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  • Thread Starter Sergio


    @dakeg Thank you for the follow-up and clarification. I will correct my review to reflect this.

    Just want to note though, that I installed this two times for testing, and on both times, I initially failed to see the notice about the plugin auto-installing. It may be because is small gray text sitting on a gray background. I feel like it is one of those things that if you’re not looking for it, it is easy to miss. This may be more noticeable/helpful if it was placed next to the actual “Smart Contact Form” option, so the user is made aware and no surprises like this happen.

    El único selector CSS que selecciona el título de la página es:

    /* quitar espacio en blanco titulo y texto */ {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 15px;
    padding-bottom: 15px;

    Pero este solo elimina el espacio de margen y relleno. No creo que sea la causa del problema. Puedes intentar eliminar estas líneas, o intentar quitar todo lo nuevo para confirmar si el código que sugerí esta causando problemas.

    Otra cosa que noté, hay dos errores en el codigo:
    Linea 1:

    /espacio antes barras menu*/
    #header-widget-area {

    Le falta un asterisco antes de la palabra “espacio”, tiene que ser:

    /*espacio antes barras menu*/
    #header-widget-area {

    Linea 42:
    Hay una barra inclinada “/” extra.

    /* quitar espacio en blanco titulo y texto */ {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 15px;
    padding-bottom: 15px;
    /* para no superponer share boton face y twitter en gallery */
    .shara_opt { margin: 0 10px 0 0; }

    Tiene que ser:

    /* quitar espacio en blanco titulo y texto */ {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 15px;
    padding-bottom: 15px;
    /* para no superponer share boton face y twitter en gallery */
    .shara_opt { margin: 0 10px 0 0; }

    Hi @myworldz,
    Sorry forgot to check “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” and didn’t see your reply until now.

    Yes, that looks correct!

    What I meant on my previous reply, about not having to worry about the parent theme’s dependencies, is that you can modify your code to look like this:

    function lambert_child_enqueue_styles() {
        $parent_style = 'lambert-theme-style'; // This is 'lambert-style' for the Lambert theme.   
        wp_enqueue_style( 'lambert-child-style',
            get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
            array( $parent_style, 'lambert-responsive' , 'lambert-custom'),
        wp_enqueue_script( 'showhide.js',
        	get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/showhide.js'
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'lambert_child_enqueue_styles' );

    I simply removed the parent enqueue code. It will still be called since you are adding it as a dependency on the child’s theme styles. You can try this, if after making the above change makes your site look weird you can simply undo it, but this way you don’t have to worry about the parent’s style dependencies in case the parent theme changes them later on.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Al revisar el código, veo lo siguiente:

    <div class =" post_area_title "style =" display: none; ">
    <div class = "entry-content" style = "display: none;"> 

    Tanto el título como el contenido contienen CSS en línea. La propiedad display: none, prohíbe que ambos se vean en la página.

    Creo que esto tiene que ver con la configuracion de algun plugin o del tema que estes usando.

    La razón por la que creo que esto se debe al tema, o algún plugin, es porque generalmente, el código CSS en línea es a?adido usando JavaScript o PHP cuando se procesa la página ( a menos de que hayas hecho estos cambios directo al codigo ).

    Te sugiero que revises tus configuraciones, o si has hecho algun cambio reciente, deshacelo para ver si esto es la causa del error.


    This may not apply to you, it depends on your parent theme and the dependencies that you need from it. But if you don’t want to worry about maintaining the parent theme’s dependencies on your child theme functions.php, then don’t enqueue it in your child-theme functions.php. Simply leave it as a dependency of lambert-child-style. This way, if at some point the parent theme adds or removes dependencies, you don’t have to add/remove them in your enqueue code. This, however, depends if the parent theme is already enqueuing its own style.css with its set of dependencies.

    One way to test this is to remove the enqueue for lambert-theme-style from your child theme’s functions.php. Then inspect your homepage’s code to see if the parent styles are still being called.

    Oh wait, I just noticed that you have an extra argument here:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'lambert_child_enqueue_styles', 'my_theme_scripts_function' );

    It should be

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'lambert_child_enqueue_styles' )

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sergio.

    Looks good! I don’t see any issues. Are you currently running into any errors?

    I tried adding a user, after setting the timezone to Chicago on a blank WP install, it does default to UTC/GMT time. For posts, the table contains two fields one for GMT and local time, but that is not the case for the Users table. From what I’ve been able to gather, this is how it is intended to work, WP stores the registered time in UTC, not in the local timezone set in the settings table.

    From the documentation of wp_insert_user()
    user_registered: MySQL timestamp describing the moment when the user registered. Defaults to the current UTC timestamp.

    Este enlace proviene del Tema, es un enlace para adquirir una fuente. No creo que sea posible modificar el enlace, a menos de que modifiques el código del tema. Lo cual no es recomendable, ya que cuando actualizes el tema, tus cambios seran borrados.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sergio.

    Glad to help!

    1) Sorry ?? (is not possible to change in the main.css? i dont know how to change skin. css file?? i dont know where is it? I′m not an expert. Sorry

    Yes, it should be possible to add it to the main.css file. Since skin.css is called after main.css, you will need to add something like this instead to main.css:

        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;

    1) That space is coming from your page title, your H1 tag. Remove the margin and padding. Modify this in your skin.css file, line 950:{
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

    2) To center your images, you can center align the content by adding this on your main.css file line 13:

    .sidebar {
        text-align: center;

    You can simply add this to your CSS file (main.css or style.css if you have a child theme)

    1) This will remove the space between the logo and the menu

    header .description{
    padding-bottom: 0;

    2) Use this to modify the space below the menu (you can replace the 35px and 10px below):

    /*for desktop*/
    padding-bottom: 35px; /*modify to your liking */
    /*for mobile*/
    @media (max-width: 551px){
    .content_bg header{
    padding-bottom: 10px;  /*modify to your liking */

    1) Looks like there is an empty <div class="description"> tag between the logo and the menu that has padding set to padding: 0 60px 29px. Removing that or setting the padding to 0 should fix it.

    2) On mobile, you can reduce the space by reducing the <header> tag’s padding. For desktop or bigger versions, looks like the space is coming from <div class="main_menu"> it has padding set to 74px.

    Hope this helps!

    Hello @husbandman,
    Were you able to fix your issue? Not seeing any 403 errors on Tested using Windows 10 – Edge,Firefox and Chrome.

    Are you using any caching, or optimizing plugins? If so, I would recommend clearing the cache and testing again. Sometimes these can cause unexpected errors after making code changes.

    Another thing that comes to mind is the network, I’ve ran into similar issues in the past where the network (using a VPN and having special firewall rules) is blocking the access to certain files.

    Hello @vijayj,

    Based on your description, I think what you’re trying to accomplish is to create/modify a theme’s styles.

    When you create/modify a theme, all your styles can be placed inside your theme’s directory, in a file called style.css

    If you don’t already have a style.css, you can create one. The style.css is required for every theme, it has to have a special header at the beginning of the file, more of that here:

    You don’t have to have a <link> tag in your homepage, rather your styles need to be enqueued in your functions.php file. More info about that here:

    Hope this helps. I would recommend getting familiar with the WordPress Theme Handbook here: It is a great resource.

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