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I downloaded the zip file that you indicated and I uploaded it by ftp to the plugin ip geo block
When the page finally appears to identify itself and once done that, I get the following message
Sorry, your request can not be accepted.
And I do not know what to do
I tried the zip file on another page that was locked when I was configuring it and it worked perfectly
Thanks, but now what do I do?
Best regards
I can not enter the page or even see the blog
The message that appears is
Sorry, your request can not be accepted.
How can I solve that?
Thanks and kind regards
Hi, tokkonopapa
I downloaded the zip file, I have unzipped it as you say.
I have opened the ip-geo-block.php file with notepad and left it as it appears here
* IP Geo Block
* A WordPress plugin that blocks undesired access based on geolocation of IP address.
* @package IP_Geo_Block
* @author tokkonopapa <[email protected]>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* @copyright 2013-2017 tokkonopapa
* Plugin Name: IP Geo Block
* Plugin URI:
* Description: It blocks any spams, login attempts and malicious access to the admin area posted from outside your nation, and also prevents zero-day exploit.
* Version: 3.0.2
* Author: tokkonopapa
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: ip-geo-block
* License: GPL-2.0+
* License URI:
* Domain Path: /languages
*/// If this file is called directly, abort.
if ( ! defined( ‘WPINC’ ) ) {
}if ( ! class_exists( ‘IP_Geo_Block’ ) ):
* Global definition
define( ‘IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH’, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); // @since 2.8
define( ‘IP_GEO_BLOCK_BASE’, plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); // @since 1.5/*—————————————————————————-*
* Public-Facing Functionality
* Load class
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block.php’;
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-util.php’;
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-load.php’;
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-apis.php’;
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-logs.php’;/**
* Register hooks that are fired when the plugin is activated or deactivated.
* When the plugin is deleted, the uninstall.php file is loaded.
function ip_geo_block_activate( $network_wide = FALSE ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-actv.php’;
IP_Geo_Block_Activate::activate( $network_wide );
}function ip_geo_block_deactivate( $network_wide = FALSE ) {
require_once IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘classes/class-ip-geo-block-actv.php’;
IP_Geo_Block_Activate::deactivate( $network_wide );
}register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘ip_geo_block_activate’ );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, ‘ip_geo_block_deactivate’ );/**
* Instantiate class
add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( ‘IP_Geo_Block’, ‘get_instance’ ) );/*—————————————————————————-*
* Dashboard and Administrative Functionality
* Load class in case of wp-admin/*.php
if ( is_admin() ) {
require IP_GEO_BLOCK_PATH . ‘admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php’;
add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( ‘IP_Geo_Block_Admin’, ‘get_instance’ ) );
}endif; // ! class_exists( ‘IP_Geo_Block’ )
* Emergent Functionality
* Invalidate blocking behavior in case yourself is locked out.
* How to use: Activate the following code and upload this file via FTP.
/* — EDIT THIS LINE AND ACTIVATE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS — // */function ip_geo_block_emergency( $validate ) {
$validate[‘result’] = ‘passed’;
return $validate;
add_filter( ‘ip-geo-block-login’, ‘ip_geo_block_emergency’ );
add_filter( ‘ip-geo-block-admin’, ‘ip_geo_block_emergency’ );Then I have uploaded all the files to the ip-geo-block plugin folder
I might not set up ip-geo-block-php well, as I do not know much about this language.
And I have not done anything else, this I have done several times
Best regards
Hi Tokkopapa
Since your indications have not worked for me, I have tried to modify the database according to what you say on your page
But I can not find the table “ip_geo_block_setting”
The only tables I have are
S_ip_geo_block_statWhere I can match the value of “matching_rulea -1”
Thank you very much but I can not solve the problem
best regards
Thank you Tokkonopapa
I will try again according to your instructions
If I do not solve it I hope there are other solutions, I will keep you informed
Thank you very much
Since I can not disable the plugin I have deleted the plugin as well as the api
I’ve downloaded it again and loaded it into content / plugins according to its instructions
But it’s still the same message
Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.The address that the address bar puts is have also tested their instructions on the ip geo bloc page, it does not work for me either, and the instruction that indicates you in the database I do not find it
What else can I do?