Sharaz Shahid
Forum Replies Created
Hi @jonnegarcia,
First of all, apologize for the late reply due to holidays. You can set this in SSB setting in which you can select or unselect post/page.
Helping screenshot –> @eltaino,
I glad you liked our plugin. Thanks for the suggestion I added it in our roadmap. we will release in upcoming release.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Social Media Share Buttons - Social Sharing for Everyone] PrintHi,
Sorry for the late reply. I was on the trip. Add this CSS rule in your theme style.css file. it will solve your print information problem.@media print { #jspRound{ display: block !important; } }
Sorry for the late reply. I was on the trip. At this time reddit button not available in SSB widget. I added it in our roadmap.Hi,
Sorry for the late reply. I was on the trip. In the post edit you can find SSB SETTING meta box there is setting to hide ssb on specific page/post.
Helping screenshot ->“Also, in one of the pages the plugin is showing twice, even if it is set to the bottom of content only page is”.
This page returns me 404 can you give me another page link where the second issue exists.Hi @hkabla,
I really apology for the late reply. Because I was on holidays. There is some conflict between Simple Social Buttons and other plugin. To debug and fix the issue I need some extra details from you. Could you please reach out via .So I fix this issue.Thanks for let us know we will check it.
ok i will check it.
Hi @hkabla,
Sorry for inconvenience i think there is plugin conflict can you send me log which help to look into this.
Helping Screen Shot: @hkabla,
Thanks for letting us know we will fix it in very next release.Hi @dottanelli,
Thanks for sharing will fix it in very next release.Hi m_james,
I added it in the road map will release the plugin ASAP.
Thanks for letting us know. I’m going to look into this.
Hi flex,
Add this CSS rule in your Customizer->Additional CSS.
.ssb_inline-share_heading{ font-size: 18px; }
you can increase or decrease font size according to your need like 15px,25px etc.
Hi @serhiiko911,
Sorry for the inconvenience. I feel there is some plugin confliction. Could you please send me the logs file. You will find it in Social Buttons -> Help menu. It will help me to debug and fix the issue.
Helping Screen Shot