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  • Plugin Author setzer


    Hi benjamingeer,

    The note offset issue happens with a few themes. There’s actually an option in the Side Matter options menu (go to Settings > Reading from your dashboard) to arbitrarily change your notes’ offset so they align properly. An offset of around 44px seems to work best for Twenty Thirteen.

    About your second issue, here’s one guess: try logging out of your site so that the WP Admin bar is not visible and see if you have the same problem. The admin bar often covers up notes when you jump to them while logged in, but this isn’t a problem for site readers.

    Plugin Author setzer


    Hi distrait,

    By default WordPress does not process shortcodes within shortcodes (like [video] within [ref], so this is something that will need to be manually added to the plugin in a future update. I’ll need to iron out a few bugs before it can be made a permanent feature.

    However, for now you can embed videos without using the [video] shortcode, either by writing the embed HTML on your own, or (more simply) pasting the video URL on its own line, like so:

    [ref]Here's a video:

    Again, this will only embed if the video URL is entirely on its own line.

    Plugin Author setzer


    Glad to help. I’ll take a look at adding this as an optional feature in a future release.

    Plugin Author setzer


    Hi distrait,

    You can indeed do this without disabling wpautop, which is a good idea as broken <p> tags tend to crop up without it.

    Try this:

    foreach ( $this->notes as $note_id => $note_text ) {
    	$note_text .= " <a href='#ref-{$note_id}' title='retour à l’envoyeur'>↑</a>"; // Append arrow link to note
    	$note_text = wpautop( $note_text ); // Re-enclose notes in paragraph tags to fix tags broken by shortcode
    	<li id='note-<?php echo $note_id . $append_list ?>' class='<?php echo $html_class ?> <?php echo $html_class ?>-note'>
    		<div class='<?php echo $html_class ?> <?php echo $html_class ?>-text'<?php if ( $options['user_colors']['colors_enabled'] ) echo " style='{$text_color_style}'" ?>>
    			<?php echo $note_text ?>

    Plugin Author setzer



    This should do it:

        global $side_matter;
        if ( ! empty( $side_matter->notes ) ) {
            do_action( 'side_matter_list_notes' );

    This asks Side Matter if there are any notes, and if so, prints <h4>References</h4> before calling do_action( 'side_matter_list_notes' ).

    Plugin Author setzer



    Looks like the JS minify function of your W3 Total Cache plugin is causing this conflict. Basically, W3TC is causing your site to load 2 Side Matter Javascript components in the wrong order. (Specifically, side-matter.js is getting minified and linked in the page head by W3TC, when it should instead be linked after SM variables are printed in the footer by wp_localize_script.)

    I suggest, as a test, turning off the JS minify function in your W3 Total Cache settings (and empty the W3TC cache). See if that makes things look right.

    Note that you can probably get Side Matter and W3TC working in harmony again by putting /wp-content/plugins/side-matter/js/side-matter.js on your W3TC minify exclusion list (here are some instructions).

    Plugin Author setzer



    Yes, Twenty Eleven gives Side Matter trouble. The problem is caused by a single rule in the theme stylesheet (line 721). To fix it, add the following CSS to your site:

    .hentry {
        position: static;

    If you set your note offset back to 0, notes should now be properly aligned. Unfortunately, this change will also make the comments link balloon next to post titles appear clipped and in the wrong spot. You can hide the balloon with the following rule:

    .entry-header .comments-link a {
        display: none;

    Plugin Author setzer


    Thanks for the information, gatecitysn. Glad to understand what was causing this error.

    Plugin Author setzer



    Still not sure what’s causing this. I can see now that the list of notes in the sidebar is doubled, suggesting that WP’s shortcode function is going through all those [ref] shortcodes twice.

    I’m guessing this is because of conflicts with another plugin, though it may be a theme issue. Looks like there are a number of plugins active on your site — were any added or changed recently? (Try de-activating your other plugins one at a time and see if that fixes it.) Have you made any other changes to the site lately?

    The 1.1 update to Side Matter did not affect the shortcode- or note-handling functions, so I don’t think this was caused by the new version. But to be sure, you can also try the following:

    1. Deactivate and delete your current copy of SM 1.1 on the Plugins screen.
    2. Download the previous version (1.0) from this link:
    3. Unzip the file and place the new side-matter directory in /wp-content/plugins/. Now Side Matter 1.0 should appear on your Plugins screen.
    4. Activate Side Matter 1.0. Ignore the prompt telling you to upgrade to 1.1. If the problem is still there under 1.0, it is unrelated to the Side Matter update.

    Plugin Author setzer


    ccov, since this does not happen under Twenty Twelve, it does appear to be theme-related. My guess is that somehow your theme is forcing shortcodes to be processed late, i.e. only after the initial post to a topic. Unfortunately, I’m not very well acquainted with bbPress and can’t be more specific.

    One idea: You could do some testing and see if this problem only happens with shortcodes whitelisted by the plugin, or native bbPress shortcodes as well. If it’s the former, the developer of the whitelist plugin might know more about how to get this working. Otherwise, you could contact the author of your custom theme for support.

    Good luck!

    Plugin Author setzer


    Hi ccov,

    This might be a theme issue. After installing bbPress and the shortcode whitelist plugin, then whitelisting the ref shortcode, Side Matter appears to be working OK under the Twenty Twelve theme (screenshot). What theme are you using? Does it have a sidebar that appears on forum topic pages?

    Plugin Author setzer



    That is very strange. Two questions:

    1. Any idea why your references on that page start at the number 14 instead of 1? Did this just start happening with the new update? The counter was starting at 1 last time I saw your site, and I wonder if this is part of the problem with the invisible notes.

    2. Try unchecking the box marked “Fade Effects” on the Side Matter options menu. (The options menu is on the Reading screen under Settings on your dashboard). Does this make your notes appear again?

    Plugin Author setzer


    Hi wanglophile,

    Looks like the Ryu theme is one-column by default and does not include a sidebar. Side Matter needs to be used with a theme that includes a sidebar widget area, or there’s no place to generate its notes.

    If you have experience with WP child theme development, you could edit the Ryu theme’s layout to add a sidebar (this post could be a good starting point if anyone responds). Otherwise, you’ll need to use a different theme to get Side Matter working.

    Plugin Author setzer



    Interesting question. I believe the following code will do what you’re asking. Copy it into the logic field for the widget you want to add:

    global $side_matter; return ! empty( $side_matter->notes );

    Hope this helps you!

    Plugin Author setzer


    I believe these are the same issue. On the page you linked, the notes appear to reset after 13 because the first digit of 14, 15, etc. is getting cut off. The CSS above should fix this as well.

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