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  • It works! Uninstalled and started over, now it shows imediately the settings page both in Dragon and Firefox. Nice work!

    I have now another bit problem that renders it useless as I explained in the topic


    Me too, same problem. If I didn’t come here I would sumarily uninstall it, I thought it was an old plugin, non functional.
    By the way, I tried in Comodo Dragon (Chrome / Gecko rendering) and Firefox, both only showed “You are just 30 sec away from boosting your blog with ratings…”, and then a ‘blank’ page.
    After reading this I tried in Internet Explorer 9 and it works nicely.
    Thank you, on my way to try and explore the plugin.

    I tried translating the buttons to Portuguese, but after replacing the two occurences of “Switch to WordPress Commenting” and one of “Switch to Facebook Commenting”, pressing the switch comment button does nothing, refreshes the Facebook commenting window.
    Here is what I did:

    	var commentForm = document.getElementById('commentform');
    		theChampWPCommentingContent = commentForm.innerHTML;
    				document.getElementById('reply-title').innerHTML = theChampFBCommentTitle;
    		theChampFBCommentingContent = '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="'+theChampFBCommentUrl+'"';
    		if(theChampFBCommentColor != ''){
    			theChampFBCommentingContent += ' data-colorscheme="'+theChampFBCommentColor+'"';
    		if(theChampFBCommentNumPosts != ''){
    			theChampFBCommentingContent += ' data-numposts="'+theChampFBCommentNumPosts+'"';
    		if(theChampFBCommentWidth != ''){
    			theChampFBCommentingContent += ' data-width="'+theChampFBCommentWidth+'"';
    		if(theChampFBCommentOrderby != ''){
    			theChampFBCommentingContent += ' data-order-by="'+theChampFBCommentOrderby+'"';
    		if(theChampFBCommentMobile != ''){
    			theChampFBCommentingContent += ' data-mobile="'+theChampFBCommentMobile+'"';
    		theChampFBCommentingContent += ' ></div>';
    			var toggleButton = '<input onclick = "theChampToggleCommenting(this)" type="button" value="Comentarios normais" id="the_champ_comment_toggle" /><div style="clear:both"></div>';
    			var toggleButton = '';
    		commentForm.innerHTML = toggleButton + theChampFBCommentingContent;
    function theChampToggleCommenting(elem){
    	if(elem.value == 'Switch to WordPress Commenting'){
    		document.getElementById('commentform').innerHTML = '<input onclick = "theChampToggleCommenting(this)" type="button" value="Comentarios do Facebook" id="the_champ_comment_toggle" /><div style="clear:both"></div>' + theChampWPCommentingContent;
    		document.getElementById('commentform').innerHTML = '<input onclick = "theChampToggleCommenting(this)" type="button" value="Comentarios normais" id="the_champ_comment_toggle" /><div style="clear:both"></div>' + theChampFBCommentingContent;
    function theChampInitiateFBCommenting(){
    		appId      : theChampFBAppID, // App ID
    		channelUrl : '//'+theChampSiteUrl+'/channel.html', // Channel File
    		status     : true, // check login status
    		cookie     : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
    		xfbml      : true  // parse XFBML

    Here is a screen recording of the problem:

    Could you please tell me how to do it properly? Thank you very much, I really like your plugin. Your work is professional and reliable.

    Hi! Sorry for taking so long to reply. I couldn’t have access to the error log yet, but something happened. Are you some kind of magician? Because the mandatory fiels are now being required!

    Regarding the Success and Error messages, any idea how I could localize them?


    One more thing:
    When I paste a formatted text from another site or blog in the description field, the text extrapolates the post area (invading the grey area of the 2014 theme to the right). If you would like to see I can send an example or link by mail.

    I appreciate all your help and time dedicated to this.

    Ok, so after reading all the support pages and trying lots of variants, it is now working. I have NO idea why the posts where only going to Media.
    Anyway, it is working now.
    For anyone interested, I am using a post_image (post + image optional) with this code:
    [fu-upload-form class=”your-class” title=”Share with us” form_layout=”post_image”]
    [input type=”text” name=”post_title” id=”title” class=”required” description=”Title” multiple=””]
    [textarea name=”post_content” class=”textarea” id=”ug_caption” class=”required” description=”Description”]
    [input type=”file” name=”photo” id=”ug_photo” description=”Image” multiple=””]
    [input type=”file” name=”photo” id=”ug_photo” description=”Image” multiple=””]
    [input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Send”]

    I am using TwentyFourteen, with no other plugins activated. My problem now: although the “class required” above, I can still send without the description. What could be wrong? Something with the code?
    I translated for my use, is there no way I could localize the success and error messages as well, editing the code perhaps? Not terribly important though.

    Thank you Rinat, your plugin and your work are remarkable.

    Same problem here. If the submission does not have a picture, hitting ‘Submit’ will refresh the page and not show the success message. If it does have a picture, whatever the shortcode options are the image will go to Media Library, of ir not Auto-approved to ‘Manage UGC’ in Media Library with the text duplicated to ‘Caption’ and ‘Description’ fiels of that image there.

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