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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Fatal error applying updateI just now replaced JetPack with Solid Security. Hopefully they won’t push out updates without having them check dependencies prior to installing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Fatal error applying updateIt was never “solved.” The plug-in appears “operational” but is running at glacial speed dragging down the entire site. Yet another example of why Agile is not a software engineering methodology. When I get time this weekend I’m going to “fix” it by un-installing Jetpack. This isn’t the first time you guys/gals/others pushed out an “update” that installs without bothering to check any dependencies. Very sloppy development.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Jetpack upgrade errorMake/Support is, as stated “the official blog for the WordPress Support team,” it is not a support venue.
And the first thing you do is adhere to Internet norms rather than creating a Support destination that isn’t support.
Type and you will find yourself here. same is true of pretty much every other major product vendor. It is even true of BestBuy.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Jetpack upgrade errorTry navigating to that from here:
I’ve spent over 30 years in IT designing everything from large corporate systems to medical devices. The layout and UX of the Website is wretched.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Share Icons & Social Share Buttons] You don’t work out of box@KOOkaine,
It is for anyone trying to sell a version of this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Share Icons & Social Share Buttons] You don’t work out of boxNo, It’s a mistake of the developers creating this plug-in, PERIOD.
I’ve been writing software for over 30 years. I’ve even written a lot of books about writing software. Check out “The Minimum You Need to Know” series.
A failure caused by a developer reading the word should in a specification and interpreting it as must is just that, a developer failure. One which will never slide through proper software development methodologies, but will take the express lane through AGILE every time.
This is the first plug-in I’ve ever encountered to make such a mistake.
Forcing someone to hack a theme creates a broken theme. They will either be trapped into a cycle of having to hack it each and every time an update pushes out or the theme will just cease to work because of your plug-in.
The language was not too strong. The criticism was and still is accurate. This was a developer failure, believing a “recommended” thing in a “guideline” was a requirement in a specification. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Share Icons & Social Share Buttons] You don’t work out of boxError : Please fix your theme to make plugins work correctly. Go to the Theme Editor and insert the following string: <?php wp_head(); ?> Please enter it just before the following line of your header.php file: </head> Go to your theme editor: click here.
Yours is the only plug-in which has asked me to hack my theme.
Viciously poor design.
The look of this has now changed and it broke horribly.
Interesting Authors Blog Stats
On the IA blog we have regularly scheduled serialized content and know from emails and such how widely it is read. My geek blog tends to fluctuate, but never drops off like that even if I don’t post for 3 months.
Right now I’m blaming JetPack for breaking this. It stopped working after their update, and they are pointing the finger at you.
Gotta love AGILE! Hurl worthless untested sh*t into production then blame everyone else.
How do I back-level yours to something from a year or so ago? If it is still broken, then it is definitely JetPack.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Video Player] Now breaking media libraryIt is not resolved. For whatever reason I never received email notification of your request for more information. I only received email notification today that you were closing the ticket. Disabling and then deleting your plug-in “fixed” the problem with the media library. This was not a site specific problem as it broke 2 different blogs. I “resolved” it by deleting your plug-in.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin login no longer goes to dashboardHave you tried the usual debugging techniques? Have you edited any files you shouldn’t have?
It was working fine until 4.8.x pushed out. I haven’t edited squat in quite some time, other than adding new posts.
>it appears all documentation is obsolete
Not sure what you mean here. There is lots of documentation available, and some of it is out of date and a lot of it is up to date.
Well _everything_ which I found claimed there was a setting to control the login destination, but that setting exists no longer, so, the doc is out of date.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] Remove OpenSans default fontAs an update the default of OpenSans also breaks full justification. I assume this is because you’ve chosen a default font which is not installed on my Linux machine.
Trying to edit with this thing installed is ___really___ annoying. I installed it just to add the full justification button back in. Seems to have broken most everything else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Set featured image via tag and url>Not a crime in itself, only if you claim they are your images and then it is a copyright violation. See
Speaking as someone who has published quite a few books and had to pursue copyright infringement before, that statement is incorrect. It is a crime to take and then display the image within you own work regardless of claims to ownership, especially if your bio contains links to sites where you sell things or your blog has advertising on it.
It’s basically the same thing as downloading a song without paying for it and claiming one shouldn’t have to pay for it because it was for “personal use.”
Thank you for your responses though. It is looking like getting featured images will be more pain than it is worth at this point. It is a roll our own plug-in situation and if we did that we would have to incorporate most of postie as well as featured-image-from-url plug-in you mention. I would definitely not want to get caught in the middle of relying on a 3 plug-in stack.
Thanks again for your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Set featured image via tag and urlThank you for your response. Not actually a solution, but there is some detail needed.
- The images will never be in the media library. They are hosted in other locations. Pulling images owned by others and placing them in your media library is a Federal crime, at least in America. Referencing via URL to the owning location and providing link to owning location is fine.
- The postie plugin will be on other blogs, not my own. We planned on using it to push content. Don’t need, want or desire admin access to everyone’s site so I can do a hack.
If the featured image portion of WordPress really does require images to be in the media library, then this is a bust. I can’t believe such a thing is required since they are actually reference via url out of the library.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Featured Image handlingI’m wondering just what became of this. All of my html emails for posting specify by url the images. Basically code like this:
<p style="float: left"> <a title="Machete" href=""> <img longdesc="" title="Machete" alt="Machete cover" src=",0,182,268_AL_.jpg"></a> </p> <p align="justify">People are probably going to beat me up for this
It would be nice if right below my tags: I could have a featured: specifying a url.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot login on WordPress siteOk, 5 hours later I tracked it down. I’ve been running the seos-blue theme for months now and all was well. Whatever came down in recent automatic updates really clocked this theme. In the middle of the functions.php file there was an ending <? followed by blank lines and <?php. Deleting all of that “fixed” it, but why did it break now? I don’t hack and edit themes. I find something I like, use some of the sidebar entries, then leave it alone until I get tired of looking at it, which can take over a year.