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I was unable to duplicate this problem. What OS, version of wordpress, browser version are you using? Does this problem go away if you disable Post Thumbnail Editor?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingOkay the latest on github should fix your problem. Let me know if it does and I’ll push a new version out to
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not Saving@andr50 – Can you try the latest copy and tell me if you’re seeing the same error: Also, there might be more information that could help me if you could get me the full debug log… (there should be more information than this) :).
WordPress (wp-includes/media.php:image_get_intermediate_size) returns false (which it apparently is doing here) on two occasions:
1. after
imagedata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id)
if imagedata isn’t an array.
2. ifimagedata['sizes'][$size]
doesn’t exist.I can’t tell which is the case, but I’m guessing that you’re seeing the results from #2.
If you use PTE to create the thumbnails for the images, these errors should go away. If you use PTE and select the entire image and the rows that have the red x’s in them and then build those thumbnails, Do the red x’s go away the next time you edit the thumbnails?
Are you using the wordpress uploader?
Can you install the latest build from and then get me the logs? (There are a couple bug fixes + some more logging).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingThanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingT17i, that sounds like the right fix. What webserver and version of PHP are you using?
Looking at the log you can see the WARNING messages… These mean that wordpress couldn’t or wouldn’t create thumbnails of your picture. (This usually means the image is smaller than the proposed image size — I don’t have logging information to double check this — I’m adding it now). So you can check to see if your images width & height is smaller than your thumbnails widths and heights (Settings -> Media). That is the reason for the X’s in the interface.
WordPress doesn’t want to create an image larger than the base image (it typically gets pixelly, but PTE doesn’t care, so if you crop your image and click select all (or select the thumbnails you want to edit) the rest of the process should work well. PTE will show you the proposed new images before it updates anything in the database, so you can always preview the pixelly pictures before you’ve committed to them.
For issue #2, I uploaded a picture. Modified the thumbnails with PTE. Wrote a post and assigned in the picture as a featured image (through the media gallery). Added a second post and assigned it the same featured image. Then I looked at the thumbnails. They were identical (both in data and URL). I then used PTE to modify the thumbnails again and they updated the thumbnails for both posts.
So everything looks good BUT there is one caveat. When you add a picture into the post body whether it’s the featured image or not, wordpress hardcodes the thumbnail information (e.g. url, width, and height). If you modify the thumbnail size (settings -> media) this could get out of sync. (It can also occur if you don’t use the same aspect ratio when you use PTE: assuming your medium thumbnail is 300×300 and it gets cropped to a skinnier 200×300). So watch out for that. I’ll add some code in the next version to optionally search through old posts and update any conflicts. (
Let me know if you have any questions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Initial SettingsGood point.
So until I put together a page for the settings, let’s point people to this post…
In a perfect world, you would never need the settings page. All of the settings can be filed under the heading “Advanced Settings” (that’s a good idea… I’ll think about doing that for the next release) and most users will probably be okay with never touching a thing on the settings page.
The first section details the user options (these are different for every user). The width and height settings control the size of the thickbox window when you start PTE. The minimum dimensions are 750w x 550h. The debugging checkbox enables a debugging interface in PTE. Use this when you have a problem you need to tell me about. (Last, but not least, click the “Reset User Settings” button to quickly set 750 width, 550 height, and debugging disabled).
The second section is only enabled for admins and controls what thumbnail sizes are seen in the PTE interface. (A typical wordpress blog will only have 3 — thumbnail, medium, large — but other themes and plugins might add others) This lets you hide certain thumbnails you might not care about editing.
Hopefully this gives you the information you need. Let me know if you need some clarification on anything. Thanks for using the plugin!
I haven’t seen the JPG issue before. That’s pretty wild. Hopefully you can help me debug the issue a little bit… Can you enable debugging (Settings -> Post Thumbnail Editor)? After you run the steps to duplicate the issue, click the debug tab to see a log. If you can post that here (you might have to use pastebin for the log messages), hopefully that will give us enough information to move forward with.
For issue/suggestion #2, I’m unclear exactly how you are using the media gallery in relation to posts. (In wordpress, both an image and a written entry — among others — are actually considered posts). When you say you are reusing an image, are you uploading it multiple times, or just once? Are you trying to associate one image with a category? Are you trying to associate every post in the same category with the same image?
Thanks for the patch, I’ll add that now.
Completely uninstall and reinstall. This problem should not be there in 1.0.3. Also you can check that you have the file php/log.php.
Functions.php should include log.php:
And line 131 should include functions.php.I tried installing the plugin and couldn’t get it to work at all. (It wouldn’t create any thumbnails, it obviously had some bugs when I posted something. The wordpress editor didn’t work on it…) I assume that there’s probably something that I’m misconfiguring.
Can you use the normal wordpress editor on those images? If you can’t, I would contact the TDO plugin author… If I can ever find some more spare time I might be able to debug this some more…
Thanks! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] step 2 skippedPotential Fix: Can you try the latest code here: and send me the pastebin if it’s not working still?