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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Managing menus

    Hi vizion2000,

    the best way to create your own theme will be to edit the default themes(parent theme of wp)
    So to create your own theme these the follwoing changes you have to make:-

    Step 1:Create seperate folder/directory under “THEME” directory of wp.

    Step 2: Named that directory “My Theme”
    Step 3: Copy all files and folders from “Twenty Eleven” themes into your new theme.
    Step 4: remove default css from /My Theme/style.css and at the top of this file,change theme name as “My Theme”
    Step 5: put ALL REQUIRED IMAGES,JS,CSS on separate folder under your theme.

    Step 6:Change the existing code of header.php,index.php,footer.php,single.php and page.php at least.

    Then go to your admin panel and refresh your page and you will see at Appearance > Themes your named theme is available.Just make it activate and enjoy!!!


    By help of mysqli we can do batch statement query for say any transaction oriented situation.So that either all queries will be executed or none of them.

    Hi chiefbief,
    Regarding your “Some problems i cannot resolve”
    for second one you have to edit fields name in wp-admin/comment.php to show your name and the company are visible.

    and for the first solution. you have to do changes on wp core files.

    Hope this will help you.

    Hi BAC,

    Since this problem would be solved by using custom Query.
    Try given below query:

    $querystr = “SELECT post_title,name,post_date,post_content FROM wp_terms,wp_posts,wp_term_relationships where (wp_terms.term_id = wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id and wp_term_relationships.object_id = wp_posts.ID) and wp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’ order by wp_posts.post_date DESC”;

    by using this query you will get all latest posts of each category.

    You can run this query on your phpmyadmin section.

    i hope this might help you.

    Hi jasjot,
    For this situation yes you can install another wordpress.
    Like your currently site is i suppose.then you have to make another wordpress installation in public_html directory say “blog” where you can put all wordpress files and directories.

    if you don’t want to create seperate database then just its wp-config.php,put different table prefix having same database name.

    then your site will look like


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Managing menus

    Hi vizion2000,
    you can do all these things by editing your code on header.php which is present in wp-content/themes/your-own-themes.

    you you made your theme from twenty-eleven then you have to0 delete code from line no.78 to 113.
    Now put your logic for image on/off(may be some sort of status passes) which will be passed from your custom plugins from admin panel.

    In your custom plugin you have to make one custom form having option of “Header Image” on/off.If on then status will be 1 other wise 0 make store it to database.

    while displaying on home page,it will check weither status is 1/0 accordingly image(header) will be displayed.

    Hope this will help you

    Hi l10sworld,
    put your shortcode into contact page.[contact-form-7 id=”359″ title=”Contact form 1″].and update your contact form 7 plugin to its latest version.
    It will surely work!!!

    on wp-config.php,
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘db1’);

    put your database name over there where your wp_tbl1 exist.say db1.
    put this query together and when onclick event will oddours both will be fired.

    $wpdb->query(“INSERT INTO wp_tbl1 (ID, name) VALUES (NULL, ‘abc’)”);

    $wpdb->query(“INSERT INTO db2.wp_tbl2 (T_ID, emp_name) VALUES (NULL, ’employee name’)”);

    I hope this will help you.


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