
    									"lastName" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'LastName']),
                      "email" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i."Email"]),
    									"rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
    									"rsvpStatus" => (($_POST['newAttending'.$i] == "Y") ? "Yes" : "No"),
    									"kidsMeal" => (isset($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'KidsMeal'] : "N"),
    									"veggieMeal" => (isset($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'VeggieMeal'] : "N"),
    									"additionalAttendee" => "Y"),
    									array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'));
    					$newAid = $wpdb->insert_id;
    					rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($newAid, $i.'question');
    					// Add associations for this new user
    					$wpdb->insert(ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("attendeeID" => $newAid,
    										"associatedAttendeeID" => $attendeeID),
    										array("%d", "%d"));
    					$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE."(attendeeID, associatedAttendeeID)
    																			 SELECT ".$newAid.", associatedAttendeeID
    																			 FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    																			 WHERE attendeeID = ".$attendeeID);
    	if((get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_ON_RSVP) == "Y") && (get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_EMAIL) != "")) {
    		$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, note, kidsMeal, veggieMeal FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE id= ".$attendeeID;
    		$attendee = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    		if(count($attendee) > 0) {
    			$body = "Hello, \r\n\r\n";
    			$body .= stripslashes($attendee[0]->firstName)." ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->lastName).
    							 " has submitted their RSVP and has RSVP'd with '".$attendee[0]->rsvpStatus."'.\r\n";
          if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_KIDS_MEAL) != "Y") {
            $body .= "Kids Meal: ".$attendee[0]->kidsMeal."\r\n";
          if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_VEGGIE) != "Y") {
            $body .= "Vegetarian Meal: ".$attendee[0]->veggieMeal."\r\n";
          if(get_option(RSVP_OPTION_HIDE_NOTE) != "Y") {
            $body .= "Note: ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->note)."\r\n";
    			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
    				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
    				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
    			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID));
    			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
    				foreach($aRs as $a) {
              $body .= stripslashes($a->question).": ".stripslashes($a->answer)."\r\n";
    			$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, id FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    			 	WHERE id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    					OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)";
    			$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
          if(count($associations) > 0) {
            $body .= "\r\n\r\n--== Associated Attendees ==--\r\n";
      			foreach($associations as $a) {
              $body .= stripslashes($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName)." rsvp status: ".$a->rsvpStatus."\r\n";
        			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
        				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
        				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
        			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $a->id));
        			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
        				foreach($aRs as $ans) {
                  $body .= stripslashes($ans->question).": ".stripslashes($ans->answer)."\r\n";
                $body .= "\r\n";
          $emailAddy = get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_EMAIL);
          $headers = "";
          if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DISABLE_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FROM) != "Y")
            $headers = 'From: '. $emailAddy . "\r\n"; 
    			wp_mail($emailAddy, "New RSVP Submission", $body, $headers);
      if((get_option(OPTION_RSVP_GUEST_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION) == "Y") && !empty($_POST['mainEmail'])) {
    		$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, email, rsvpStatus FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE id= ".$attendeeID;
    		$attendee = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    		if(count($attendee) > 0) {
    			$body = "Hello ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->firstName)." ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->lastName).", \r\n\r\n";
          if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_EMAIL_TEXT) != "") {
            $body .= "\r\n";
            $body .= get_option(OPTION_RSVP_EMAIL_TEXT);
            $body .= "\r\n";
    			$body .= "You have successfully RSVP'd with '".$attendee[0]->rsvpStatus."'.";
    			$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, id FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    			 	WHERE id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    					OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)";
    			$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
          if(count($associations) > 0) {
            $body .= "\r\n\r\n--== Associated Attendees ==--\r\n";
      			foreach($associations as $a) {
              $body .= stripslashes($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName)." rsvp status: ".$a->rsvpStatus."\r\n";
        			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
        				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
        				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
        			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $a->id));
        			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
        				foreach($aRs as $ans) {
                  $body .= stripslashes($ans->question).": ".stripslashes($ans->answer)."\r\n";
                $body .= "\r\n";
          $emailAddy = get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_EMAIL);
          $headers = "";
          if(!empty($emailAddy) && (get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DISABLE_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FROM) != "Y")) {
            $headers = 'From: '. $emailAddy . "\r\n";
          wp_mail($attendee[0]->email, "RSVP Confirmation", $body, $headers);
    	return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_new_atendee_thankyou($thankYouPrimary, $thankYouAssociated, $rsvpPassword));
    function rsvp_handlersvp(&$output, &$text) {
    	global $wpdb;
      $thankYouPrimary = "";
      $thankYouAssociated = array();
    	if(is_numeric($_POST['attendeeID']) && ($_POST['attendeeID'] > 0)) {
    		// update their information and what not....
    		if(strToUpper($_POST['mainRsvp']) == "Y") {
    			$rsvpStatus = "Yes";
    		} else {
    			$rsvpStatus = "No";
    		$attendeeID = $_POST['attendeeID'];
        // Get Attendee first name
        $thankYouPrimary = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT firstName FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE id = %d", $attendeeID));
        if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_HIDE_EMAIL_FIELD) != "Y") {
      		$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      						"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
      						"note" => $_POST['rsvp_note'],
                  "email" => $_POST['mainEmail'],
      						"kidsMeal" => ((isset($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N"),
      						"veggieMeal" => ((isset($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N")),
      																	array("id" => $attendeeID),
      																	array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
        } else {
      		$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      						"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
      						"note" => $_POST['rsvp_note'],
      						"kidsMeal" => ((isset($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainKidsMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N"),
      						"veggieMeal" => ((isset($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) && (strToUpper($_POST['mainVeggieMeal']) == "Y")) ? "Y" : "N")),
      																	array("id" => $attendeeID),
      																	array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
    		rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($attendeeID, "mainquestion");
    		$sql = "SELECT id, firstName FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    		 	WHERE (id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
    				OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)) ";
    		$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
    		foreach($associations as $a) {
          if(isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id]) && (($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "Y") || ($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "N"))) {
            $thankYouAssociated[] = $a->firstName;
    				if($_POST['attending'.$a->id] == "Y") {
    					$rsvpStatus = "Yes";
    				} else {
    					$rsvpStatus = "No";
            if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_HIDE_EMAIL_FIELD) != "Y") {
      				$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      								"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
                      "email" => $_POST['attending'.$a->id."Email"],
      								"kidsMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N"),
      								"veggieMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N")),
      								array("id" => $a->id),
      								array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
            } else {
      				$wpdb->update(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
      								"rsvpStatus" => $rsvpStatus,
      								"kidsMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'KidsMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N"),
      								"veggieMeal" => ((strToUpper((isset($_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['attending'.$a->id.'VeggieMeal'] : "N")) == "Y") ? "Y" : "N")),
      								array("id" => $a->id),
      								array("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"),
    				rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($a->id, $a->id."question");
    		if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_ADD_ADDITIONAL) != "Y") {
    			if(is_numeric($_POST['additionalRsvp']) && ($_POST['additionalRsvp'] > 0)) {
    				for($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['additionalRsvp']; $i++) {
              $numGuests = 3;
              if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_NUM_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS) != "") {
                $numGuests = get_optioN(OPTION_RSVP_NUM_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS);
                if(!is_numeric($numGuests) || ($numGuests < 0)) {
                  $numGuests = 3;
    					if(($i <= $numGuests) &&
    					   !empty($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName']) &&
    					   !empty($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'LastName'])) {
                $thankYouAssociated[] = $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName'];
    						$wpdb->insert(ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("firstName" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'FirstName']),
    										"lastName" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'LastName']),
                        "email" => trim($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'Email']),
    										"rsvpDate" => date("Y-m-d"),
    										"rsvpStatus" => (($_POST['newAttending'.$i] == "Y") ? "Yes" : "No"),
    										"kidsMeal" => (isset($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'KidsMeal']) ? $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'KidsMeal'] : "N"),
    										"veggieMeal" => (isset($_POST['newAttending'.$i.'VeggieMeal']) ? $_POST['newAttending'.$i.'VeggieMeal'] : "N"),
    										"additionalAttendee" => "Y"),
    										array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'));
    						$newAid = $wpdb->insert_id;
    						rsvp_handleAdditionalQuestions($newAid, $i.'question');
    						// Add associations for this new user
    						$wpdb->insert(ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE, array("attendeeID" => $newAid,
    											"associatedAttendeeID" => $attendeeID),
    											array("%d", "%d"));
    						$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE."(attendeeID, associatedAttendeeID)
    																				 SELECT ".$newAid.", associatedAttendeeID
    																				 FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    																				 WHERE attendeeID = %d", $attendeeID));
        $email = get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_EMAIL);
    		if((get_option(OPTION_NOTIFY_ON_RSVP) == "Y") && ($email != "")) {
    			$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, kidsMeal, veggieMeal, note FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE id= ".$attendeeID;
    			$attendee = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    			if(count($attendee) > 0) {
    				$body = "Hello, \r\n\r\n";
    				$body .= stripslashes($attendee[0]->firstName)." ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->lastName).
    								 " has submitted their RSVP and has RSVP'd with '".$attendee[0]->rsvpStatus."'.";
            if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_KIDS_MEAL) != "Y") {
              $body .= "Kids Meal: ".$attendee[0]->kidsMeal."\r\n";
            if(get_option(OPTION_HIDE_VEGGIE) != "Y") {
              $body .= "Vegetarian Meal: ".$attendee[0]->veggieMeal."\r\n";
            if(get_option(RSVP_OPTION_HIDE_NOTE) != "Y") {
              $body .= "Note: ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->note)."\r\n";
      			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
      				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
      				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
      			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID));
      			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
              $body .= "\r\n\r\n--== Custom Questions ==--\r\n";
      				foreach($aRs as $a) {
                $body .= stripslashes($a->question).": ".stripslashes($a->answer)."\r\n";
      			$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, id FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
      			 	WHERE id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
      					OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)";
      			$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
            if(count($associations) > 0) {
              $body .= "\r\n\r\n--== Associated Attendees ==--\r\n";
        			foreach($associations as $a) {
                $body .= stripslashes($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName)." RSVP status: ".$a->rsvpStatus."\r\n";
          			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
          				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
          				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
          			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $a->id));
          			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
          				foreach($aRs as $ans) {
                    $body .= stripslashes($ans->question).": ".stripslashes($ans->answer)."\r\n";
                  $body .= "\r\n";
            $headers = "";
    				if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DISABLE_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FROM) != "Y")
              $headers = 'From: '. $email . "\r\n";		
    				wp_mail($email, "New RSVP Submission", $body, $headers);
        if((get_option(OPTION_RSVP_GUEST_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION) == "Y") && !empty($_POST['mainEmail'])) {
      		$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, email, rsvpStatus FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE id= ".$attendeeID;
      		$attendee = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
      		if(count($attendee) > 0) {
      			$body = "Hello ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->firstName)." ".stripslashes($attendee[0]->lastName).", \r\n\r\n";
            if(get_option(OPTION_RSVP_EMAIL_TEXT) != "") {
              $body .= "\r\n";
              $body .= get_option(OPTION_RSVP_EMAIL_TEXT);
              $body .= "\r\n";
      			$body .= "You have successfully RSVP'd with '".$attendee[0]->rsvpStatus."'.";
      			$sql = "SELECT firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus, id FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
      			 	WHERE id IN (SELECT attendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE associatedAttendeeID = %d)
      					OR id in (SELECT associatedAttendeeID FROM ".ASSOCIATED_ATTENDEES_TABLE." WHERE attendeeID = %d)";
      			$associations = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $attendeeID, $attendeeID));
            if(count($associations) > 0) {
              $body .= "\r\n\r\n--== Associated Attendees ==--\r\n";
        			foreach($associations as $a) {
                $body .= stripslashes($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName)." rsvp status: ".$a->rsvpStatus."\r\n";
          			$sql = "SELECT question, answer FROM ".QUESTIONS_TABLE." q
          				LEFT JOIN ".ATTENDEE_ANSWERS." ans ON = ans.questionID AND ans.attendeeID = %d
          				ORDER BY q.sortOrder,";
          			$aRs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $a->id));
          			if(count($aRs) > 0) {
          				foreach($aRs as $ans) {
                    $body .= stripslashes($ans->question).": ".stripslashes($ans->answer)."\r\n";
                  $body .= "\r\n";
            $headers = "";
            if(!empty($email) && (get_option(OPTION_RSVP_DISABLE_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FROM) != "Y")) {
              $headers = 'From: '. $email . "\r\n";
            wp_mail($attendee[0]->email, "RSVP Confirmation", $body, $headers);
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, frontend_rsvp_thankyou($thankYouPrimary, $thankYouAssociated));
    	} else {
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_greeting());
    function rsvp_editAttendee(&$output, &$text) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	if(is_numeric($_POST['attendeeID']) && ($_POST['attendeeID'] > 0)) {
    		// Try to find the user.
    		$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus
    													FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    													WHERE id = %d", $_POST['attendeeID']));
    		if($attendee != null) {
    			$output .= RSVP_START_CONTAINER;
    			$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.sprintf(__("Welcome back %s!", 'rsvp-plugin'), htmlspecialchars($attendee->firstName." ".$attendee->lastName)).RSVP_END_PARA;
    			$output .= rsvp_frontend_main_form($attendee->id);
    			return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output.RSVP_END_CONTAINER);
    function rsvp_foundAttendee(&$output, &$text) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	if(is_numeric($_POST['attendeeID']) && ($_POST['attendeeID'] > 0)) {
    		$attendee = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, firstName, lastName, rsvpStatus
    																							 FROM ".ATTENDEES_TABLE."
    																							 WHERE id = %d", $_POST['attendeeID']));
    		if($attendee != null) {
    			$output = RSVP_START_CONTAINER;
    			if(strtolower($attendee->rsvpStatus) == "noresponse") {
    				$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("Hi", 'rsvp-plugin')." ".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($attendee->firstName." ".$attendee->lastName))."!".RSVP_END_PARA;
    				if(trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)) != "") {
    					$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)).RSVP_END_PARA;
    				} else {
    					$output .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("There are a few more questions we need to ask you if you could please fill them out below to finish up the RSVP process.", 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA;
    				$output .= rsvp_frontend_main_form($attendee->id);
    			} else {
    				$output .= rsvp_frontend_prompt_to_edit($attendee);
    			return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output.RSVP_END_CONTAINER);
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_greeting());
    	} else {
    		return rsvp_handle_output($text, rsvp_frontend_greeting());
    function frontend_rsvp_thankyou($thankYouPrimary, $thankYouAssociated) {
    	$customTy = get_option(OPTION_THANKYOU);
    	if(!empty($customTy)) {
    		return nl2br($customTy);
    	} else {
        $tyText = __("Thank you", 'rsvp-plugin');
        if(!empty($thankYouPrimary)) {
          $tyText .= " ".htmlspecialchars($thankYouPrimary);
        $tyText .= __(" for RSVPing.", 'rsvp-plugin');

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)