Hi StickyPixels,
I had the same problem. But I found a solution.
First disable the “Remember Me” Option.
Go to & open: ultimate-member/core/um-actions-login.php
and find
`<?php if ( isset( $args[‘show_rememberme’] ) && $args[‘show_rememberme’] ) {
echo $ultimatemember->fields->checkbox(‘rememberme’, __(‘Keep me signed in’,’ultimate-member’) );
echo ‘<div class=”um-clear”></div>’;
} ?>`
And replace with:
<label for="rememberme" class="inline um-field-checkbox-option">
<input name="rememberme" type="checkbox" id="rememberme" value="forever" /> <?php _e( 'Keep me signed in', 'ultimate-member' ); ?>
This is working perfectly for me. Hope this helps.