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  • @tommcgee I just tried that fix and I’m still getting this error:

    GA is working fine in all of my other blogs. They’re all hosted on the same server (though they’re individual installs. The only real difference with this one is that it’s a subdomain and the others aren’t. Could that be messing things up somehow?

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Google_ServiceException’ with message ‘Error calling GET (400) Invalid value ‘’. Values must match the following regular expression: ‘ga:[0-9]+” in /home/peculiarblog/ Stack trace: #0 /home/peculiarblog/ Google_REST::decodeHttpResponse(Object(Google_HttpRequest)) #1 /home/peculiarblog/ Google_REST::execute(Object(Google_HttpRequest)) #2 /home/peculiarblog/ in /home/peculiarblog/ on line 66

    Thread Starter selif


    Great that it worked for you. I had no luck with it at all.

    Then again, if the way it works is as you describe then it’s not for me. I want to be able to apply nofollow to individual links in a post while permitting some to be follow, NOT nofollow the entire page at once.

    That’s like using an ICBM to kill a housefly.

    I’m running into the same problem. as ceeeeejay suggested I checked wp-content/uploads/wpseo/ to see what permissions were set and it’s 755. Should it be something else?

    Thread Starter selif


    I just updated a blog to 2.9.1 and once again the custom buttons I’ve added to the quicktags have been wiped out and once again I have to re-invent the wheel and figure out how to re-implement my custom buttons.

    Is there ANY way to preserve these modifications across upgrades?

    Thread Starter selif


    I just thought to check my blog and it is exhibiting the exact same behavior. I’ve also tried deactivating ALL plugins and nothing’s changed.

    2.5 does include security fixes so it is recommended for all users, the 2.3 branch will no longer be updated.

    Pardon me for sounding bitter, but choosing to run exploited code simply because you dont like something is stupid, and irresponsible. Its also a shitty thing to do to the people that you might be on shared hosting with (if in fact you are) and makes YOUR site a potential jumping point for attacks on other sites all across the web. That includes MY site. Did you know that? I am YOUR neighbor on the web.

    Ok, I get it. There’s security issues and possible code exploits. Good reasons to upgrade to (or stay with) the current version.

    However …

    Learn to deal with the Admin panels, 2.3.x is dead code.

    Why? Isn’t one of the big things that WordPress is famous for is the fact that it can be customized to suit the user?

    I’ve seen review after review where people rave about how much they love the 2.5.x dashboard. I don’t like it, I don’t like that flash uploader thing and I don’t care for the overall change in the way images are uploaded and inserted into posts.

    I’ve asked before about ways to make the 2.5.x dashboard look and work like the one in 2.3.3 and the only answer I’ve ever gotten is that each user has the option of customizing which four colors are used.

    Frankly, while I don’t like the new color scheme, I could get used to it (and maybe learn to customize it) as long as the layout can be customized to look and work like 2.3.3 and the image upload & insert functions could be replaced with the ones from 2.3.3

    What I really want from WordPress has always been one of it’s strong points, ability to be customized.

    I keep looking for this to be done by somebody that knows the WP code well enough to do it without breaking things. I’d try it myself but I’m honestly not up to that kind of coding work and don’t have the time anyway.

    Given that it’s possible to do this, what is the procedure? Do I just re-upload the original 2.3.3 files, overwriting the 2.5.1 files?

    And to answer a question posed to the OP:

    Given that 2.3.3 will get your blog exploited and compromised, wouldn’t it be easier to identify what your blog’s problem is?

    HOW will it get my blog exploited?

    The problems I’m having with WordPress 2.5.1 is that I fargin HATE what has been done to the Admin panels! Their layout is all completely totally utterly absolutely hopelessly wrong beyond hope of redemption, having been changed without any really decent reason that I can even think about imagining.

    I also have to say that I utterly despise what’s been done to the mechanism for uploading and including graphics in posts. The prior system worked just fine, the nightmare in place now has done nothing but make a previously easy task take longer and still not come out looking right or aligned the way I went to the trouble of fixing my theme’s CSS to get just the way I wanted it.

    But deliberately choosing to use a version that does contain exploitable code, that’s like standing in a shallow wash basin and repairing a broken lamp while it’s still plugged in.

    What choice is there when the electrician decided that the lamp needed a completely different design when the old one looked and worked just fine. Maybe it needed work ‘under the hood’, but there was no reason to change the appearance of it… nor to “fix” things that were working just fine.

    Pardon me for sounding bitter. I don’t like change, in fact I hate it. Especially when the former version works.

    Failing a successful downgrade or given a VERY good reason not to do so, what are the chances of getting a 2.5.x that has the same look, feel, layout and basic functionality of 2.3.3?

    Personally, I’d really prefer being able to have the admin pages look and behave the same as they did in 2.3.3. That version worked just fine. (ok the ‘visual’ editor was crap, but I never cared for WYSIWYG when editing html anyway, I’d rather just type the html that I need myself and be done with it)

    The new admin layout frankly blows chunks. I’ll never understand why people have to change things that work just fine. At the very least there should be an option to use 2.3.3 look & feel if it’s preferred and in my case it most definitely is.

    Thread Starter selif


    Tried that.

    The posts loaded first alright. However when the sidebar loaded the top of it was even with the bottom of the last post on the page.

    …still plugging away

    How about this variation…

    What do I need to change to add a second “incoming links” widget on the dashboard so that I can have one for Technorati and one for Google?

    I figured out how to do it on 2.3.3 but 2.5 is changed too much for my old hack to work.

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