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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not Saving@stuartist – Thanks for your input, I’m getting frustrated that I can’t duplicate this problem. Can you walk me thourgh what happens exactly?
From my reading it sounds like you get to the first screen, select an area to crop from and select multiple thumbnails, then you click “Create Thumbnails”. At this point do you get the blank screen? Or does it come after the next step when you confirm the images?
What do you mean all the same sized thumbs change? I assume that if you go back to the first screen the thumbs are the same as they were on the confirmation screen? Are they in the ptetmp directory? Did only a couple get put into the ptetmp directory?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] White box after clicking "okay, these look good"Wow, okay I think that there must be some sort of an issue with some installs that sounds like what you are seeing ( ). I haven’t found a reason for this other than it appears that the PHP doesn’t see any images submitted to save. I’m going to integrate some debugging utilities and hopefully I can find something in the next week or two.
Users can start PTE in:
- the media library
- the image edit screen (instead of a dropdown box it is now just a link that says, “Post Thumbnail Editor”.
- The Post gallery should now have a link to Post Thumbnail Editor as a shortcut instead of requiring the user to go into the edit screen.
If you’re having a problem finding them, or if they aren’t there, maybe you would be willing to help me debug the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingI was able to capture your log messages from the email, I’m not at a computer where I can test this yet, but it looks like everything there is okay. I don’t understand though why in the javascript debug you see that the pte-confirm object has a ‘small-thumbnail’ property (however the undefined next to that seems a little bizarre), but then in the HTTP headers, pte-confirm is actually not being sent… I’ll see if I can come up with a test case for you to try…
Really all the code needs is a list of images and a ID to confirm that those images should be saved (if the list is null then it creates the blank page that you see — I have duplicated that error). I don’t understand why if you have images selected it’s not sending that information back to the server.
Have you selected the crop area on the image to the right as well? Is the create Thumbnails button text black or grey?
I think that the button is still disabled because no selection (crop) area has been set which brings up an interesting point. Maybe I’ll try to style the button such that disabled is obviously red and the enabled button is green…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingThanks for the information I think that is exactly what I needed…
The reason that going from step2 -> Step 3 is failing is because it doesn’t appear to be selecting any images. (at least that information isn’t being passed in the http request). Can you confirm that all the images are selected in step 2 by clicking the “All” button before you click, “Okay, these look good…”.
If you are still getting the same error then open the javascript console and look for the “Confirming” message. The message after it should be able to be expanded and I need to know what is in the pte-confirm variable (this can be expanded as well).
I have seen the problem that you are describing with the original image being smaller than the other images and you can force them to upsample with this plugin by selecting the sizes on step one and step 2 will show you what they would look like. If you confirm them (once step 3 is working for you) they will be written to the correct spot and you will not see that error again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingI need to add some code that makes testing/debugging easier.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingOkay, so it looks like going from step 2 to step 3 is failing. That moves the file from the tmpdir to the correct position and updates wordpress’s database with the new location.
Can you look and see what the file permissions are on the image in the ptetmp dir?
It would also be great if you could change the PTE_DEBUG flag in post_thumbnail_editor.php to true and then in Chrome, press F12 and look at the console for the debug messages. (It might help to look at the Network tab and find the latest admin_ajax.php call and see what the headers and response messages are.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingI need more information. Does this get to step two? Step three? If you can go into post_thumbnail_editor.php and set the debug flag to true and then capture the output in firebug or chrome’s developer section/console that would be great. I can write up some better instructions if you need it.
Also, what browser are you using? What version of php? What version of wordpress? Thanks for helping me make this a better plugin.
How far does it get on the loading page? Does it start thickbox? Can you see the thumbnails load? Does the loading part not go away even though the page appears to be complete?
Can you right click on the URL, copy it and then try to open it in a new page? I can’t be sure, but it sounds like it might be a conflict with another plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Images Not SavingTry hitting f5 or the refresh button…
Rico, thanks for the input!
The latest beta (1.0.0-beta) actually solves some of these issues.
- When you start the PTE interface you are now given a scrolling list of all the thumbnails (this allows you to select the ones you want to edit).
- Aspect ratio rules in the beta: I loop through the selected images checking their aspect ratio. If an image has crop enabled then I set the aspect ratio. If there is a proceeding image (crop enabled) with a different aspect ratio, the ratio setting is disabled. However you can override any aspect ratio checks by making your thumbnail selection after choosing the cropped dimensions.
- I think that an thumbnail alias might be outside the scope of this plugin since it really is the domain of the themes or wordpress to make the available thumbnail labels descriptive.
I think that I have a better interface going forward. If you’re brave you could help me beta test it:
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] Creating an extra imageI totally agree. I was thinking that it would make it really easy for me to find all the images that I created by just doing a
command. However, I recently saw the light and I’m going to remove the “-pte” in the next version. (It’s coming soon).However, if your edited post thumbnail uses a different crop factor than the one that wordpress generates, it will still leave the old one there as well. So I’m asking you, would you think it’s better to delete old images that shouldn’t be needed anymore?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] errors when trying to crop imagesI believe I’ve seen this issue with IE, but I haven’t been able to figure out a consistent fix for the issue and since the refresh typically makes the problem go away, it’s difficult to troubleshoot. I’m hoping the next version won’t have this problem.
Yeah, it’s kind of convoluted… If you have any suggestions for work arounds or a method that might be more intuitive I’d love to hear it.