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  • Hi

    I downloaded the zip file that you indicated and I uploaded it by ftp to the plugin ip geo block

    When the page finally appears to identify itself and once done that, I get the following message

    Sorry, your request can not be accepted.

    And I do not know what to do

    I tried the zip file on another page that was locked when I was configuring it and it worked perfectly

    Thanks, but now what do I do?

    Best regards


    I can not enter the page or even see the blog

    The message that appears is

    Sorry, your request can not be accepted.

    How can I solve that?

    Thanks and kind regards

    Hi, tokkonopapa

    I downloaded the zip file, I have unzipped it as you say.

    I have opened the ip-geo-block.php file with notepad and left it as it appears here

    * IP Geo Block
    * A WordPress plugin that blocks undesired access based on geolocation of IP address.
    * @package IP_Geo_Block
    * @author tokkonopapa <[email protected]>
    * @license GPL-2.0+
    * @link
    * @copyright 2013-2017 tokkonopapa
    * Plugin Name: IP Geo Block
    * Plugin URI:
    * Description: It blocks any spams, login attempts and malicious access to the admin area posted from outside your nation, and also prevents zero-day exploit.
    * Version: 3.0.2
    * Author: tokkonopapa
    * Author URI:
    * Text Domain: ip-geo-block
    * License: GPL-2.0+
    * License URI:
    * Domain Path: /languages

    // If this file is called directly, abort.
    if ( ! defined( ‘WPINC’ ) ) {

    if ( ! class_exists( ‘IP_Geo_Block’ ) ):

    * Global definition
    define( ‘IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH’, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); // @since 2.8
    define( ‘IP_GEO_BLOCK_BASE’, plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); // @since 1.5

    * Public-Facing Functionality

    * Load class
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block.php’;
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-util.php’;
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-load.php’;
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-apis.php’;
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-logs.php’;

    * Register hooks that are fired when the plugin is activated or deactivated.
    * When the plugin is deleted, the uninstall.php file is loaded.
    function ip_geo_block_activate( $network_wide = FALSE ) {
    require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-actv.php’;
    IP_Geo_Block_Activate::activate( $network_wide );

    function ip_geo_block_deactivate( $network_wide = FALSE ) {
    require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-actv.php’;
    IP_Geo_Block_Activate::deactivate( $network_wide );

    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘ip_geo_block_activate’ );
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, ‘ip_geo_block_deactivate’ );

    * Instantiate class
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( ‘IP_Geo_Block’, ‘get_instance’ ) );

    * Dashboard and Administrative Functionality

    * Load class in case of wp-admin/*.php
    if ( is_admin() ) {
    require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php’;
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( ‘IP_Geo_Block_Admin’, ‘get_instance’ ) );

    endif; // ! class_exists( ‘IP_Geo_Block’ )

    * Emergent Functionality

    * Invalidate blocking behavior in case yourself is locked out.
    * How to use: Activate the following code and upload this file via FTP.

    function ip_geo_block_emergency( $validate ) {
    $validate[‘result’] = ‘passed’;
    return $validate;
    add_filter( ‘ip-geo-block-login’, ‘ip_geo_block_emergency’ );
    add_filter( ‘ip-geo-block-admin’, ‘ip_geo_block_emergency’ );

    Then I have uploaded all the files to the ip-geo-block plugin folder

    I might not set up ip-geo-block-php well, as I do not know much about this language.

    And I have not done anything else, this I have done several times

    Best regards

    Hi Tokkopapa

    Since your indications have not worked for me, I have tried to modify the database according to what you say on your page

    But I can not find the table “ip_geo_block_setting”

    The only tables I have are

    Where I can match the value of “matching_rulea -1”

    Thank you very much but I can not solve the problem

    best regards

    Thank you Tokkonopapa

    I will try again according to your instructions

    If I do not solve it I hope there are other solutions, I will keep you informed

    Thank you very much


    Since I can not disable the plugin I have deleted the plugin as well as the api

    I’ve downloaded it again and loaded it into content / plugins according to its instructions

    But it’s still the same message
    Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.

    The address that the address bar puts is

    I have also tested their instructions on the ip geo bloc page, it does not work for me either, and the instruction that indicates you in the database I do not find it

    What else can I do?


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