Forum Replies Created
No answer from @adespresso
On my side, I have activated tracking trought ajax and clear wprocket cache.
Then I ignore all error and warning.
I was quiet for last 2 days and there 2 errors and 3 warnings
–>Errors : Same Event ID Received for Many Event for add to cart and initiate checkout Instances Warning : Missing user data settings for Lead, CompleteRegistration, ViewContent events
In this vidéo, severals error and warning we got are explained !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pixel Caffeine] Conversion API TrackingSorry, i didn’t reply quickly to second question !
I have same issues,
It’s warning about server side event so you still have browser events for the moment until facebook avtivate ios rules…You can comment this topic to make forward issue Plugins
In reply to: [Pixel Caffeine] Conversion API TrackingHi @chilliwax
Yes you have Server side tracking option which could be enabled in general setting of pluginGetting similar errors on event_manager
Same Event ID Received for Many Event Instances Missing user data settings for Purchase, Lead, CompleteRegistration, ViewContent events Missing value settings for Purchase events Missing event value and currency for Complete registration event AdvancedEvents Event Server Sending Invalid Match Key Parameters AdvancedEvents Event from Server Missing User Agent Parameter AdvancedEvents Missing event parameters required
Server side tracking is activated and generates several server side errors
I’m using WPRocket but I did not implement pixel Caeffeine with “Track through AJAX”
Pixel caffeine version 2.3.2
@adespresso do you have any idea ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueToo late and too much time spent on this issue.
I will try to install events tracking on server side with Facebook API conversion in 2021.
If trouble persists I will open a ticket with Woocommerce team then.
Thank you for your help.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issue@dougaitken could you tell how could I send you Facebook for WooCommerce logs to help me to debug this issue ? (I do not want to put it in clear because of confidential information inside logs)
Everyone passes the buck and finally this is my customer who is very affected by low result with Christmas purchase with her Facebook Ads investment
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueFrom I activated ‘automatic redirection on store” from pavement platform, there is more “purchase” event tracked but still around 40% NOT tracked !
In Facebook for woocommerce log, still several errors messages for any events –> OAuthException: The IP address you entered is invalid. Enter a valid IP address
So i have contacted payment solution support (Crédit Agricole E-transactions) :
– they confirm me that was the right solution to activate ‘automatic redirection on store” after payment.
– AND IP addresses of E-transactions infrastructures are well declared in E-transactions backoffice.
– They recommended me to see IP addresses issue on client site !THEN, I contacted the developer who opened a ticket with O2Switch hoster. The feedback of O2Switch hoster is :
– they confirm that error is unknown on server side
– and that Internet user’s IP are not blacklisted, so they are not blocked on O2Switch side.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueHi,
Sorry issue is not solved !
I’m in contact with e-paiement solution and hoster supports.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueHey there,
Trouble identified with payment solution (Crédit Agricole E-transactions)
When customers are on payment step, they are redirect to E-transactions platform
Once they have paid, if customers close E-transactions windows they are not redirect on shop website
then woocommerce order confirmation page is not loaded
and therefore the pixel does not detect the PURCHASE event- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by seb2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueThank you for your feed back.
Plugin have been update last friday in version 2.2.0 and trouble persists.
Before 20% of purcahses were tracked and from last saturday 60% or 70% are now tracked.I will investigate your suggestion with developer tomorrow.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueHi,
Should I contact woocommerce plugin team ?
Or is there anyone to help me to debug issue ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueHow could I send you complete log ?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by seb2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issue11-21-2020 @ 11:43:31 – Response
code: 400
message: Bad Request
headers: Array
[x-ad-account-usage] => {“acc_id_util_pct”:0}
[x-app-usage] => {“call_count”:8,”total_cputime”:0,”total_time”:1}
[content-type] => application/json
[facebook-api-version] => v7.0
[x-fb-request-id] => Ah4uw_Hc3bjioRitw6fI9m9
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[x-fb-trace-id] => BNplkA6ICeB
[content-encoding] => gzip
[x-fb-rev] => 1003022341
[cache-control] => no-store
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[pragma] => no-cache
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[www-authenticate] => OAuth “Facebook Platform” “invalid_request” “Invalid parameter”
[x-fb-debug] => 9I4uDpmD4Cjj2TTQvEsKoA0gDrLfk5F8Fj8snal8MvHXbQdbA7EJMpzKCxB4EQGGIvt7MMdqb+vQF4lOqrba1A==
[date] => Sat, 21 Nov 2020 10:43:33 GMT
[alt-svc] => h3-29=”:443″; ma=3600,h3-27=”:443″; ma=3600
[content-length] => 213
body: {“error”:{“message”:”Invalid parameter”,”type”:”OAuthException”,”code”:100,”error_subcode”:2804007,”is_transient”:false,”error_user_title”:”Invalid IP Address”,”error_user_msg”:”The IP address you entered is invalid. Enter a valid IP address.”,”fbtrace_id”:”Ah4uw_Hc3bjioRitw6fI9m9″}}11-21-2020 @ 11:43:31 – Could not send Pixel event: OAuthException: The IP address you entered is invalid. Enter a valid IP address.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook for WooCommerce] Facebook pixel EVENTS issueHi, me again.
Thanks to the activation of logs, trouble persist, see order-id involved :
21 nov 2020 à 11:43 5886 Purchase detected by pixel
21 nov 2020 à 12:21 5887 Purchase NOT detected by pixel
21 nov 2020 à 12:26 5888 Purchase NOT detected by pixel
21 nov 2020 à 18:39 5902 Purchase detected by pixelIn log:
-I can find 5886 and 5902 order-id but not for 5887 et 5888.
-There is many many error : “Could not send Pixel event: OAuthException: The IP address you entered is invalid. Enter a valid IP address.”- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by seb2.