I found it was a 2 fold problem. First, comments were not entering my database and I was getting a blank page. To have comments be entered I had to make my URI “www.shivian.com/blog” not just “shivian.com/blog” – this made comments appear in my database, however I still got a blank page. I found that this was because of the HTTP referer issue, hence I created the following simple hack which works for me, hopefully it will work for you. If it has a big hole it in or somthing (not a PHP guru, just enough knowledge to know how to modify stuff) please let me know. Thanks and goodluck to you all!
// origional
// $location = (empty($_POST[‘redirect_to’])) ? $_SERVER[“HTTP_REFERER”] : $_POST[‘redirect_to’];
// shivian.com hack
$location = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’];