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  • Don’t forget an Web Hosting company who obviously has “issues” with their network. Or an ISP, or there is some ‘over-reacting’ to the Brute Force Attack that hosting providers are blocking out their own customers. I am to toss Godaddy to the curb because I have a client who has Godaddy and I HAVE NO PROBLEMS ACCESSING THEIR WP BLOG PAGE administration. So who do you believe anymore? WP? my ISP? Godaddy? when the TRACE ROUTE evidence shows an issue with their network communicating with other networks that connect them to their customers. It’s more bull now than anything. GRR!

    Hey chew on this bunch of code from my .htacces for WP 3.6

    Anything in here that should be removed? These are the “known” ip’s that have been blocked by WordPress so I am “told.” What does all this crap mean?

    # BEGIN Better WP Security
    Order Allow,Deny
    Deny from env=DenyAccess
    Allow from all
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^144\.76\.95\.231$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^144\.76\.95\.231$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^144\.76\.95\.231$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^144\.76\.95\.232$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^144\.76\.95\.232$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^144\.76\.95\.232$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^157\.55\.32\.147$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^157\.55\.32\.147$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^157\.55\.32\.147$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^157\.55\.32\.88$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^157\.55\.32\.88$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^157\.55\.32\.88$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^157\.56\.92\.152$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^157\.56\.92\.152$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^157\.56\.92\.152$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^173\.199\.114\.115$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^173\.199\.114\.115$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^173\.199\.114\.115$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^199\.58\.86\.209$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^199\.58\.86\.209$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^199\.58\.86\.209$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^24\.230\.50\.166$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^24\.230\.50\.166$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^24\.230\.50\.166$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^62\.194\.71\.106$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^62\.194\.71\.106$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^62\.194\.71\.106$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^62\.212\.73\.211$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^62\.212\.73\.211$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^62\.212\.73\.211$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^83\.149\.126\.98$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^83\.149\.126\.98$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^83\.149\.126\.98$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR “^69\.197\.129\.42$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR “^69\.197\.129\.42$” DenyAccess
    SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP “^69\.197\.129\.42$” DenyAccess
    # END Better WP Security

    I am betting these are known server blocks!

    I am unable to access my Dashboard but able to log in and get told that

    Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
    Reload this webpage.
    Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page.
    Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    Joomla on GoDaddy is also handing me the same b.s.

    Try a tracert on your blog page url and see how long it takes to time out.
    I did 30 hops and I timed out after line 6 out 30! I had a friend use their ISP and do the same thing and their times per hop were 50-127 ms. Somebody has a problem and it is not my ISP! They checked their network two weeks ago. Something snapped from me on Thurs 2013 1 Aug.

    I am conceding defeat!

    Meanwhile GODADDY told me at 04:00AM US Central that they have NO KNOWN ISSUES! I would say someone is lying and it’s not me!

    Time for a hosting change I think!

    GD had to “whitelist” me. They spent over an hour today with the “upper level techs” looking at every line in the error logs. Concluded my IP was “Jinxed” so I may contact my ISP and ask for a new IP address. (If I can that is.) It’s a mess. I am p*ssed off to no end, GD has it on their “radar”. It’s a wait and see. They are giving me deals because of my “patience”…which I am “banking” for now. It still is upsetting though. Meanwhile, I thought WP 3.6 was supposed to be entirely different in the looks and use department. Wonder what 4.0 will bring.

    How many people are experiencing this problem with hosting provider GoDaddy? I am also curious, how many are using GoDaddy’s Linux servers instead of windows?

    And anybody aware that the Apache 2.4 server system is loaded with bugs since it was made available earlier this year??

    Who knows whether this is our problem? I just disable my entire plugins in WP 3.6. and I still have the same damn problem. Anyone know of a betting hosting provider who will actually tell you the truth and not jack you around like Godaddy seems to be doing?

    My problems continue to happen. Had one day of NO 324 errors. July 31, Aug 1-2, 2013 it’s been a nightmare. I keep getting “the finger” from my hosting server “no data received”…Talked to host provider who set up error logs it seems it fingers my IP as the problem and they can’t IP “white page” me all the time either. I disabled all my plugins. Jetpack isn’t the problem nor is Akismet. BUT…suspicions are centering around Ultimate TinyMCE 4.8.1 and Advanced Tiny MCE. Anyone know if they have known issues similar to the 324 caper that’s going on now. AND I am also curious, does anyone know how stable WP 3.6 is? I just loaded it Aug 2. Same problems exist like they did when I I had 3.5.2. Also besides me hitting “F5” to refresh my browser so I can get into my backdoor of my WP site, is there any other reason I should be pinging the hosting server when I leave the backdoor open for longer periods of time between postings? There were over 30 of my personal IP address being posted in the error logs along with an IP from Zimbabwe nailing me at least a dozen times with several seconds between pings or attempts to locate search data from my page.

    I am now beyond WTF and Joomla is now generating 324’s on me.

    Is a quick sample of what the browser Opera tells me about my issues:

    “Connection closed by remote server”

    ta da!

    Heard that AVG anti-virus was a possibility by someone on another forum site on Monday. Wish I would have copied and posted it here. Anybody care to tackle that one????

    Frustratingly yours!


    Here’s something else I need to have clarified…is all this responsible for generating Site Lockout Notifications? I have Better WP Security 3.5.5 and I have been keeping track of IP’s attempting to access my site in some way. I have given permission to the “bots” operated by Google, Microsoft, YAHOO for search engine use but I have so many notifications on usually several of the same IP addresses. Most of eastern Europe and Asia were heavy hitters on searching for stuff on my site that seem to be more than random topics unrelated to what is on my site. SEO has logged 20,000+ 404 errors from Google & Microsoft alone as they were looking for information that was previously on my site but is now in process of being reloaded. It’s been a freakin’ mess. Is any of this a part of Brute Force or is it the “usual” spam crowds from Eastern Europe and Asia? I have been keeping good records of the IP’s and letting many get through without a hassle after I have checked them out via tracers and location software.

    I am just curious if any of what I am doing is worth it or just making things worse. I know my numbers dropped when the Site Lockouts become large. 404’s didn’t help my cause as I had plenty of broken links.

    Anyone wish to comment on this hodge podge of information????


    So how do we know who’s the attacker to block? I don’t want legit search engines blocked out!

    UPDATE: My lock out from my page was due to my hosting site placing my DNS in quarantine because I had to keep attempting to log in. The number of failures put me into an attempted “hacker” quarantine of sorts. It works now after a very bright tech support person figured it all out. They will be monitoring my situation.

    MEANWHILE: ISP checked out as healthy. Router healthy. Modem healthy. Passwords changed.

    Still getting the error message but have discovered that 90% of the time WP is not communicating with my host server and IS posting properly it just doesn’t catch it. PESKY! All 5 of my browsers are still choking on 324 Errors!

    Guess all we can do is wait.

    UPDATE: Try this…I am now LOCKED OUT of my own administration sites for both WordPress and now Joomla. This also includes FTP access using FIleZilla on my end. Hosting site declares no problems. Contacted ISP who are now checking on their end. Went to my neighbor’s house (just 2 doors down from me who uses same ISP!!) Entered site with NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER!~ Insult to injury. I have tightened up my Wireless modem to max tight tonight. There is NO EVIDENCE of a direct hack. However I did get 30 “site lock outs” tonight from various places.

    I should mention that I can access my FTP via my hosting service’s access page. FileZilla is tied down just like I am …can’t access my sites. But I can access other WordPress sites I manage using the same hosting service. They are all using WP 3.5.2. In addition, I tried 4 different computers in my house. Same things happens with them as well.

    KICKER: My Adroid using my cell service ISP gets into my sites just fine. The minute I hook up my ISP…it’s lights out.

    Anybody want to take a stab at this new wrinkle???

    There are no errors logged. It has been on since the problems started. Nothing is being reported.

    Well now I can’t log in to my blog site so what does it matter now? This is ridiculous. Jinx or tamper?

    So all of this has to do with my copy of Google Chrome? No way!!! Every Browser is choking on WordPress right now. IE 10, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox . . . And when one of the major PC mags pressed you guys on what’s the hold up on 3.6 the response was cryptic and not very forthcoming. Basically, it implied there were major security issues with it. In other words, “we know 3.5.2 hasn’t fixed the problem, and we’re not sure if 3.6 in it’s present form can either. Well, I am not going to remove everyone one of my browsers just because WordPress suddenly trashed out. Why did my problem start suddenly on June 25th 2013???? I can work backdoor on other WordPress sites so I know this an isolated but growing problem that dates back years. Blame the users before you blame yourselves is common place in the open market. I won’t be holding my breath here but I will be monitoring everything!

    My ISP and hosting provider don’t have any issues. I can get into https:// sites with no problem. Just can’t get into my WP-ADMIN and get files and widgets to load properly even when I have reinstalled WP 21 times in the past 3 days!

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