Forum Replies Created
Gracias, ya he conseguido que salga, pero en la lista de jugadores me sale en sexto lugar y yo lo quiero en última posición, donde debo modificar esto. Gracias.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Tablón de partidosLo que tengo que modificar lo tengo claro, lo que no se es en que archivo, si me podéis decir la ruta os lo agradezco.
Un saludo.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Images Gallery PlayersOk, resuelto.
Muchas gracias.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] SportpressGood Morning
When you put the list of players or the technical body in gallery mode, 3 images per row appear, can you change this so that for example 5 images appear ???
Thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] ShortcodeBy chance I have found that my computer ID is 3926, but I would like to know where to find it. They come out in a linear way, but I’m interested in getting it to come out as it had before, I attach an image. And on the other hand, I would like to know if there is a site where you can see all the short codes that exist and what they are for, in case I am interested in any more. a lot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] ShortcodeAnd where do I have to get this data “YOUR_TEAM_ID”, because I looked at the equipment part on my computer and I don’t see anything like it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Add minutesThank you very much problem solved. Forgive my clumsiness.
Greetings and Happy New Year.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Add minutesI don’t understand what you mean, but even so the new field does not appear in the player statistics, even if it is incorrectly configured. Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Add minutesEsto es lo que he realizado, pero no funciona, o por lo menos no se ve. Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] SportpressBuenos días:
En primer lugar muchas gracias por la ayuda Savvas. Así lo tenía pero no se porque salian desordenados, con la nueva actualización ya salen ordenador.
Ahora tengo otros dos problemas:
1o Las fotos no salen todas del mismo tama?o.
2o No se porque no se ajustan las fotos a la caja gris, que dejan un margen a la derecha.
Adjunto la web para que podais enteder a lo que me refiero.
Un saludo.Good Morning:
First of all thank you very much for the help Savvas. I had it like that but I don’t know why they came out messy, with the new update the computer already comes out.
Now I have two other problems:
1o The photos are not all the same size.
2nd I do not know why the photos do not fit in the gray box, they leave a margin on the right.
I am attaching the web so that you can understand what I mean:
A greeting.