Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: blocked wp-admin IP addressfirst get the public ip address of the problem computer. You can do this by typing into google ‘whats my ip’?
go to jetpack and look for the protect settings.
add the ip thats being blocked into the whitelist textbox.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: blocked wp-admin IP addressi thought you did because it blocks ip’s.
what plugins do you have installed?
one of them is set to probably block ip addresses after a certain amount of attempts.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: keeping existing site running, building with new hostwell you could make the site locally?
most poeple have a local development site and then you push to live.
As for knowing who the server host is use to see where the site is being hosted
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: mk_button with query stringso you want the current query string from the url in the address and what do you want to do with it exactly?
when you show a button on the page it should grab the house parameter?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: blocked wp-admin IP addresstry looking at this
also do you have jetpack installed?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Ajax Chat – Add a Fast, Secure Chat Box] hooks?Thanks!
Means a lot coming from you! i think Ive read some of your books. You explains things very well. So I guess I learn from the best. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Ajax Chat – Add a Fast, Secure Chat Box] hooks?Sorry i wasnt able to get back.
I figured a hook after a chat is submitted with info from the submission, but in the end i think im using plain comments as my sort of “chat” system.
I am making a dating website and i needed a way to allow 2 users to chat privately. so im making a post type called “match” and when 2 people join a match they can use the comment section to talk.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] understanding how this all works…When you say “the plugin doesnt take care of it” I assume you mean wp-retina doesnt take care of it. But the ewww plugin does?
Also I have never made a plugin. What sort of theme do you want?
I have never heard of smug smug.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] understanding how this all works…I think your website is very good!
Its funny how we see everyone else’s stuff is always nicer than our own….I am never fully satisfied with what I make.
Well anyway, I quit my terrible job a little over a month ago. I am starting to make websites and do freelance… its a new thing so hopefully it starts working!I like theming and I now use underscores to quicken up my work. Its really awesome.
Thanks for your hep!Last question!
Do I need an image optimizer or wp retina takes care of that or what?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] understanding how this all works…Thank you so much!!
You take nice pictures….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] understanding how this all works…thanks for the quick response!
well truthfully for my portfolio I use 640x 360 sized images and that means retina image of 1280 x 720.
So I should upload the larger of the 2? or even larger?
if I upload the larger of the 2, what do I call it? @2x or no?Im filled with questions!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] images not appearing in IEi thinks it works a bit better! thanks!
i still see a flash of nothing for a few seconds sometimes. then it loads.
im using: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Images] images not appearing in IEmy site is
When I load picturefill.js on my own I think it works without problems. The problem is my 2x images dont get loaded automatically. I need your plugin!
Also it should be noted that my front page, where the problem is, is not being loaded via the_content(). those images are embeded in front-page.php where I made it.
i already have this implemented.
here you go:
add to functions.php
add_filter('query_vars', 'add_vars'); function add_vars($new_query_vars) { $new_query_vars[] = 'rating'; return $new_query_vars; }
now we need to check how the posts are being filtered in pre_get_posts
function sort_by_rating($query) { global $wp_query; //i have a recipe section using it. change this to either the main posts or any post type archive.... if($query->is_post_type_archive('recipes') && $query->is_main_query()){ $query_rating = get_query_var('rating'); //checks the rating= in the url if(isset($query_rating) && $query_rating == 'topr') { $query->set('meta_key', '_kksr_avg'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num'); } if(isset($query_rating) && $query_rating == 'voted') { $query->set('meta_key', '_kksr_casts'); $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num'); } } } add_action('pre_get_posts', 'sort_by_rating');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scripts n Styles] cannot scrollooohhh
your plugin is breaking from emmet plugin.
the plugin used t type fast html