Forum Replies Created
You are a genius! What you gave me was clear enough that I could adapt it to my script, which has a lot more going on. Basically it’s outputting a nav of posts.
There is one more thing maybe you can help me with… I have it so that the posts display in columns of seven, which worked great except now it’s counting the duplicate posts that aren’t showing up and so in one example the new column starts only after 4 displaying posts:
My code is this:
<div class="col"> <ul> <? $postCounter=0; global $initialPostID; $postid = $post->ID; query_posts('category_name='.$category); if (have_posts()) : $all_titles = array(); // initiallize array while (have_posts()) : the_post(); if(!in_array(get_the_title(),$all_titles)) : $postidCat = $post->ID; if (!$initialPostID) : ?> <li<? if ($postid==$post->ID) : echo " class=\"current_page_item\""; $postid = ""; endif; ?>><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li> <? else: ?> <li<? if ($postidCat == $initialPostID ) : echo " class=\"current_page_item\""; $postid = ""; endif; ?>><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li> <? endif; endif; $all_titles[] = get_the_title(); // update array $postCounter=$postCounter + 1; if ($postCounter == 7) : ?> </ul> </div> <div class="col"> <ul> <? endif; endwhile; else: endif; //Reset Query wp_reset_query(); ?> </ul> </div>
How do I get it so that 7 visible posts show up before starting a new column? Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: User registration and management in frontend?Jeriko, did you ever find a solution for this issue? I just stumbled upon your question looking for the exact same thing. I’ve looked around and I haven’t found a plugin yet that does this. Any updates?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: MailPress ~ test keeps failingThanks anyway! I ended up using php mail and that worked. Never did figure it out with SMTP!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: MailPress ~ test keeps failingkcmartin, I am having the same problem with Mailpress and Dreamhost. What did you mean by “I basically still had to set up my email client on the host”? I have the email address set up with the host already, if that’s what you mean. What am I missing?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I send all my registered users their log in info?Shane, thanks for the suggestions but none of these do what I need which is send a mass email to my users with their registration info dynamically in the email. Kind of a combination of New User Email Setup (which allows you to create a custom new user registration email with variables) and Email Users (which allows me to send a mass email, but with no variables like username and password.)
I hope there’s a solution because the alternative is daunting! 250 custom individual emails… !!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Help with a custom query: how to sort by a usermeta fieldhey my backticks didn’t prevent the link from messing it up… let me try this again. that echo is:
echo ‘[li][a href=”/?author=’.$iUserID.'”]’.ucwords(strtolower($user->first_name.’ ‘.$user->last_name.'[/a] (‘.$user->birthmonth.’/’.$user->birthday)).’)[/li]
‘;Forum: Plugins
In reply to: List All Posts from a Category on One PageHey there I need this too, but only for one category, not for all categories. So I can’t change the general setting because I want all the categories but one to display is usual, ie. 10 posts per page.
Does anyone know how to override this for one category? Some code in the category template maybe?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Strange behavior with date… wordpress thinks it’s 2007… sometimesAnybody?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: home.php not overriding page.php for homepageOK thanks for your reply.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need to get the category slug from the category IDThat’s so much better! Thank you so much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need to get the category slug from the category IDThanks so much! it works great except for one thing, I can specify hierarchical but it doesn’t indent the sub categories for clearer reading like the wp_dropdown_categories function does… do you know how I would do that?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show children in sidebar nav selectivelyThanks Moshu, I just tried it but it doesn’t seem to work. Does it work with 2.5?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do I change the “[…]” after the excerpt?I’m not sure what you want to change about it, but EventCalendar3 definitely has the final say in how the excerpt shows up.
Go to eventcalendar3.php in the Eventcalendar3 plugin folder, line 535. That’s where you can put your own excerpt styling.
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP Shopping Cart causing problems with my NextGen GalleryBeautiful! It was a pain to find all the references to it in both NextGen Gallery and WP Shopping cart, but I did (thanks to BBEdit) and it seems to work perfectly now. Thanks for the tip!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do I change the “[…]” after the excerpt?found it! I am using the plugin EventCalendar3 and there is a function there that hijacks the wp excerpt function. That’s why when I changed the function in formatting.php, nothing happened.
For anyone who cares, the function is in eventcalendar3.php in the Eventcalendar3 plugin folder, line 535.
Thanks god that’s over.