My bad, the ” — Parameters (all required):” made me think it was using parameters in the technical meaning (url parameters)
As for the jQuery, I did read the code first to check if it was safe to use meanwhile I forgot there was jQuery examples ??
Contrary to what I though, since I don’t have this problem with my endpoint using a new and an old password, but it seems that bitdefender won’t let me put the pass with the email in the same place if it’s to an http website (dev env), so I guess I’ll have to rename it temporary something like “new” ??
I learnt to make wp api on my own and it seems that depending on how you made the endpoint you can get the body without having to parse it
Currently I’m forced to use this to get the body:
$body = $request->get_body();
parse_str($body, $args);
So I’ll probably have to look into it when I’ll clean my code
So thanks again ??