So I went ahead and backuped everything, deleted everything, and reinstalled, emptying the database out as to recover it via sql dump, and was amazed that my options returned, until I restored the sql dump and i was back at phase one.
Deactivated all the plugins to see if it had any affect and it absolutely did, as the options were back with the plugins, so i had to activate each one refreshing my admin page to see which plugin was causing it and it turned out that it was the wordpress email notification version 2.3.1. Ah well, had to deactivate it and will tryin downloading and activating it again later to see if it was just a bug in my files or if the plugin is actually not getting along with wordpress 2.5.
Relieved that it was only the plugin that’s not super essential for me at the moment. If anyone else has a clue why this plugin caused such an error and how to fix it or at least can suggest another email notifier plugin that doesn’t have the same bug, please do so.
Cheers for now,