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  • I appreciate your take on the matter. If users visit that page they will not find an “extensive” discussion; they will find a couple paragraphs that discuss the two ways you can display validation errors. If you use the first method, there’s a warning that you might experience some formatting issues if you use inline form fields and there’s a paragraph about how to use the floating “tooltip” style validation messages instead but the author recommends not using floating tooltip messages because of poor accessibility.

    The discussion in this thread is not about problems with inline form field validation nor is is about floating tooltip validation messages and how to make them more accessible.

    This discussion is about css, javascript, jQuery, ajax, namespacing, editing templates or adding scripts to compensate for CF7’s inability to customize validation error messages under circumstances that will only become more common – keeping track of your plugin’s dependencies and keeping your code inline with changes being made to the WP core and recent versions of php.

    Maybe you meant to point to a different FAQ or documentation url…

    But again, thanks for the suggestion!

    I’m not sure why you felt it was okay to mark this one as resolved. It’s not very resolved when you have to jam some workaround into the document head, either into a template or register and enqueue it and get it to show up in the right place. Most WP admins aren’t developers.

    Maybe you’re comfortable by just blaming themes or other plugins and just letting your user-base figure this out on their own by stumbling on this “solution,” but that’s not the reputation for support I’ve heard from the many people who use CF7. People say it’s fantastic… but this way of handling this issue is a brush-off.

    What theme includes form validation scripts that intentionally put validation errors IN the form field and then make it impossible for the message to disappear when you focus on the field again? And, if you use placeholder text, then you have a validation error that won’t go away and placeholder text that won’t go away. I can’t think of a better way to drive prospects or customers or clients to abandon the form. It’s marketing genius!

    Pardon the sarcasm, I guess, but there’s too much blaming themes and plugins and the WP core as the solution to everything.

    I hope you will officially address this and figure out how to fix it and incorporate the fix in an update that includes the issue in the version update details as a debugged bug, and not just mark the issue “resolved.” That would be good customer support.

    It would be interesting to know “where” the values are and “when” they become the values of the select item they’re associated with. I am using a list with names of events. After the pipe I put the cost of the event. I am using jquery to grab the value and attached it to a post to PayPal. I also print the value to my console. So if I have Billionaire|5000, the console lists the value as “Billionaire” and of course PayPal tells me I’ve sent along a incorrectly formatted amount. So true. Obviously I want it to send 5000. Ugh.

    This is supposed to be possible, although I have been unable to get my “values” to show up in the select list on the front-end.

    You are supposed to be able to do it with the pipe character “|”, for instance:

    [select my_select_name class:whatever id:whatever include_blank “option|value” “option2|value2”] etc. The “include_blank” puts an initial “—” on the first line of the list.

    In my case, however, whatever I use as the option also ends up being the value on the front end. I may have goofed up the syntax. Not sure.

    But you can find an article using your example of email addresses here:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy2Map] Broken in WP 3.6

    I know this is resolved and all but you don’t say whether easy2map tries to load jQuery or not and, if so, where? I ask because I am using the very popular events manager from Modern Tribe. In this case, your maps show up just fine however maps on event pages show up as a gray box. I also get the error that I’ll have trouble with maps because jQuery is being loaded multiple times. I’ve just started developing in WP. Is there a method for checking which plugins are being bad and loading jQuery on their own besides actually looking through all the code of my plugins. Does the Chrome dev panel offer any clues? Sorry to be a pester bug…

    Thread Starter seinnichts


    Yes. Certainly. Finding the plugin very useful. Thanks.

    Thread Starter seinnichts


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    You’re right. I don’t want to display the latest posts.

    This site is mostly pages, not posts. So, on the homepage, instead of having a 3 column grid of the latest posts, I want to have a 3 column grid where each column would display an excerpt from one of the other pages.

    For instance I might have an Exhibits page, an Education page, a History page. Can I use Gridder to to place an excerpt of those pages so that each page takes up one column. The data would be pulled from those pages so that:

    • Column 1
    • Exhibits
    • Page Thumbnail
    • Page Excerpt
    • Link button
    • Column 2
    • Education
    • Page Thumbnail
    • Page Excerpt
    • Link button

    And so forth…

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