Forum Replies Created
Hmm, I can’t reproduce this myself so first thing’s first, are you using the latest version of the plugin, 1.2? Next, do the entries appear in the wrong order on the gallery admin page or is it just when they are being displayed on the web page?
It’s something I will look into definitely, the only concern I have is that I once installed a gallery plugin where you could have multiple ‘galleries’ but the thing was a nightmare to administer. I’ve just found out that my plugin is used on ?? and the web designer wrote a blog entry about it saying how easy it was to use. I don’t want to spoil that so I need to think up a way to have multiple galleries but retaining the simplicity of the admin interface. Any ideas would of course be greatly appreciated!
Hi, sorry for the very delayed response, did you get this working?
Hi, sorry for the very delayed reply, did you get this working? Sounds like a JavaScript problem, does your browser have JavaScript disabled?
Hi, that looks really nice but it will take a little bit of time, more than I have at the moment! I promise I will look at it as soon as I get the chance.
vHi, sorry for the very slow reply, did you manage to get this working?
Instructions are in the readme.txt file and also in Settings -> Featured Content Options. You can also find these (basic) instructions at
As for 2 instances, not possible to have 2 on 1 page at the moment but it wouldn’t be too hard to implement, I’ll look into it when I get the chance, just a bit busy at the moment.
Hi there, in theory there is no real limit on how many pictures you can put on. Just the size of you site. The plugin works by loading the images onto the page so as many as a browser can handle which is quite a lot these days.
Changing the order of the images and being able to disable/enable images would be nice features that shouldn’t be too hard to implement, I’ll look into it.
As for the positioning, I’m not sure what you mean. There is no option to change the position of the slideshow. It is designed to be moved as 1 object using CSS. You could also move the images within the slideshow about using css. What are you trying to achieve?
If you can tell me the exact code and where it goes I’ll put it straight in and add you as a contributor???
Probably quite easy to do, I’ll build it in when I get chance, sorry I don’t have time to do it straight away.
sweet, I’ll add it in as soon as I get chance, thanks.
I have updated the plugin so that any unnecessary CSS has been removed from the plugin css file. In the future I need to find a way to include the CSS file BEFORE the template CSS file has been added. This way you could override all the plugin’s CSS without having problems when upgrading. This is how it should be I think.
Hmm, problems like these are one of the reasons I published this plugin. I will get them fixed as soon as I can.
I could not find a good way to delete the actual image files. You can click on the cross icon on the gallery to delete a ‘slide’ however the image remains on the server. You could delete it by ftp but really it should be deleted when you delete the ‘slide’. I need suggestions, on Apache I can use unlink in php but if people are using IIS, this fails and I have had problems with using system(“del file”); recently as well. Any suggestions?
As for the CSS, I think this is just left over from when I created the plugin for a specific situation. I will have to think about what CSS should be included with the plugin and what should be left up to the user.
I’m on a train right now so I won’t be doing this at the moment. In fact I’ve got loads of stuff to do which makes money so unfortunately this will be left in the background for a short while. Of course, if someone wants to do the work for me… ??
Are you doing it wrong? I hope so!
So, to add a photo, as and administrator you go to Settings->Featured Content Gallery (not Featured Content Settings) and fill in the form then press save.
If you are already doing all this then what exactly do you mean you are not able to add any photos? Is there an error? Do you submit the form and the photos don’t appear? Or is it something else.
Hope I can help, and if there is no error but you think it is not obvious what to do then I will need to change the FAQ or installation instructions etc.