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  • Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, this plugin shows in the scan results the links detected in your post content according to each scan configuration.

    For each URL detected, you have the actions of remove, modify, add or remove nofollow, etc.

    And just to the right, it shows a column with the post or page to which the URL belongs, and the typical WordPress actions of Edit, Trash, View, etc., but it is the same functionality that you can find in the list of WordPress posts or pages.

    This plugin does not delete any page without user action, and if you are going to remove any page page from the search results you need to click on the Trash first, and after that the Delete permanently. These post/page actions are only helpful, call WordPress functions, and are not the purpose of this plugin.

    But I think you’ve confused those operations with the actions performed to the URLs. When you hover with the mouse over any row, in each column there are specific actions for each thing (URL, link status, link text and content), and I think there is the problem. So far there have been no reported problems with this, but Okay, I will try to make it clearer for future versions.

    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi Alexandra, thanks for your questions.

    Malformat refers to links whose format can not be validated by the module that checks the links response codes.

    The relative links are not strictly errors, it just shows that the link is relative to the current page instead of using absolute URL’s.

    This is not exclusive to this plugin, doing a quick search you can find examples of what it means, for example:

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, I have taken a look to the pretty links plugin and it does not seem to be using post types or taxonomies to register their custom links.

    The only I can think is if you are using a constant prefix or suffix for your pretty links slugs, you can restrict the scan scope using the content filters section, adding a filter to include thse URLs.

    Or also use the special attributes if available adding a rel atrribute filter (contains option) for values like “noopener”, etc. (I am not a pretty link specialist).


    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi birken, thanks for your report.

    The reason for that error is an outdated version of PHP, the minimum version required for this plugin is PHP 5.6.

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, the plugin works only when scanning, and when you are in its admin section.

    It does not do any other activity except when it is activated, deactivated or uninstalled.

    Anyway, if you need to be sure you can deactivate it temporarily and then check your server load.

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, thanks for your message.

    Yes, this plugin has a strong dependency to the cURL module, it something fails and the plugin is not being able to detect the problem then the full scan process fails.

    But in this case I don’t understand clearly the problem, because creating and configuring a scan does not use immediately the cURL library.

    Can you check if everything is Ok with your database? The plugin tables have the prefix wplnst_ (usually the full prefix is wp_wplnst_), please check if these tables exists or if there is a problem with table permissions.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi Flector,

    I am not sure, normally a link with raw spaces without encoding produces a 404 error, however when you open this link the browser autocorrects the spaces and encodes with %20.

    But in this case it seems that the link already has the proper URL encoding. It is possible to copy-paste here this link directly from the content editor (not from the link results).


    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Many thanks jedsta,

    Maybe the plugin needed a referrer option next to the user-agent to avoid 403 responses from web servers with agressive scraper filters, I will think about it.

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Ok, what referrer have you included? To take note about what works for this case.

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, thanks for your message.

    The requests are made from your web server, so in some cases I think it is possible to get different responses due the location of your server.

    For example, here in Spain the link for the redirects (302) to

    When you receive 403 responses I think it is because the firewall of the destination server detects to many requests and ban your server remote IP. Nothing to do here, it depends about how are configured these filters of the destination servers.

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi, sorry, that happens because the PHP version of your server is too old, you need to upgrade to a recent PHP version or at least PHP 5.3+

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Yes, you are right, I will fix it.


    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    Hi Wolfgang, are you using WP multisite? If so, currently does not support network activation, and the plugin needs to be activated per each blog. Maybe this is the problem.

    There are several restrictions, please take a look at the plugin description:

    Multisite Network activation support is in the road-map for next versions.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    1. About 3 months, I hope. It’s been over a year of these initial releases and need improvements. I am selling the Pro version via codecanyon platform and their licenses include lifetime upgrades.

    2. Sure, is a good idea, I will see how to integrate it.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by SeedPlugins.
    Plugin Author SeedPlugins


    I am sorry to hear that, maybe is a problem with any firewall plugin or a hosting incompatibility due proxies or similar. This plugin is intented to use the minimum server resources for the default 1 thread per scan configuration, prioritizing user requests instead of internal HTTP requests and avoiding in all cases massive database queries.

    About database tables, this plugin does not touch or modify any WordPress core tables (it creates simple records in the options table via the standar WP functions only to save the plugin settings), so the problem I think does not come from here.

    This plugin works only with custom tables, if you want to be sure that all the plugin data is removed, please check the tables with the prefix “wplnst_” (so if your WP prefix is “wp_”, then the composed prefix is “wp_wplnst_”).

    Kind regards,
    Pau Iglesias

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