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I take advantage of the thread to ask a new problem, when I go to edit a template the website enters a critical error, when I put an order into processing as well, the system warns me that it is an error in your plugin, do you know what it could be?
Esa opción la activé(un poco desde la ignorancia) porque el error ya ocurría y para ver si se solucionaba, lo he desactivado y espero un pedido para ver si nos da nuevas pistas
Espero que sea esto
Detalle de la notificación Fecha y hora 19/11/2023 11:15:14 Tipo notificación HTTP Modo de comunicación Síncrona Resultado operación 0000 Cod. respuesta servidor Error?(301) Destino notificación Datos notificación Ds_SignatureVersion=HMAC_SHA256_V1&Ds_MerchantParameters=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&Ds_Signature=Vh6JEfJgeemxKRNFRCKMmZEVC9_P-MbYoB8p_2K3Io4=
Error (connect timed out)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce] a code is displayed below the labelIt’s true, it’s already fixed. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce] a code is displayed below the labelthat’s right, I have that version and clean cache
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce] a code is displayed below the labelThe plugin is always updated to its latest version
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce] a code is displayed below the labelHello Elementor
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Product Labels for WooCommerce] a code is displayed below the labelYes, i use W3 Total caché
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)