Forum Replies Created
UPDATE: The issue seemed to have resolved its self, at least for me anyway.
I never solved it…still waiting for v3 lol
Not sure where to find version 3, I’ll just hang in there since the site will still be under development for another month or so anyway. Thanks!
Hi. There was no tinypng_api_key in the /wp-admin/options.php folder
Hi. It’s happening on my blog posts because thats where I have amp enabled. Thank you for taking a look!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Snippet for a page onlyHey! Thanks so much!!!
Oh! I see how you guys did it! So you can just replicate what’s on that page and put in in your page builder. For example the location page is the following:
[gd_map map_type=’directory’ width=100% height=300 search_filter=1 cat_filter=1]
[gd_listings post_limit=10]Looks like you can change the name of the pages and such so I’ll probably just do that instead since I don’t think you can turn the locations page off…better off just editing it.
Update: It looks like this has been changed in v2. So I do see the “location page,” if I change the default location page in page settings to my /directory page, it doesn’t change. It’s still located at the default /locations. Is there a shortcode to display the locations page?
Hi Paolo,
I couldn’t find a shortcode for to display the “BD Home Page.” Is there such a thing? Thanks!
Outstanding thanks, but do the addons work with v2 yet?
I’m sorry. I forgot to mention one VERY important detail to all of this. The directory page was indeed indexed by google a few days ago. It was indexed, and ranking at position 16 for the keyword in the slug. Then a couple days ago I uploaded the sitemap to google, and the very next day the rank dropped -77 positions to around 96 I think it was. Now it’s not being indexed at all. I’ve done absolutely nothing other then upload the sitemap….
It looks like others might have had similar issues: need I just found it!
ul.wpbdp-listings-widget-list li { list-style: none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #eee; margin: 0; padding: 2px 0; }
It’s the border-bottom line thats the culprit.
I deleted the settings, but I’m still getting the option “also delete from remote storage,” and after testing it, it says the files were deleted from remote storage, but when I looked in google drive the files were still there. So you must be correct in that the settings where deleted. Apparently when the settings are deleted the online storage option will not longer be highlighted blue, this is how you know it needs to be re-setup. You just click on it and set it up again…I was thinking the tour setup was needed to do this…my bad. Thanks for the assistance!
Hello David,
Thank you for the reply. The settings were not wiped, or at least it wasn’t wiped enough to have the plugin go though its setup processes again. With that being there a way to completely delete the plugin so it goes through the initial setup process again? The list of backups are for another site that needs those backups, can I delete them from the updraftplus dashboard without deleting them from google drive?
It is because when I disable the plugin the /sample-page is an error 404 not found, but when I reactivate BD its active again lol. Will do. Thank you.