Forum Replies Created
Hi, I’m 5.7.3. Latest version on LEMP7 stack, Ubuntu 16
My ICS link is for a single event.
Anybody else know if something needs to be installed on the server to get this to work? I’m on Ubuntu 16.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.] No robots.txt generatednvm. i found culprit. was nginx config. see fix:
I value honest reviews. A 5-star review is never honest. Nothing is ever perfect. If everyone rated plugins 5-stars, the author would never need to improve their products ??
Also, 5-star rating systems offer general insights, but Is never an accurate degree of measurement. You should always assume that at least 30% of 5-star reviews or 1-star reviews are not accurate/honest and wipe those away automatically. A better rating system is 10-stars with 1/2 points and Spam filtration.
A 4-star review + feedback to the author is way more helpful than a generic 5-star review.
Fixed it in wp-config.php
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
I’m still debugging, but so far I’ve learned in my Multisite network that these work… the main site has 500 Server error…
Hi, I think I will just unhook your columns, because I do not require SEO on my taxonomies or custom post types (edit screens) :-/ Only on Posts and Pages.
Cool. I just installed the update with debug on and the plugin activated fine. So I’ll mark this as solved.
FYI, in your settings pages, it looks like a tabs() dependency is missing in your admin.js file. I haven’t inspected any of your source, but I just see this in JS Notifier and Console.
Also, I just checked and this plugin creates 7 DB tables. Woah…
Please add an uninstall hook for these DB tables when this plugin is deleted.
Ubuntu 14
Apache 2.4
MySQL 5.5
PHP 5.6Marker – Jan 28, 2016, 10:49:49 AM
[28-Jan-2016 15:42:37 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘vagrant.wp_oauth_authorization_codes’ doesn’t exist for query ALTER TABLE wp_oauth_authorization_codes MODIFY id_token VARCHAR(3000) made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_oauth2-provider/wp-oauth.php’), call_user_func_array, WO_Server->setup, WO_Server->install
[28-Jan-2016 15:42:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: id_token_lifetime in /var/www/public/wp-content/plugins/oauth2-provider/wp-oauth-main.php on line 328
[28-Jan-2016 15:43:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: license_status in /var/www/public/wp-content/plugins/oauth2-provider/includes/functions.php on line 129
just another freemium plugin hijacking WordPress admin screens. it not a bug, it bad practice. should be removed from the WordPress Repo until it resolved, regardless of popularity.
u can try the functions.php hook by barnez or just comment the annoying nag in plugin itself, until they remove this burden.
plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/class-admin-init.php (on or around Line 39)
//add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'recalculate_notice' ), 15 );
(Sorry for my English)
I’m not wrong, and schmickler83 is a fake user with 1 post. MOD: please review.
There’s nothing wrong with social sharing, that’s why I said I kept the Twitter link and removed the Spam.
The best way to white list with LLA is to follow the author’s hook instructions on the plugin FAQ page and find, “Can I whitelist my IP so I don’t get locked out?”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a known Chrome bug with WP 4.3 on Mac?Thanks Jose and funkjedi, I’ll try the hotfix.
Note, it still exists in: Version 47.0.2499.0 canary (64-bit)