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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ecomail] Pokladna blokového editoruDěkuji za odpově?. Myslím, ?e v názvosloví je nep?esnost a ur?itě je ve WooCommerce defaultně podporovany.
Novy editor text? (nativní/defaultní editor WordPressu) je nově (2 roky?) právě Guttenberg, dnes je ?astěji nazyvany jako Blokovy editor.
M?j dotaz se vztahuje k propojení ?istého WordPressu a pluginu WooCommerce bez dal?ích plugin?. Integrace od WooCommerce ji? nyní existuje. Sta?í si v editoru vlo?it prvek WooCommerce Pokladna a je dosáhnuto stavu, na ktery se ptám. Kam by bylo pot?eba doprogramovat integraci Ecomailu.
Mám za to, ?e vyvoj WooCommerce p?jde právě tímto směrem. Aby podporoval defaultní editor v?ech text? WordPressu.
Dokumentace této ?ásti WordPressu:
Dokumentace WooCommerce pro vkládání blok? do editoru:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Profile Avatar] Latest Update Bugs+1 same problem here, deleted previous images, can’t upload new picture for users without picture, it’s creating author box at posts which I don’t want.
+1 for me I found that alerts from Sucury doesn’t send from wordpress. It’s not even in logs of sended emails of plugin Post STMP. Configuration is same as before.
Version of Sucury: 1.8.39 Version of Post SMTP: 2.5.5
It doesn’t send alerts, event doesn’t send after click on Send test at Sucury settings in Alerts card.
Please take a revision. I’m using latest versions of both plugins.
Thank you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] Child theme and requiring at file functions.phpThank you very much!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] Child theme and requiring at file functions.phpMy edit of code in file
is just changing of all heading type from <h2> to <h3> at functiongenerate_get_the_title_parameters()
because of styling.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] Child theme and requiring at file functions.phpHi Tom,
is userfull for including PHP functions and classes because of it guards that file will not be loaded twice – second load of file with function of same name cause Fattal error.It makes sense to make change requiring of files what contain only functions. That will reduce cause of massive issues like you described.
I don’t know if there is loading any other file with just functions. I know just what I inspected and there wasn’t much.
In my case I would like to change line 90 of filefunctions.php
torequire_once $theme_dir . '/inc/theme-functions.php';
For my case it’s enought. I would like to follow first thought that solution should be as universal as it can be to help all others with edditing just small part of code if they needed.Best regards,
ShippeRForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Encryption contest] Dal?í rozvojBěhem podzimu plánuji udělat revizi pluginu a s tím provozní update. Nápad na novou funkci nemám, leda bys měl nějaky pomysl ty a já to tam dokódil. @kalich5
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Encryption contest] Encryption contestHello Tele-Cole,
Lines which indicate errors contains functions mb_strpos() and mb_strtolower(). They are part of PHP module mbstring, which may be installed on your server by default (it is normally On by default in 99% of servers).
It look’s your hosting have module Off or isn’t installed.To solve this issue you need to install this module on your server
(or contact hosting support and ask them for mbstring module to turn On) you are using cpanel please check this link
Please also check
I hope that the council has helped.
ShippeRForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Encryption contest] Encryption contestHello Tele-Cole,
Error is displaying after install, or after activation? Can you make print screen for me?
I will try to solve it yesterday at night.Thanks,
ShippeRForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frontier] How to disable background image in mobile versionIt work’s good. Than’s Angelo!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frontier] How to show links in excerpt of postsYou are true. I tried showing posts without plugin Post in Pages and Advanced Excerpt really works. As you say I write to plugin author and I am waiting for his respond.
Link is added for anybody, who will follow my problem. I hope that problem will be fixed there.Thanks for your quick answer Ron Angelo!
ShippeRForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frontier] How hide border around posts on home page?It work’s great,
Thank you!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frontier] How to change the length of the posts on main page?Hi,
is here way how to enable link showing in Excerpt post on the home page?
Thank’s, ShippeR