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  • Hi raghunathi,

    I’m glad to hear the solution worked for you.
    Yes, sometimes you need to force the cache to clear. Some browsers like to cache javascript.

    I’ve chased my own tail a few times on that.

    I had this problem as well.
    I used FireBug to pinpoint the problem.

    In admin.php, find the loadScripts() function, then ensure this code is being called.


    Now the other problem is in the standings.php file.

    Currently there is some code that looks like this:
    <tbody id="the-list-standings-<?php echo $group ?>" class="form-table">

    When it should look like this:
    <tbody id="the-list-standings" class="form-table">

    It looks like there was some possible group filtering that was never fully implemented.

    Let me know if it works for you. It did for me.

    Here you go,

    global $user_ID;
    $page['post_type']    = 'page';
    $page['post_content'] = 'Put your page content here';
    $page['post_parent']  = 0;
    $page['post_author']  = $user_ID;
    $page['post_status']  = 'publish';
    $page['post_title']   = 'Your Page Title';
    $page = apply_filters('yourplugin_add_new_page', $page, 'teams');
    $pageid = wp_insert_post ($page);
    if ($pageid == 0) { /* Add Page Failed */ }

    Shows up in the menu and everything.
    You can add other variables to the $page array as well, but this is all you need. Just take a look at the posts database table for all the options you could use.

    Keep on Keepin’ On! ??

    Odd that the error appears only for some.
    Could be a browser compatability issue.
    Since javascript is implemented differently in different browsers, and Ajax uses java script to function.

    For those of you that receive the error, what browser version and OS are you using?

    I have successfully used IE8 and Firefox 3.5

    I would like to know this as well.

    The white text is happening because the proper css files are not being included. I don’t recall at the moment which code I needed to add, but that’s definitely the issue.

    I also noticed that the editor still retains additional shortcode buttons added by various plugins.

    This caused a problem for me, so when I hook into the ‘init’ I just check what page I’m looking at and decided if I want to disable all the buttons or not with the following function,


    I found a simplified version that seems to work quite well.

    I found the answer here.

    To sum it up for recent version of WP (2.7, 2.8), In your plugin php file, add the following filter and function :

    function ShowTinyMCE() {
    	// conditions here
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'common' );
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-color' );
    	if (function_exists('add_thickbox')) add_thickbox();
    	if (function_exists('wp_tiny_mce')) wp_tiny_mce();

    Then use the following code to insert the editor.

    <?php the_editor($content, 'content'); ?>

    Where $content is the default content for the editor, and ‘content’ is the name of the form field that is generated.

    Hi boilr,

    My fix is for a separate issue.

    Going on stevemagruder’s comment, try adjusting you php memory limit.
    In general, the memory limit should at least be twice the size of the max upload file size.

    Also strange things happen when scripts time out. Try adjusting the max execution time in your php.ini. I think the default is 30 seconds, so try pumping it up to 120 seconds.

    Please let me know if it works.

    Hi boilr,

    When you click on the [more] link, does it show up as ‘1’?

    Here’s a clever way to disable it. for a clever way to disable autosave and/or revisions.

    My problem is that autosave is still being pushed through in the Ajax calls to load-script.php, which makes an ugly page error icon appear in IE when adding a new page or post. The error shows up pretty well if you use the firebug console.

    Anyone know what file I can remove that from?

    I had this problem when developing with

    • WordPress MU 2.8.4
    • using NextGen Gallery 1.3.5.

    The problem was occuring due to some extra invisible characters being tacked on to the msg variable in the run function of the ngg.ajax.js file.

    To make this work properly, I added parseInt to the switch statement parameter like so…

    Approximately Line 30 of ngg.ajax.js

    success: function(msg){
    switch (parseInt(msg)) {
    case -1:


    Don't forget to remove the double quotes from the case statements!

    If this fix worked for you, please let me know.
    I know it drove me nutz.

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