• Resolved persist9


    Using the block editor, I put in a button block with a link to another page on my site.
    when I save the page and click on the button, nothing happens.

    When I look at the “Link settings” > “Link rel” I now see
    https://www.my-site/my-page/ noopener noreferrer
    Is this “noopener” he problem?
    “noopener” is exactly what the button is not doing. When I click on “my-page” does not open. Nothing happens.

    What does “Link rel” mean?
    Is it “relative address”?
    Should I put in a shorter URL like

    I tried removing noopener and noreferrer but they reappeared
    What are they for?

    I’m using the latest WordPress: version 5.5.3
    Using the Atomic Blocks theme
    I am editing a private page. I want to get it looking good before it goes public.

    I liked the look of the button, but I am now going back to just using an ordinary hyperlink. The hyperlink works fine.

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  • Prabhat


    Hey @persist9,

    What does “Link rel” mean?

    Link “rel” stands for Relationship, “rel” is an attribute of the link tag which is used to specify the location of the external document that is getting linked to your project.

    I tried removing noopener and noreferrer but they reappeared
    What are they for?

    Check out the below article link regarding “noopener” and “noreferrer” attributes:

    Could you somehow share the URL of the page where the issue is faced??

    Thread Starter persist9


    I put a button onto my home page. It does not work, in the same way as I’ve described previously.

    The button is blue about the sixth block on the page.
    Button: See Australia as a renewable energy superpower.

    I added the button below an ordinary hyperlink which links to the same page as the button. The hyperlink works fine.

    Thanks for your response @prabhatrai

    Thread Starter persist9


    I read the article you suggested. My button tries to link to another page on my site. I wanted it to open in a new tab because I want the viewer to return to the page with the button. The article suggests that this might work for computers but not for mobiles.



    Hey @persist9,
    The button you referenced is a link tag and, it does not have an href attribute, which redirects the users to the desired location.

    You could consider clearing your cache and cookies followed by disabling the plugins and recreating the button after that enable the plugins.

    Also, you might want to check that whether the issue exists only in the current theme or in other themes also.

    Thread Starter persist9


    How strange. I am trying to use the WordPress button block and it is not working. I’ll just use an ordinary hyperlink.

    I am using the theme “Atomic blocks”. I was also using the “atomic blocks plugin” (which gives extra blocks) until this week when the plugin creators changed it to “genesis blocks”. My first guess is that “genesis blocks” is interfering with the WordPress button block. If I deactivate genesis blocks, I take down several of my pages which use one of their blocks. If I deactivate “genesis blocks” and try the WordPress button again, can I then re-activate “genesis blocks” without breaking my site? I think that is a difficult question. apologies. I worry that I’ll break something if I start disabling plugins etc. My real concern is that if the button block is now broken, other WordPress features will also be broken. I do not have the time or skill to work this out.

    Thread Starter persist9


    I have got the button block working now.
    I wanted my button to open another page on my site, my-URL = https://my-site/my-page2.

    Here is what worked for me: When I am editing my page in the block editor and click on the button, a box opens above the block with 9 icons, one of which is the link icon. When I enter my-URL here, the button works.

    Here is what did not work for me: When I am editing my page and click on the button, I see in the right column details about the button block including, under “Link settings”, “Link rel” and a box for “Link rel” data. When I put my-URL in this “Link rel” box the button does not work.

    Perhaps there should be a warning near the “Link rel box” saying that this is not the spot for a URL

    Thread Starter persist9


    To @prabhatrai – Thanks for your help



    Hey @persist9,
    The link “rel” attribute specifies the type of external document you are linking, like if you have to link a CSS file then the value for the “rel” attribute will be “stylesheet”.
    Whereas, anchor tag has a “href” attribute which takes the URL (of the location where it is linked to) as the value.

    However, it’s great that the button is working now ??

    Thread Starter persist9


    Thanks. That’s clear the href contins the URL.
    Can I leave the “link rel” blank, or leave WordPress to include something in “link rel”, when I include a link to a URL of:
    . another page on my own site, or
    . a page on another web site

    I had another look at the page on “link rel” suggested above
    It has so much information – but did not mention “noopener” and “noreferrer”

    the below link does

    Hey @persist9,
    If you are just adding a hyperlink/button which will redirect the user to someplace else, then you can leave the “rel” field empty.

    Thread Starter persist9


    My apologies.

    I did not realise that I was using the “genesis blocks” “Buttons” block. This has the “link rel” box in which I erroneously put my URL.

    The WordPress “Button” block does not have a “link rel” box and is straight forward to use.

    Beware the differance betwen the “Button” Block and the “Buttons” block. The “buttons” block can have several buttons on the one line.


    Thread Starter persist9


    I am still mixing up the button and the buttons blocks. I wish Genesis blocks called their block “genesis button” or “genesis buttons” whichever it is.
    I can work this out.

    Thread Starter persist9


    Hey @persist9,
    If you are facing such confusion then you can post a thread at the official support channel of Genesis Blocks.

    Genesis Blocks Support Forum: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/genesis-blocks/

    Thread Starter persist9


    Good idea. I have done it. Thanks again.

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