here is confusing part for me .
let say .. i am using .. theme ABC —
which will find the folder inside wp-content/theme/ABC .
but i now want to use Theme 123
which is found in
the confusing part is – how do i link .. Single123.php
which i created .
< ?php
$category = get_the_category();
$currentcat = $category[0]->cat_ID;
if (file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH."/single-$currentcat".".php")) {
} else {
this tell me the single file i create , but to me is like a missing link to allow the theme in another folder to be used .
i am sorry for asking silly question , but i am totlaly lost here.
a theme need index.php + style.css ( ? )
any good example .. of index,php using one theme . and single( renamed ).php using asnother theme .
a code example would be cool ??
Thanks for the fast reply