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  • Thread Starter shellwe


    I tried both my email and my username, I type it several times but user errors aren’t uncommon in my line of work.
    My network admin guy sanitized the strings for me so they are free of compromising data. I’ll email you that now.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    You have been very quick to respond. Thank you for your help so far.

    It took me a bit to figure out what is going on; even though I have my error_log set to /var/log/php_errors.log in php.ini it still outputs it in /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log… not sure why but the important thing is I found it.

    When I try to log in with my user I get this:

    [Mon Nov 28 15:15:07 2016] [error] [client] [AuthLDAP] User 'sAMAccountName' logging in, referer:
    [Mon Nov 28 15:15:07 2016] [error] [client] [AuthLDAP] about to do LDAP authentication, referer:
    [Mon Nov 28 15:15:07 2016] [error] [client] [AuthLDAP] connect to LDAP server, referer:
    [Mon Nov 28 15:15:07 2016] [error] [client] [AuthLDAP] LDAP authentication failed with exception: bind was not successfull: Invalid credentials, referer:

    I replaced my website name with “” since it is an internal domain and they don’t want that public knowledge. Also replaced my user with the keyword it is linked to (sAMAccountName).

    But from this I am not quite certain whether it isn’t connecting due to a bad LDAP URI or it is and the username isn’t linking to sAMAccountName. I have smart TLS on and I am making sure I go to the https version of the site.

    Thank you for your help so far!

    Thread Starter shellwe


    It may have been a blip or something because I am not getting that error anymore, it just invalid login. I also tried turning off TLS to see if that works (for sure not a permanent solution)
    How does the logging work in your program? Can that tell me anything. I am wondering if it did correctly try to handshake it’s just somehow mapped to the wrong login.

    The cert issued from our internal CA. That first article was referring to PHP2 and 3 and I am still looking through the second to get more ideas. Also, our server guy does see a request from Tux our Active Directory service via tcp port 389 (ldap port).

    I open /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and see everything is commented out except TLS_CACERTDIR

    Is openLDAP more for if I want to have my server be an LDAP server? If so I am in the wrong place.

    If it helps any we did get “Active Directory/LDAP Login for Intranet sites” working (at least before I upgraded to 5.6) with TLS we just weren’t impressed by some of its features. But I know it is able to connect

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Thank you for getting back to me! We are indeed on 5.3. We are using CENTOS 6 so a little behind the time. I have looked at the path to upgrade to 7 and I wonder if it is just easier doing a new install.

    Anyway, I uninstalled PHP 5.3 and put on 5.6 and after some jumbling with some settings I got php 5.6 and WordPress working again. But now it just doesn’t take my login

    I now get the error:

    Warning: ldap_start_tls(): Unable to start TLS: Connect error in /var/www/html/assure-stack/wp-content/plugins/authldap/ldap.php on line 122

    I am guessing it just means we have something in our LDAP URI (Posted above?). I assume our username is our User-ID Attribute; which we assigned to sAMAccountName and my password is my LDAP password.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Thanks for the link, knowing there is a reference guide for it I am encouraged I can get it to work, thanks!

    Thread Starter shellwe


    cedcommerce, sadly, it did not solve it, I tried logging in and it brought me right to the admin panel.

    Did I do it correctly? Here is my commit.

    If it matters this was made with an underscores theme and I have done very little to the functions.php and have only modified the header.php and CSS at this point.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    ggbusta, I would agree, it sounds like something very common, but if cedcommerce’s idea works I am just happy I don’t need to change the wp-admin.php file or anything.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Thanks for your reply. That worked! Did that version just come out? I was updated as of a couple weeks ago, did that patch just come out?

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Someone on reddit helped me. I had some spare lines outside outside of my php tags in my functions.php. I deleted these lines and it works great now.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    I messed up, here is the correct link for the site. At least until it goes live.

    They are not without their problems but juicebox has WP plugin that is alright. You may want to try their free version.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    It doesn’t sound like that is an issue with underscores as much as it is general page development. It may help to post a new topic about it. I would guess there is something you need to set up in functions.php but at this point it is just the blind leading the blind.

    Hopefully by this weekend I will FINALLY move the site to WordPress and may come across a resolution to that issue.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    jcartland, thanks you for responding!

    Yes, I got there as well, I looked on the site and his intro to theme building was done with underscores. I need to finish his videos, I am on 3 now. It seems 1 was just getting underscores downloaded and 2 only touched CSS where he took out a ton of pieces, I am using the sass version anyway so that was an easier way to turn off stuff. 3 was very informative so far, just a lot of information overload.

    I need to go through the text tutorials on his site. I have a version of the website I made in regular HTML and just need to move the pieces over I get the idea of header footer, and page, but I am a little confused how traffic handling works… but most of that is just theme development overall, not specifically underscores.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Thank you for this! I did watch these a few weeks back (at least the first two). I got nervous with the CSS one (2nd) because the only thing he did was start gutting out the CSS and rearranging… but I am using the SASS version so that shouldn’t be an issue. I didn’t notice until after that each video had categories.
    I will take a look through those and see if those are more helpful. I am not good at reverse engineering so seeing others complete sites doesn’t help me too much, and that’s a lot of what I have been finding.

    Thread Starter shellwe


    Thanks for the link iamdawn! Seeing this on lynda was what made me choose underscores, but as I went through it I found that 80 percent of it was just how to make his particular website, he was talking a lot about the css styling but things like making page templates and such he didn’t go into as much. I just found myself rushing through a lot of it at 2x speed. I hope to give it another shot soon.
    Today I was going through a 5 part underscores tutorial from and its not bad. I found a good one on general wordpress template building on pluralsight, what was really wonderful about it is it named its chapters after each of the files. So if you had a question about footer.php, you could go to that.
    I am hoping to take something from each of this, I just wish the underscores site itself gave more information how to utilize it to the fullest.
    Another question, when you build an underscores site, do you clone the repository, or download a custom version from

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