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  • Thread Starter shetakaey


    I’m downloading the file and making the changes, then uploading the new version.

    Thread Starter shetakaey


    I use the functions.php code as is from the wp-includes directory, with my own smilies — relevant portion below.

     * Convert smiley code to the icon graphic file equivalent.
     * You can turn off smilies, by going to the write setting screen and unchecking
     * the box, or by setting 'use_smilies' option to false or removing the option.
     * Plugins may override the default smiley list by setting the $wpsmiliestrans
     * to an array, with the key the code the blogger types in and the value the
     * image file.
     * The $wp_smiliessearch global is for the regular expression and is set each
     * time the function is called.
     * The full list of smilies can be found in the function and won't be listed in
     * the description. Probably should create a Codex page for it, so that it is
     * available.
     * @global array $wpsmiliestrans
     * @global array $wp_smiliessearch
     * @since 2.2.0
    function smilies_init() {
    	global $wpsmiliestrans, $wp_smiliessearch;
    	// don't bother setting up smilies if they are disabled
    	if ( !get_option( 'use_smilies' ) )
    	if ( !isset( $wpsmiliestrans ) ) {
    		$wpsmiliestrans = array(
    		'%%' => '4leafclover.gif',
    		'*clover*' => '4leafclover.gif',
    		'*alien*' => 'alien.gif',
    		'>-)' => 'alien.gif',
    		'O:-)' => 'angel.gif',
    		'O:)' => 'angel.gif',
    		'*angel*' => 'angel.gif',
    		'*innocent*' => 'angel.gif',
    		'X(' => 'angry.gif',
    		'x(' => 'angry.gif',
    		'X-(' => 'angry.gif',
    		'x-(' => 'angry.gif',
    		'*mad*' => 'angry.gif',
    		'*fumes*' => 'angry.gif',
    		'*mad*' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    		'=D>' => 'applause.gif',
    		'*applause*' => 'applause.gif',
    		'*claps*' => 'applause.gif',
    		'~X(' => 'atwitsend.gif',
    		'~x(' => 'atwitsend.gif',
    		'*at wits end*' => 'atwitsend.gif',
    		';;)' => 'battingeyelashes.gif',
    		'*bats eyelashes*' => 'battingeyelashes.gif',
    		'b-(' => 'beatup.gif',
    		'*punch*' => 'beatup.gif',
    		'*bee*' => 'bee.gif',
    		':bz' => 'bee.gif',
    		':-D' => 'biggrin.gif',
    		':D' => 'biggrin.gif',
    		'*grin*' => 'biggrin.gif',
    		'*big grin*' => 'biggrin.gif',
    		':grin:' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    		'>:D<' => 'bighug.gif',
    		'*hug*' => 'bighug.gif',
    		'*hugs*' => 'bighug.gif',
    		'*blush*' => 'blushing.gif',
    		':oops:' => 'blushing.gif',
    		'>:/' => 'bringiton.gif',
    		'=((' => 'brokenheart.gif',
    		'*bug*' => 'bug.gif',
    		'=:)' => 'bug.gif',
    		':-c' => 'callme.gif',
    		':-C' => 'callme.gif',
    		':c' => 'callme.gif',
    		':C' => 'callme.gif',
    		'*call me*' => 'callme.gif',
    		':-@' => 'chatterbox.gif',
    		':@' => 'chatterbox.gif',
    		'*chatterbox*' => 'chatterbox.gif',
    		'~:>' => 'chicken.gif',
    		'*chicken*' => 'chicken.gif',
    		':O)' => 'clown.gif',
    		'*clown*' => 'clown.gif',
    		'~O)' => 'coffee.gif',
    		'*coffee*' => 'coffee.gif',
    		'*confused*' => 'confused.gif',
    		':-???' => 'confused.gif',
    		':???' => 'confused.gif',
    		':???:' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    		'B-)' => 'cool.gif',
    		'B)' => 'cool.gif',
    		'*is cool*' => 'cool.gif',
    		'8)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    		':cool:' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    		'8-)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    		'3:-O' => 'cow.gif',
    		'*cow*' => 'cow.gif',
    		'<):)' => 'cowboy.gif',
    		'*cowboy*' => 'cowboy.gif',
    		':((' => 'crying.gif',
    		'*cries*' => 'crying.gif',
    		':cry:' => 'icon_cry.gif',
    		'\:D/' => 'dancing.gif',
    		'*dances*' => 'dancing.gif',
    		'8->' => 'daydreaming.gif',
    		'8>' => 'daydreaming.gif',
    		'*daydreams*' => 'daydreaming.gif',
    		'>:)' => 'devil.gif',
    		'>:-)' => 'devil.gif',
    		'*evil*' => 'devil.gif',
    		':evil:' => 'icon_evil.gif',
    		'#-o' => 'doh.gif',
    		'#o' => 'doh.gif',
    		'#O' => 'doh.gif',
    		'#-O' => 'doh.gif',
    		'*doh*' => 'doh.gif',
    		'*doh!*' => 'doh.gif',
    		'=P~' => 'drooling.gif',
    		'=p~' => 'drooling.gif',
    		'*drools*' => 'drooling.gif',
    		'/:)' => 'eyebrow.gif',
    		'*eyebrow*' => 'eyebrow.gif',
    		'*raises eyebrow*' => 'eyebrow.gif',
    		':-L' => 'frustrated.gif',
    		':L' => 'frustrated.gif',
    		'*frustrated*' => 'frustrated.gif',
    		':smile:' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    		'*smile*' => 'happy.gif',
    		'*smiles*' => 'happy.gif',
    		':-)' => 'happy.gif',
    		':)' => 'happy.gif',
    		'X_X' => 'hideseyes.gif',
    		'x_x' => 'hideseyes.gif',
    		'*hides*' => 'hideseyes.gif',
    		'*hides eyes*' => 'hideseyes.gif',
    		':!!' => 'hurryup.gif',
    		':-!!' => 'hurryup.gif',
    		'*hurry*' => 'hurryup.gif',
    		'*hurry up*' => 'hurryup.gif',
    		'@-)' => 'hypnotized.gif',
    		'@)' => 'hypnotized.gif',
    		'*hypnotized*' => 'hypnotized.gif',
    		'*-:)' => 'idealightbulb.gif',
    		'*idea*' => 'idealightbulb.gif',
    		':idea:' => 'icon_idea.gif',
    		':-??' => 'Idontknow.gif',
    		':??' => 'Idontknow.gif',
    		'*dunno*' => 'Idontknow.gif',
    		':-*' => 'kiss.gif',
    		':*' => 'kiss.gif',
    		'*kiss*' => 'kiss.gif',
    		'*smooch*' => 'kiss.gif',
    		':))' => 'laughing.gif',
    		':-))' => 'laughing.gif',
    		'*lol*' => 'laughing.gif',
    		'*laugh*' => 'laughing.gif',
    		':lol:' => 'icon_lol.gif',
    		':^o' => 'liar.gif',
    		':^O' => 'liar.gif',
    		'*liar*' => 'liar.gif',
    		'L-)' => 'loser.gif',
    		'L)' => 'loser.gif',
    		'*loser*' => 'loser.gif',
    		':x' => 'lovestruck.gif',
    		':-x' => 'lovestruck.gif',
    		':-X' => 'lovestruck.gif',
    		':X' => 'lovestruck.gif',
    		'*love*' => 'lovestruck.gif',
    		'$-)' => 'moneyeyes.gif',
    		'$)' => 'moneyeyes.gif',
    		'*money*' => 'moneyeyes.gif',
    		':(|)' => 'monkey.gif',
    		'*monkey*' => 'monkey.gif',
    		':-SS' => 'nailbiting.gif',
    		':SS' => 'nailbiting.gif',
    		':-ss' => 'nailbiting.gif',
    		':ss' => 'nailbiting.gif',
    		'*bites nails*' => 'nailbiting.gif',
    		':-B' => 'nerd.gif',
    		':B' => 'nerd.gif',
    		':-b' => 'nerd.gif',
    		':b' => 'nerd.gif',
    		'*nerd*' => 'nerd.gif',
    		'%-(' => 'notlistening.gif',
    		'%(' => 'notlistening.gif',
    		'*not listening*' => 'notlistening.gif',
    		'^#(^' => 'notme.gif',
    		'*not me*' => 'notme.gif',
    		'[-(' => 'nottalking.gif',
    		'*shakes head*' => 'nottalking.gif',
    		'^:)^' => 'notworthy.gif',
    		'*not worthy' => 'notworthy.gif',
    		':-j' => 'ohgoon.gif',
    		':j' => 'ohgoon.gif',
    		'*oh go on*' => 'ohgoon.gif',
    		':)]' => 'onphone.gif',
    		'*phone hang on*' => 'onphone.gif',
    		'*phone*' => 'onphone.gif',
    		'<:-P' => 'party.gif',
    		'*party*' => 'party.gif',
    		'*noisemaker*' => 'party.gif',
    		':)>-' => 'peacesign.gif',
    		'*peace*' => 'peacesign.gif',
    		'*victory*' => 'peacesign.gif',
    		'>:P' => 'phbbbt.gif',
    		'>:-P' => 'phbbbt.gif',
    		'*phbbbt*' => 'phbbbt.gif',
    		'*raspberry*' => 'phbbbt.gif',
    		':@)' => 'pig.gif',
    		'*pig*' => 'pig.gif',
    		':ar!' => 'pirate.gif',
    		'*pirate*' => 'pirate.gif',
    		'[-O<' => 'praying.gif',
    		'*prays*' => 'praying.gif',
    		'(~~)' => 'pumpkin.gif',
    		'*pumpkin*' => 'pumpkin.gif',
    		':o3' => 'puppyeyes.gif',
    		'*puppy eyes*' => 'puppyeyes.gif',
    		'\m/' => 'rockon.gif',
    		'*rocks out*' => 'rockon.gif',
    		'=))' => 'rofl.gif',
    		'*rofl*' => 'rofl.gif',
    		'*lmao*' => 'rofl.gif',
    		'8-|' => 'rollingeyes.gif',
    		'*rolls eyes*' => 'rollingeyes.gif',
    		'*eyeroll*' => 'rollingeyes.gif',
    		':roll:' => 'icon_rolleyes.gif',
    		'@};-' => 'rose.gif',
    		'*rose*' => 'rose.gif',
    		':(' => 'sad.gif',
    		':-(' => 'sad.gif',
    		'*sad*' => 'sad.gif',
    		':sad:' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    		'[-X' => 'shameonyou.gif',
    		'[X' => 'shameonyou.gif',
    		'*shame*' => 'shameonyou.gif',
    		'*tsk*' => 'shameonyou.gif',
    		':-&' => 'sick.gif',
    		':&' => 'sick.gif',
    		'*sick*' => 'sick.gif',
    		'*retch*' => 'sick.gif',
    		'*green*' => 'sick.gif',
    		'*eww*' => 'sick.gif',
    		':-<' => 'sigh.gif',
    		':<' => 'sigh.gif',
    		'*sigh*' => 'sigh.gif',
    		'8-}' => 'silly.gif',
    		'*silly*' => 'silly.gif',
    		'8-X' => 'skull.gif',
    		'*skull*' => 'skull.gif',
    		'I-)' => 'sleepy.gif',
    		'i-)' => 'sleepy.gif',
    		'I)' => 'sleepy.gif',
    		'i)' => 'sleepy.gif',
    		'*sleepy*' => 'sleepy.gif',
    		':-$' => 'ssshhhh.gif',
    		':$' => 'ssshhhh.gif',
    		'*shh*' => 'ssshhhh.gif',
    		'*shhh*' => 'ssshhhh.gif',
    		'(*)' => 'star.gif',
    		'*star*' => 'star.gif',
    		'*gold star*' => 'star.gif',
    		':-/' => 'straightface.gif',
    		':/' => 'straightface.gif',
    		':|' => 'straightface.gif',
    		':-|' => 'straightface.gif',
    		'*frowns*' => 'straightface.gif',
    		'*frown*' => 'straightface.gif',
    		':neutral:' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    		':O' => 'surprised.gif',
    		':-O' => 'surprised.gif',
    		':o' => 'surprised.gif',
    		':-o' => 'surprised.gif',
    		'*omg*' => 'surprised.gif',
    		':eek:' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    		':shock:' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    		'8-O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    		'8O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    		'=;' => 'talktothehand.gif',
    		'*talk to the hand*' => 'talktothehand.gif',
    		';))' => 'teehee.gif',
    		'*tee hee*' => 'teehee.gif',
    		'*giggle*' => 'teehee.gif',
    		':-?' => 'thinking.gif',
    		':?' => 'thinking.gif',
    		'*thinks*' => 'thinking.gif',
    		':-q' => 'thumbsdown.gif',
    		'*thumbs down*' => 'thumbsdown.gif',
    		':-bd' => 'thumbsup.gif',
    		'*thumbs up*' => 'thumbsup.gif',
    		':-t' => 'timeout.gif',
    		'*time out*' => 'timeout.gif',
    		'*timeout*' => 'timeout.gif',
    		':P' => 'tongue.gif',
    		':-P' => 'tongue.gif',
    		'*tongue*' => 'tongue.gif',
    		':razz:' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    		':>' => 'wagglingeyebrows.gif',
    		':->' => 'wagglingeyebrows.gif',
    		'*waggle*' => 'wagglingeyebrows.gif',
    		':-w' => 'waiting.gif',
    		'*drums fingers*' => 'waiting.gif',
    		'*waits*' => 'waiting.gif',
    		':-h' => 'wave.gif',
    		'*wave*' => 'wave.gif',
    		'*waves*' => 'wave.gif',
    		'#:-S' => 'whew.gif',
    		'*whew*' => 'whew.gif',
    		'*whistles*' => 'whistling.gif',
    		';)' => 'wink.gif',
    		';-)' => 'wink.gif',
    		'*wink*' => 'wink.gif',
    		'*winks*' => 'wink.gis',
    		':wink:' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    		':-S' => 'worried.gif',
    		':-s' => 'worried.gif',
    		':S' => 'worried.gif',
    		':s' => 'worried.gif',
    		'*worries*' => 'worried.gif',
    		'(:|' => 'yawn.gif',
    		'*yawn*' => 'yawn.gif',
    		'*yawns*' => 'yawns.gif',
    		'(%)' => 'yinyang.gif',
    		'*yin yang*' => 'yinyang.gif',
    		':mrgreen:' => 'icon_mrgreen.gif',
    		':twisted:' => 'icon_twisted.gif',
    		':arrow:' => 'icon_arrow.gif',
    		':!:' => 'icon_exclaim.gif',
    		':?:' => 'icon_question.gif',
    	if (count($wpsmiliestrans) == 0) {
    	 * NOTE: we sort the smilies in reverse key order. This is to make sure
    	 * we match the longest possible smilie (:???: vs :?) as the regular
    	 * expression used below is first-match
    	$wp_smiliessearch = '/(?:\s|^)';
    	$subchar = '';
    	foreach ( (array) $wpsmiliestrans as $smiley => $img ) {
    		$firstchar = substr($smiley, 0, 1);
    		$rest = substr($smiley, 1);
    		// new subpattern?
    		if ($firstchar != $subchar) {
    			if ($subchar != '') {
    				$wp_smiliessearch .= ')|(?:\s|^)';
    			$subchar = $firstchar;
    			$wp_smiliessearch .= preg_quote($firstchar, '/') . '(?:';
    		} else {
    			$wp_smiliessearch .= '|';
    		$wp_smiliessearch .= preg_quote($rest);
    	$wp_smiliessearch .= ')(?:\s|$)/m';

    That’s probably way more than you needed to see. ??

    Samboll: Excellent! The all-round cure. You should sticky this or similar post.

    Automatic upgrade doesn’t work for me… it just sits on “unpacking core files” and a refresh doesn’t help.

    I’m curious as to which plugin bloated your database?

    Try right clicking the folder in your ftp program and changing the permissions there, to 0755.

    I can’t get the automatic update for WP to work at all, nor the initial plugin installation from within WP, though the automatic plugin update works fine.



    The answer is here.



    Ditto here, seeking answer to this question myself.



    If you’re talking about for your readers as opposed to admin, the WP-dTree plugin is great for that.



    Thread Starter shetakaey


    Never mind. I just tweaked the main css, adding style code to match the ID of the text in question.

    Thread Starter shetakaey


    I accidentally found the fix, though how this all happened is still beyond me.

    After uploading an older database, I found WP documentation on how to restore databases via phpMyAdmin (I’d been using the backup wizard on my server). I tried that, and it gave me a MySQL error on the table for the “wp_redirection” plugin log. I deleted those tables and the site returned. I then restored the newest database — saved after the site went down — and it’s working. I deleted the tables for wp_redirection and its log again just to be on the safe side.

    Thread Starter shetakaey


    This time I deleted the entire domain and started over. I still get a blank set of public pages. Someone please help. I’ll be eternally grateful.

    Must sleep.

    @rpali: I have written my host three times this week, and the third just now with a quote from you. I hope they fix this, because I’m about to go nuts.

    Originally, you said reverting to 2.3.3 didn’t help… so what did your host do to make reversion functional for you? Were they unable to provide assistance on version 2.5?

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