Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members List Plugin] Problem with the installationWell, I auto-answer to myself, at least for some points. but I have other questions.
– First, for the problem of installation. You need to create a page called members.php. Just make a copy of the default page or the default post in your theme and rename it. They are called “page.php” and “single.php”. Choose one of them.
If your current theme doesn’t include them, don’t panic, an go to the default them to copy one of them.
– Do the change as exaplained in the installation instructions.
– The instructions dont explain how to affect the theme “members.php” to your page : just go in the admin interface, modify your members page, and choose another model/guide on the left. Save, and it ‘s ok.
– There is an error in the installation instructions :
This is false :
URL for members page – This option is necessary for searching and paging through members. This URL should be the link to your members page, i.e. https://youwordpresssite/members
It dosen’t work in the version 2.8
It doesnt work either if you write in the settings : https://youwordpresssite/members.php
You need to write something like : https://youwordpresssite/?page_id=700
Where the and of the URL match the URL of the members page you created in the admin interface. That’s a detail, but you need to think to it.
– My problems :
Now, the plugin works, but
1) If I can make a search on the normal fields (last name, first name, etc), i cannot make a search on the meta fields. The tool of search is on this picture and you have a demo here.
(Here, the URL is written with “members” and it works, but i don’t know why or how)
2) I don’t understand how to create new meta fields with the “configure mark up section” ?
Id like to add meta fields “occupation, specialization, country, insitution”.
And to use them to allow seraches on these meta fields.
3) I’d like to show other fields on the directory screen.
See it, there is the gravatar, the email and site web, but I would rather to show last name, occupation, and country.
Someone know how ot do please ? ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: [Sharing contents] Using WP to share courses and researchesI finally found the solution :
Simply use the existing library but use a plugin like user-access-manager or role-scoper ton smartly custom the rights of the users. ??
Topic resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MeeNews] How to sign up for the newsletter ?Well. They are some news.
You can put the code :
– In the theme side bar file, manually
– In a page or in a post, by using a plugin like PHP ExecutionBut it doesn’t work very well. It produces a sign up form, and that’s good. But it produces something weird too, a kind of css and php functions mixed; and that’s not good.
– I wrote to the producer, and he answered me today the last 2.5 version is just finished and include a widget.
I downloaded it, but I don’t see the widget.
Still a little patience, or be brave enough to enter into the code problem. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MeeNews] How to sign up for the newsletter ?And where you tried to put the code in ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Members list / directory with extra fieldsUp please. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Is there a Member Directory type plugin?Up ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Mail2List] Mail2Press: can’t create new templateI’m sorry to not have an answer, but i’m interrested by the fact MeeNews can’t allow to sign up. I’m searching how to sign up for hours !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Is there a Member Directory type plugin?I’m searching something like that too.
I tried to post a summary here, because i think a lot of peapole could be interested in my project :
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Wanted: Membership Directory ListPerhaps it would be possible to do this collectively. I have a very similar problem. And I’m a little surprise this plugin doesn’t already exists. ??
I have posted here :
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Wiki integrationHello,
I have the same problem. I began to look for plugins “which-do-wiki” but they are not satisfying, at least, for the use I wish.
So, the solution would be an integration with an existing wiki, like mediawiki, for example.
A plugin which would do the bound between WordPress and mediawiki, with the same users and passwords, and ideally, with the same level of access.
Example : only the authors would be able to log in the wiki. ??
After a quick search, I found Ur topic and these links : the last person who had exactly the same problem as me, I suppose there is other links with teh same problematic in the forum)
But this topic is the only one where there is some suggestions. Thank U Samboll, I ‘m going to see what they say about it.
– Other search on google make me think thats not so easy. This discussion for example, but it’s a little old.
– Anyway, I think the integration of a wiki like media wiki with wordpress shoud be a frequent question for a lot of users. ??
– If I find a solution, i will post it here.
– If anyone has solved the problem, please, tell me and tell us. ??
This was a big mistake. nothing to do with the user-manager plugin in my case.
Only the host who activated the “safe mode” on the server without warning me at the same period. So I was confused.
All is ok now. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help ! Impossible to upload a file in the libraryWeel, I answer to myself ::
In fact, the problem was nothing to do with user-access-manager. This was just a temporal co-occurence which confused me.
Te truth is that the host team activated the safe mode on the server without warning me.
All is ok now.
so, this subject is “resolved”. Mea culpa. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help ! Impossible to upload a file in the libraryEven if I uninstall the plugin, and destroy the htacess file, the upload towards the library is blocked !
And when I reinstall the plugin, i seems to have keeped the previous settings, rights, groups and permissions than before. Though I checked there was no trace of the plugin in the folder “wp-content/plugins”.
Has someone an idea ?
Even if I uninstall the plugin, and destroy the htacess file, the upload towards the library is blocked !
And when I reinstall the plugin, i seems to have keeped the previous settings, rights, groups and permissions than before. Though I checked there was no trace of the plugin in the folder “wp-content/plugins”.
Has someone an idea ?
I have more or less the same problem, but i still can’t upload anything.
I explain it here :
I destroyed the htaccess file and enable again the plugin, but its still impossible to upload.