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  • Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Is there any word on how I may be able to fix this problem? I need to start looking for a different slideshow plugin if I can’t get this working in the next couple of days or so. Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Thank you, hopefully he’ll have time before I have to launch. It’d be a shame to have to just use a static photo.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Thanks for the link, but it doesn’t appear to be the same issue: The Lightbox animates to fit the slideshow, but I need the slideshow to animate to fit the container.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    There’s no animation in Twenty Fourteen so it wouldn’t do any good to test it there. The slideshow works, it loads fine and it resizes fine when the window is resized, it just doesn’t resize with the animated width.

    I don’t think the theme is to blame… It’s looking to me like the javascript handles the resize or something and isn’t responding to the container width. I can limit the max-width from the plugin settings but only by pixels, not by percent. If I add max-width:100% to all the divs and images in the stylesheet, it disappears completely.

    I don’t know if this helps you but I was bored so I checked this out.

    (also you misspelled the url above)

    There’s a position:relative !important; on div.slideshow_content. I have no idea why it’s not working the way it is but if I change it to position:absolute !important; it works in Chrome and Firefox.

    Maybe if you add:

    .slideshow_container .slideshow_content {
    position: absolute !important;

    to your stylesheet it will work? I’m not sure what kind of hierarchy you’ve got though – it might get overruled anyway. You could try changing it in the slideshow’s stylesheet.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Just tried it, left it so you can see. The top one uses the php call and the bottom one uses the shortcode – it does the same thing.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Here it is. I haven’t done any testing so I have no idea yet if you’ll see what I’m seeing layout-wise, but you should at least be able to see the issue:

    If you scroll, it should animate and the slideshow doesn’t shrink, but if you resize the browser it’ll snap to the right size.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Hmm, okay, well as I mentioned it used to work great so the error must be from either a plugin update or a wordpress update. In any case, thanks for looking into it. Is there active work being done on the plugin? I have three sites that use this function and one that will be launching soon, and it’d be a huge pain to go add ten independent date pickers or something so that they have the option of multiple event dates, only to change it back when it gets fixed.

    If the error does not happen with the new example-functions code I can try to update mine. I’d love to avoid that but I’ll do it if it’d be a faster solution.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    I’m looking at the current example-functions.php file and it’s a bit different than mine. I’m wondering if an update messed things up? Do I need to re-do all of my fields? I have a lot of them – this one’s the only one not working right.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Thanks for the reply, Michael.

    That is the whole code. There are other fields but they’re done the same way.

    This is the complete setup:

    function cmb2_hide_if_no_cats( $field ) {
    	// Don't show this field if not in the cats category
    	if ( ! has_tag( 'cats', $field->object_id ) ) {
    		return false;
    	return true;
    add_filter( 'cmb2_meta_boxes', 'cmb2_event_metaboxes' );
     * Define the metabox and field configurations.
     * @param  array $meta_boxes
     * @return array
    function cmb2_event_metaboxes( array $meta_boxes ) {
    	// Start with an underscore to hide fields from custom fields list
    	$prefix = '_cmb2_';
    	 * Sample metabox to demonstrate each field type included
    	$meta_boxes['event_metabox'] = array(
    		'id'            => 'event_metabox',
    		'title'         => __( 'Event Details', 'cmb2' ),
    		'object_types'  => array( 'event', ), // Post type
    		'context'       => 'normal',
    		'priority'      => 'high',
    		'show_names'    => true, // Show field names on the left
    		// 'cmb_styles' => true, // Enqueue the CMB stylesheet on the frontend
    		'fields'        => array(
    				'name' => __( 'Date(s) & Time(s)', 'cmb2' ),
    				'desc' => __( 'Description', 'cmb2' ),
    				'id'   => $prefix . 'date_time',
    				'type' => 'text_datetime_timestamp',
    				'repeatable' => true,
    // Add other metaboxes as needed
    	return $meta_boxes;

    Just for the record though if you delete the old one and upload the zip file provided above, you’ll have to set it up all over again. Fortunately I hadn’t started using it but all of my languages are gone.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Nevermind, I found the zip file that you gave to someone else with this question. I still think it’s annoying that I cannot ever update this plugin though without losing that functionality, please consider adding it back in as an option.

    For those who need it, here it is, and if you have the same question I had – no you won’t lose all your galleries if you uninstall the new one and install this one instead.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish



    I had to copy/paste everything in the example-functions.php and put it all in my functions.php to get it to work. I think there’s a way to tell the example-functions.php file to load while keeping it separate but I never figured it out.

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Yep, that worked, thanks!

    Thread Starter Head Goldfish


    Okay, I haven’t tested all of it but it appears that this worked! Yes I installed CMB2 fresh. The old one was working perfectly and then all of a sudden WordPress gave me an error on the plugins page and it all vanished, even though the old files were still in my plugin folder. I agree that it’s strange but in any case, I deleted the old files completely and installed the CMB2 plugin from WordPress. Then I followed your lead, deleted the require for init.php from the example-functions.php, and added everything else in that file to my theme’s functions.php.

    I think what I wasn’t clear on was that I had to add the example-functions to my theme’s functions, because it sounded like I could keep those two documents separate, and also that I had to remove the requre for init.php if installing as a plugin.

    Thank you for your quick reply! I’m setting this up for a client so I’ll be glad to get moving again.

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