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  • Thread Starter sgrenholm


    Answering some of my own questions.

    First, an observation. I am lazy under pressure. Some of the answers are clearly obtainable with a bit of experimentation.

    1. The View (Desktop|Tablet|Mobile) at the top is not just for show. It is possible to edit while using any of these views.
    2. Nav menu collapsing into an icon is something that can be directly edited directly on the right-hand menu, where the Overlay menu (icon representation) can be toggled for Mobile, etc.
    3. In general – duh – text streaming down the page in weird ways can be blamed on putting text in a too small column. This can be seen and fixed immediately (see 1), assuming the site editor is not lazy.
    4. Still not sure why my Login/Logout always shifts all the way to the left, even though I have it in the rightmost column of a row, where it correctly displays on Desktop. But I haven’t yet examined whether there are specific mobile settings that might control that.
    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    So, although I think the issues are better seen on the sites themselves ( and ), comparing handheld vs. Windows browsers, here are some annotated screenshots.

    Issues 1 and 2:

    Windows Browser (production hack) — — Ugly text site name to avoid Mobile problem [3]
    But both the Navbar and the top-right-aligned Login are good

    Mobile (production) – — BAD (1): Tiny navbar, almost invisible to users. BAD (2) Login is for some reason on the right.

    — Issue 3. Problem with Site Name in Blue-background block. I like the look in the Windows browser, but the Mobile behavior makes it infeasible.

    DEV Mobile – — BAD: The SiteName wraps down the left-hand-side

    DEV Windows Browser — — GOOD: Preferred look with SiteName on blue background

    Any ideas for these 3 problems will be welcome!

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    Sure, I can add screenshots; I will do so tomorrow.

    However, both issues 1 and 2 can be seen by comparing the site (link provided) on any computer browser and on any mobile browser.

    Issue 3 can be seen by comparing on a computer browser vs. any mobile browser.

    As these are live, I’m not completely sure how a screenshot can show the problem better?

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    No one likes unsolved mysteries…

    I believe I discovered the error of my ways. What I failed to remember is that this occurred after an export/import of the site (using Duplicator). And when exporting the site originally, Duplicator ‘warned’ me that some elements were large. One of these was


    And I chose to filter those from the exported site data. And, of course, I forgot that I had done so.

    So, even though I wasn’t explicitly using the Gutenberg plugin, having it activated after import without those components caused the error.

    And thus, the eternal refrain “Don’t Do That.”

    On the secondary question of

    In the margin: it would be useful to also be able to make a word in a text line smaller (just like you can highlight it). for example: “you can view this product” (small text: “not for sale” or “year of construction”)

    The ‘old-school’ way of doing this would be to edit the text as html, and put a custom <span class=”my-special-class”>changed inline words</span> around it.

    This works for me (after adding the CSS using the customizer, of course). In fact it’s the only way I know to accomplish this. Is there a better way to do this?

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    I could never replicate the problem using Gutenberg 15.1.0 on my local site. I upgraded it to 15.1.1 – still ok.

    On my hosted dev site, I had previously removed the 15.1.0 version. I just installed 15.1.1 and everything seems good – I can’t replicate the error creating/editing Posts or Pages (which was the problem before.)

    The earlier problem was in a newly created WordPress installation where the plugins were created from a Duplicator zip. As I mentioned, at that time, the site looked ok but the edit/create functions triggered the error. Maybe the plugin load order caused the earlier problem (?). But now, loading Gutenberg at the end with all other plugins still activated, no problem.

    I have the Health Check plugin but as everything is good now – even with the Gutenberg plugin 15.1.1 loaded – I would have to revert to 15.1.0 and try different load orders to see if I can trigger the problem again. I probably won’t do that!

    But if you want, I can provide a list of my plugins so someone else can do the combinatorics…

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    I am proven, once again, to be an idiot.

    My fault here was I had the Gutenberg plugin enabled. But I did not use it, either in my local env or in my dev environment.

    It did not seem to make a difference in my local env, but disabling it in the hosted dev env fixed the problem.

    Keeping this here in case anyone else runs into this…

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    Thank you, @thelmachido, for your response!

    Yes, that is what I tried. But what I have found is that the behavior of changing Post Title – and probably other things – is not consistent.

    I don’t have the time to do a complete list. It seems that across Theme Styles, the way to change Post Title changes.

    For instance, using the default style, although I could change the background for the Post Title easily, for the text foreground, I could only do it by going into the Style menu and changing either the default colors or specifically for the Post Title block. And then… I had to change the color assignment for Secondary. Why secondary? Well that’s perfectly clear, it’s because of (…FIIK…)

    But in some other styles, it looks as if this is different – I will test more. And for the “Aubergine” style, I haven’t figured out yet where I can change it.

    I can’t tell yet whether this is set in the theme.json files, or what. But – and sure, I’m a beginner – it seems that some changes are not intuitive.

    Also, as I (and probably most people) are developing on some local WordPress, (running on Local in my env) I’m not sure how I can share a link to others can look. How do people handle that issue?

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    Apparently this was not an interesting topic, or perhaps not in the correct forum for some reason. My apologies.

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    As a rather off-topic followup, perhaps the default suggestion of contacting the developer of a third-party isn’t as helpful as one might think. I understand the commercial delineation but at least in my case I was not even aware the site I am working on had such a commercial product.

    In fact, in my other post, quickly labeled as closed, my question was clearly titled “Is this Elementor, and is it Pro?” If the question is “Is Pro used at least somewhere on my site“, now I know the answer is ‘Yes’. But my current question – is the problem I’m observing even Elementor at all – is to me unanswered.

    Also, as some points of fact of ‘simply’ going to the commercial site, in the case of Elementor (“I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.“)

    Here is the reality:
    1. There is no support, except for paying customers with logins, at which time one can enter support tickets. Perhaps the site I am working on has such, but I am unaware, so I am shut out unless I pay for my own Elementor. Great, but throws the idea of free, easy support out the window.
    2. There is in fact a User Support Forum. But it is on Facebook, something I have never wished to join. But given the circumstances, I joined – only to find out that my membership was rejected because I haven’t been a Facebook member long enough. Maybe in 1-3 months. Wonderful.

    As a last request, if anyone can point me in the direction of actually helpful support, I would be grateful.

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    In re-reading Jan Dembrowski’s response, I see “the developer” refers to the third party commercial license, not to my original site developer.

    I will try my luck with Elementor as well, although I still have no proof that the section in question is Elementor.

    Still, I would like to pose the general question to experts on the forum if the subsection and its observed behavior is familiar. Even a cursory response such as “That is [or is not] an Elementor widget” would be helpful.

    I am trying to imagine how this architecture works – my best guess is that the images and texts in this section are somehow keyed with an opaque ID, which is somehow used by a backend to form a query to Elfsight. A guess. But I am still baffled why I don’t even see the table itself as an editable thing in Elementor or whatever.

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    Just to be clear, as someone has kindly suggested I take it up with the site developer.

    I don’t have any contact with the original site developer. They are apparently out of contact. No idea why. I am now in charge of maintaining the site, and am simply trying to get hints as to how to address the issue of updating contacts.

    I have also been told that this is with Elementor Pro. Great. Yes, Elementor is used on the site, and it apparently is Pro. But it is not clear to me that the issue in question is even an Elementor question.

    Thread Starter sgrenholm


    To make this simpler:

    I do not yet even know if this subsection is Elementor or something else.
    I can see that the surrounding page is Elementor-created, but as I can’t seem to access it or edit it in Elementor, maybe it is something else.

    [so I will also ask on the Elementor plugin forum, and maybe even on the elementor site – but I may be kicked off, because this may not even be an Elementor question]

    So my first question to the WordPress expert community:
    Given what this page looks like, and how it behaves, what is this subsection? Even better, I’d greatly appreciate opinions on how to access it, or at least to research the problem. (For example, if it’s not elementor, wading through Elementor videos and learning the technology won’t help me with this problem.)

    So, here is what I see
    – In the middle of an editable (in Elementor) WordPress page, there is a section which I can’t see how to edit.
    – The elements of this subsection are images, short text, and popup windows with text.
    – These images and text are not, as far as I know, kept on my host (certainly not under Media or Pages)
    – If we access the page in a browser, the images are served by Elfsight – probably the rest of this subsection is, but I can’t tell.

    – Is this Elementor?
    – Any clues on how to edit this subsection?
    – Or at least a good way to research it.
    – (turning around the problem) If you were to design a page in WordPress elementor, with a subsection table with images & text, where the images are stored in Elfsight, how would you go about it?

    Many thanks

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